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US 2016 Presidential Election

LEONARD RIP, could have written this about tuesday & the state of USA

Studio version, the poor stay poor the rich get rich, everybody knows
Everybody know the deal is rotton.......

LEONARD RIP, could have written this about tuesday & the state of USA

Studio version, the poor stay poor the rich get rich, everybody knows
Everybody know the deal is rotton.......

Trump will make the poor ever poorer and the rich even richer. He's a republican. It is in their blood. They hate the poor. Trump bamboozled them with promises of golden streets and candy rain, now the establishment of politics will continue with a lot more pain.
"everybody knows that the dice are loaded” and “everybody knows that the good guys lost”
I am not in USA @Khun Khun , what makes you think I am?
Kind of passionate about politics, guess that isn't very Aussie")

The very sad side of this result, not something I had considered...
I had no idea how profoundly girls were hoping for this...

My Daughter Grew Up Believing She Could Do Anything
By Lisa Miller

All three of us had gone to vote very early that morning — Josephine (12), my husband, Charlie, and me — and we were high, ebullient, at the prospect of electing the first woman president.
....Josephine is a girl with superhero dreams.
...When you ask her what she wants to be, her answer has, for years, been the same: a fashion photographer, a lawyer, or president.

....So when we woke her up, and it wasn’t with happy news
'Trump won,” she said, and I said yes. And we lay there for a while. And then she started to cry.

“It’s not possible,” she said.

“What’s not?” I asked, dreading her reply.

“It’s not possible: A girl can’t be president.”

“If Hillary Clinton, the most badass person, who wants it the most and tries harder than anyone, can’t win, then I can’t either,” she told me.

Kids and families leaving hearts and message for Hillary outside her headquarters.


There is no country on earth with an American diaspora population larger than that country’s diaspora in the United States… except for Australia. Apparently Americans like Aussies more than the Aussies like us.

They sneak in, but their food outlets are popping up more and more.

America has had plenty of these thick headed presidents, but usually the party takes up the slack, as in Bush & Reagan days, the party and vice seem to run the place when they have a dumbo in.
But can Trump work with the party that hates him?

I can't stand that we have to endure that foul face further, and worse - that whole sucky family and his bimbo wife will be shoved at us.
Isn't that the biggest joke, first lady is his what 4th?
I read this and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Sorry. @kxk
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I am sorry @Khun Khun I didn't make it clear that bit is a quote.

Read that Trumpland article @pecan how sad, Obama is still there and he has to watch his country burn with awfulness
haha, it's funny cos it's true. Oh. :(

We made it through George W's presidency, so there's hope we will make it through Trump's. Who knows, maybe he won't get returned in 2020? There's always hope.

I saw a graph that showed 10 million fewer Democrats voted this election than in 2012. People truly wanted Obama. Hillary, not so much.

I had a conversation with a friend over a year ago. She is an American and a Republican. She is the only Republican I know, and she is an amazing human being. She lives close to Washington DC and she expressed her concern at the time that white women didn't "like" Hilary. She couldn't understand why and even as a Republican, she couldn't "get" the Hilary hate. Maybe instead of "blaming" Hilary, the Democrats need to take a long hard look in the mirror at their own self implosion. My interpretation of fewer Democrats voting would indicate they were happy for Trump to be President or they were too lazy to vote and assumed Hilary would win. I don't think they are going to risk their beliefs just because they don't like the candidate. Especially when the alternative is so bad. The self proclaimed "Democrats" have a lot to answer for
Okay, my take on this? Trump was as surprised that he won as Hillary was that she lost. Sucks to be him, he's going to have to be a grown up now. Hillary came across as having it in the bag from the get go, and women like to tear down women who are better than they are, and men just don't like women who are more capable than they are.
As to what has been going on since the result, would have anyway, just from a different angle. The world is changing, and America is part of the world, even though most think they ARE the world.
The haters were always going to hate, the kids were always going to be pricks and incite violence so they could brag to they're mates, and "mothers" were always going to say their daughter cried that a woman couldn't be the President of the US. To sum up. all bullshit, didn't go your way, suck it up. Went your way, don't be an ass. Sadly in this day and age, and face it people, the next one could be Kanye, the world as we knew it has passed.
On your point @Tuttle, article below...and I always thought he didn't think he had a hope in hell of winning, and was just posturing.
He always presented so much like a thwarted kid, pissed off spoilt brat with some other agenda.
And the pics off him at the Whitehouse - could anyone look more out of place and weird, he has the petulant brat face on, but is praying, HELP, what do I do now!!!!!


I reckon he is shit scared.
Body language readers describe him as tentative and afraid, and praying

“DONALD Trump never actually wanted to be President of the United States.”

If this statement is true, you have to wonder why he’s kept up such a gruelling fight over the past 18 months.

You also have to wonder how one man can become the leader of the free world without having the drive to do so. What does a celebrity billionaire who already has wealth and prestige have to gain?

But documentary filmmaker and author Michael Moore has been adamant the eccentric real estate mogul was never seriously gunning for the top job.

Why should we care what Moore has to say? Because against the mainstream media, public pollsters, five living presidents, global markets, and Democratic and Republican leaders alike, he was the only person who spectacularly predicted that Mr Trump would become president.

All the way back in July, he published a post entitled ‘5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win’.

“I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I gave it to you straight last summer when I told you that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for president. And now I have even more awful, depressing news for you: Donald J. Trump is going to win in November.”

Turns out we all should have paid more attention to that post at the time.

Three months ago, in a post that fast went viral, Moore theorised that Mr Trump never actually set out with the serious ambition of becoming president.

“Trump was unhappy with his deal as host and star of his hit NBC show, The Apprentice,” he explained on his website. “Simply put, he wanted more money. He had floated the idea before of possibly running for president in the hopes that the attention from that would make his negotiating position stronger.

“But he knew, as the self-proclaimed king of the deal-makers, that saying you’re going to do something is bupkus — DOING it is what
makes the bastards sit up and pay attention.”

He says Mr Trump’s decision to run for President — not the actual campaign, but the mere announcement of it — would be the “Big Card” through which he could strengthen his hand and secure him whatever financial deal he wanted.

Only it didn’t quite pan out that way. Following an outlandish first press conference, in which the Republican pledged to keep the Mexican “rapists” and “drug dealers” out of America by building a wall, NBC immediately ended its business relationship with him.

The network put out a statement saying: “Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr Trump.”

In other words, if Mr Trump’s initial presser had been less outrageous — or perhaps if NBC had conceded, kept him on and offered him the money he was after — he never would have run for president.

As Mr Trump’s popularity continued to rise, Moore contended he attempted to sabotage his own campaign in order to get out of the election. From insulting the family of a fallen US soldier to suggesting his supporters use gun violence to stop Hillary Clinton, Moore believes it was all orchestrated to get Mr Trump out of the running.

Only it didn’t work. Hell, not even a surfaced recording of him bragging about how he could sexually assault women and get away with it worked.

America rejected their alternatives, voted him in, and now it’s his job to govern.


There’s been a lot of discussion since the election as to who’s at “fault” for Mr Trump’s rise to power.

Hillary Clinton was too corrupt. Bernie Sanders was too socialist. Ted Cruz was too moderate.

But America’s mainstream media has copped much of the blame, being accused of ignorance, bias and shamelessly promoting Mr Trump’s campaign for the sake of selling newspapers and ad revenue, all while never taking the outlandish billionaire or his growing support base seriously.

In a comment piece for The Washington Post, Margaret Sullivan writes that the media gave Mr Trump his chance at the top job.

“Did journalists create Trump? Of course not — they don’t have that kind of power. But they helped him tremendously, with huge amounts of early, unfiltered exposure in the months leading up to the Republican primary season.”

She quoted Peter Thiel, the billionaire who spent millions of dollars to help Hulk Hogan put Gawker of business.

Speaking at the National Press Club, Mr Thiel said: “The media is always taking Trump literally. It never takes him seriously, but it always takes him literally.”

Voters, on the other hand, weren’t so concerned with details. They were concerned with what his so-called promises symbolised. Pledging to “build a wall” didn’t mean Mr Trump was going to literally build a wall.

“What they hear is, ‘We’re going to have a saner, more sensible immigration policy’,” said Mr Thiel.

He successfully got hold of America’s disengagement with Washington and used that to his advantage. The media’s mistake was to understate his impact.
On your point @Tuttle, article below...and I always thought he didn't think he had a hope in hell of winning, and was just posturing.
He always presented so much like a thwarted kid, pissed off spoilt brat with some other agenda.
And the pics off him at the Whitehouse - could anyone look more out of place and weird, he has the petulant brat face on, but is praying, HELP, what do I do now!!!!!
Yep. I agree with that.
The media now has it's headlines for the next four years.
On your point @Tuttle, article below...and I always thought he

If this statement is true, you have to wonder why he’s kept up such a gruelling fight over the past 18 months.

You also have to wonder how one man can become the leader of the free world without having the drive to do so. What does a celebrity billionaire who already has wealth and prestige have to gain?

There's a bit of contradictory thought in a lot of the "Trump didn't want to be President.. Now he has to work."

He worked his arse off to become President. This even acknowledges that but I think an issue is how hard he was working was ignored by the press. While Hillary was off studying for debates, Trump was criss crossing the country in his jet holding rallies and meeting the people everywhere.

One of the complaints his supporters had was that he was doing so many events attended by large numbers of people and they got zero widespread coverage.

He did not cake walk into the job. He worked hard and people shouldn't pretend he didn't just because they'd rather sit around and criticise him.

All this crap about, "he looks terrified." Even if he was qualified with experience for it, he should look terrified.
I know I'll be shaking my head at stuff that goes on over the next few years in America but I am not terrified, upset or worried about a Trump Presidency.

I think a lot of hysteria over him winning is because of the media bias. Hillary should win was the default thought and because people knew she was actually a bad candidate they just attacked Trump and because of who he is it is easy. He kept defying all logic and so these Hilter exaggeration was drawn on him and everyone ignored why people preferred him to Hillary.

If people wanted the first female President they should have nominated Elizabeth Warren. Hillary did not lose because of her gender, she lost because people didn't want to vote for her.

George H W Bush was vice president 1981-1989
He was President from 1989-1993
Bill Clinton was President from 1993-2001
George W Bush was president from 2001-2009
Hillary Clinton was secretary of state from 2009 - 2013

That is a lot of time for the same families to be high up on control with out adding another 4 or 8 years of one of them as President.

People are unhappy with the system which they feel doesn't work for them, so nominating Clinton was a mistake. She should have bowed out after she lost to Obama. People said they didn't want her then. This time people also said it and it seems the party rigged it against who people wanted.

Trump, his party didn't want him but he won the nomination.

Listen to the people.

People also dislike Hillary, which is something I think we are immune to here to a large extent. I travel a fair bit, have a lot of American friends and interacted with a lot. Spending half of last year in the America's, you'd be surprised how much hate I heard for Hillary and Obama. Also Obamacare, a lot of people hated it and found it infuriating and more expensive. We here focus on the people it covered that didn't have coverage and the shit healthcare system in the USA to think it must be better. It's apparently a mess, even Hillary talked about making a lot of changes to it. It also was not what people were told they were getting. Choice of doctors, cheaper insurance and so forth.

People are not happy.

What annoys me is that people are far more upset and emotional at a racist, misogynist climate denier becoming US president than one becoming Prime Minister here with Abbott. Or the fact for the most part our government is held hostage over people with such ignorant views.

As for foreign policy, Clinton is awful. She believes in the Henry Kissinger style of US leadership in the world. She was involved in coups while secretary of state. She has complete hypocrisy with governments and regimes she supports and does business with. Her as secretary of state and policies of supporting the Saudi's and insurgencies is responsible for the mess we have in Libya, Syria and Iraq today.

Why on the left did we all suddenly give up on US foreign policy? Year the Iraq war was awful, but what has happened since is awful.

At least Trump has consistently been against this awful US foreign policy. We don't know what Trump will be like but Hillary is more of the same foreign policies and potential conflict with China.

I suspect a lot of people got fatigue and threw up their hands at US foreign policy after Obama didn't really fix anything. I was there in the protests for the Iraq war and was amazed how after Obama people just seemed to give up.

Hillary was not a good choice and there is a lot wrong with her. People forget this. Yeah there's a shitload wrong with Trump and people like Pence are awful.

However there is such a mischaracterisation of both of them and what they stand for.

End of the day the USA will go on pretty much the same as it can be. Where is the "HOPE AND CHANGE" Obama was meant to bring?We know he knows a lot better but the system is what is powerful.

This is reality, there are some positives to Trump, he isn't Hitler and a lot of his policies are to the left. The danger is he lets the republican's go nuts.

However end of the day, for you or me here in Australia nothing will be different. US is a democracy, they voted, lets hope for the best. The plus side is at least Trump's world view is nicer and doesn't have America fucking with countries for their own interests. Remember Clinton said Kissinger's view of the world applies today. He's someone who should have been on trial for war crimes and responsible for millions of deaths.

Will I think Trump be a good president. Nah, but there is Zero chance Hillary would have been either because of her world view of American dominance and interference. Especially covertly and behind the scenes.
I know I'll be shaking my head at stuff that goes on over the next few years in America but I am not terrified, upset or worried about a Trump Presidency.

I think a lot of hysteria over him winning is because of the media bias. Hillary should win was the default thought and because people knew she was actually a bad candidate they just attacked Trump and because of who he is it is easy. He kept defying all logic and so these Hilter exaggeration was drawn on him and everyone ignored why people preferred him to Hillary.

If people wanted the first female President they should have nominated Elizabeth Warren. Hillary did not lose because of her gender, she lost because people didn't want to vote for her.

George H W Bush was vice president 1981-1989
He was President from 1989-1993
Bill Clinton was President from 1993-2001
George W Bush was president from 2001-2009
Hillary Clinton was secretary of state from 2009 - 2013

That is a lot of time for the same families to be high up on control with out adding another 4 or 8 years of one of them as President.

People are unhappy with the system which they feel doesn't work for them, so nominating Clinton was a mistake. She should have bowed out after she lost to Obama. People said they didn't want her then. This time people also said it and it seems the party rigged it against who people wanted.

Trump, his party didn't want him but he won the nomination.

Listen to the people.

People also dislike Hillary, which is something I think we are immune to here to a large extent. I travel a fair bit, have a lot of American friends and interacted with a lot. Spending half of last year in the America's, you'd be surprised how much hate I heard for Hillary and Obama. Also Obamacare, a lot of people hated it and found it infuriating and more expensive. We here focus on the people it covered that didn't have coverage and the shit healthcare system in the USA to think it must be better. It's apparently a mess, even Hillary talked about making a lot of changes to it. It also was not what people were told they were getting. Choice of doctors, cheaper insurance and so forth.

People are not happy.

What annoys me is that people are far more upset and emotional at a racist, misogynist climate denier becoming US president than one becoming Prime Minister here with Abbott. Or the fact for the most part our government is held hostage over people with such ignorant views.

As for foreign policy, Clinton is awful. She believes in the Henry Kissinger style of US leadership in the world. She was involved in coups while secretary of state. She has complete hypocrisy with governments and regimes she supports and does business with. Her as secretary of state and policies of supporting the Saudi's and insurgencies is responsible for the mess we have in Libya, Syria and Iraq today.

Why on the left did we all suddenly give up on US foreign policy? Year the Iraq war was awful, but what has happened since is awful.

At least Trump has consistently been against this awful US foreign policy. We don't know what Trump will be like but Hillary is more of the same foreign policies and potential conflict with China.

I suspect a lot of people got fatigue and threw up their hands at US foreign policy after Obama didn't really fix anything. I was there in the protests for the Iraq war and was amazed how after Obama people just seemed to give up.

Hillary was not a good choice and there is a lot wrong with her. People forget this. Yeah there's a shitload wrong with Trump and people like Pence are awful.

However there is such a mischaracterisation of both of them and what they stand for.

End of the day the USA will go on pretty much the same as it can be. Where is the "HOPE AND CHANGE" Obama was meant to bring?We know he knows a lot better but the system is what is powerful.

This is reality, there are some positives to Trump, he isn't Hitler and a lot of his policies are to the left. The danger is he lets the republican's go nuts.

However end of the day, for you or me here in Australia nothing will be different. US is a democracy, they voted, lets hope for the best. The plus side is at least Trump's world view is nicer and doesn't have America fucking with countries for their own interests. Remember Clinton said Kissinger's view of the world applies today. He's someone who should have been on trial for war crimes and responsible for millions of deaths.

Will I think Trump be a good president. Nah, but there is Zero chance Hillary would have been either because of her world view of American dominance and interference. Especially covertly and behind the scenes.

I remember during the loooong election season feeling uneasy about Clinton winning and becoming President because it felt kind of like a Monarchy? I know that is a bad analogy but that is what it felt like.