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Restaurant faces closure after customers take advantage of their 'pay what you want' policy and fork out less than $3 a meal
That's shameful. I lived in Newtown and I know that most of the people eating there are young hipsters who can afford to pay properly.

They probably need to put up a sign explaining that they would suggest a payment of at least $10 per meal "if you can afford it". They're paying $2700/week in rent!
Not surprising that people will take advantage of that sort of thing. Humanity is essentially bad. Those poor restaurant owners.
Yet @reepbot Melbourne people have supported the concept for 14 years, and we now have 4 suburban restaurants...
Humanity is actually essentially good...and Sydney will be the losers for Lentil As does more than feed people healthy food.

There are far more good people in this world than there are nasties, we would never survive if this wasn't so, it's just the nasties make more noise & trouble.
Yet @reepbot Melbourne people have supported the concept for 14 years, and we now have 4 suburban restaurants...
Humanity is actually essentially good...and Sydney will be the losers for Lentil As does more than feed people healthy food.

There are far more good people in this world than there are nasties, we would never survive if this wasn't so, it's just the nasties make more noise & trouble.

you are a better person than me.
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Or maybe people have been mean to you when they should not:)Same as on this forum - I never get why posters get upset with your lovely fanciful and imaginative posting.
Or maybe people have been mean to you when they should not:)Same as on this forum - I never get why posters get upset with your lovely fanciful and imaginative posting.

thank you for your kind words. i think i give as good as i get though.
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Not surprising that people will take advantage of that sort of thing. Humanity is essentially bad. Those poor restaurant owners.
Spotted just now on FB:

This is a Response on Lentils Sydney page,

"We are a bit sad about this article!
Lentil as Anything would like to clarify that soundbites in this article are not direct quotes from Rose or anyone at Lentils.
We do not think our diners are selfish! We think our diners are open, generous, and wonderful.
We are so grateful to this fabulous vibrant community for all it's support in continuing to #keeplentilsalive.
It is such a shame that we have a media that loves to sell bad-news stories and focuses on anything that appears to reflect negatively on our community.
We love you all."
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Yet @reepbot Melbourne people have supported the concept for 14 years, and we now have 4 suburban restaurants...
Humanity is actually essentially good...and Sydney will be the losers for Lentil As does more than feed people healthy food.

There are far more good people in this world than there are nasties, we would never survive if this wasn't so, it's just the nasties make more noise & trouble.
I ate at the Abbotsford one years ago and paid $15 for my main meal. I figured it was roughly what I'd pay in a standard payment restaurant at the time. It was a great atmosphere and a good meal.
Not surprising that people will take advantage of that sort of thing. Humanity is essentially bad. Those poor restaurant owners.

If Anne believed in humanity being good, do you think we have changed for the worse since then?
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i think so. but that is just my personal opinion.
In what ways? I'm not arguing just curious. I personally think there are ways we are worse but maybe there are ways we are better to counter-balance?
In what ways? I'm not arguing just curious. I personally think there are ways we are worse but maybe there are ways we are better to counter-balance?

- climate change.

- global warming.

- people only think for themselves.

- terrorism.

- bigotry.

- war
- climate change.

- global warming.

- people only think for themselves.

- terrorism.

- bigotry.

- war
I think we can safely say bigotry and war were around at the time Anne Frank was alive.

Yes my initial thought was people are more self centric than previously, but I wonder if that is a consequence of other things in society, such as population growth and industry growth, that we simply don't know how to do things in the same way anymore. In the past, and in some current communities, families and communities were more community focussed. You still see that in some indigenous communities where it is the elders, or other family members all helping each other to raise families, and contribute. Yet for many people, myself included, live nowhere near family, and don't even know their neighbours. We have certainly lost a sense of community

I then thought about the ways in which we are not so self centric anymore. I think children are seen as people, with opinions and things to say far more today than in the 1940's. And for that matter females are seen more as people too!

whilst this society has lead to the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, you cant say all rich are scum. I think while there are many Donald Trumps in the world, there are also the Richard Bransons' who give back, and seek to make the world genuinely better.

Climate Change/Global warming is a tough one, as I think the majority of people do know things need to change, but unfortunately the ones who really have the ability to impact the biggest changes are not doing what needs to be done.

Thats my two cents worth anyways :)
I think we can safely say bigotry and war were around at the time Anne Frank was alive.

Yes my initial thought was people are more self centric than previously, but I wonder if that is a consequence of other things in society, such as population growth and industry growth, that we simply don't know how to do things in the same way anymore. In the past, and in some current communities, families and communities were more community focussed. You still see that in some indigenous communities where it is the elders, or other family members all helping each other to raise families, and contribute. Yet for many people, myself included, live nowhere near family, and don't even know their neighbours. We have certainly lost a sense of community

I then thought about the ways in which we are not so self centric anymore. I think children are seen as people, with opinions and things to say far more today than in the 1940's. And for that matter females are seen more as people too!

whilst this society has lead to the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, you cant say all rich are scum. I think while there are many Donald Trumps in the world, there are also the Richard Bransons' who give back, and seek to make the world genuinely better.

Climate Change/Global warming is a tough one, as I think the majority of people do know things need to change, but unfortunately the ones who really have the ability to impact the biggest changes are not doing what needs to be done.

Thats my two cents worth anyways :)

ok. that makes sense.
ok. that makes sense.
to be fair though I work in the not for profit sector, so I work around a disproportionately high number of people who have a lot of humanity, so I may not be the best judge!
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you are a good person, madam.

what news sites do you browse?
nothing exciting - mostly trashy ones like and huffington post I refuse to pay for news, when most journos now days source twitter! i do read NZ herald too. Also some ABC stuff. I am linked to a few sources on facebook so I get to there quite often from facebook.

and you?