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Doctor Who

…I’m guessing that David does a few episodes and then regenerates and morphs into the black Doctor?… cheers.
The new Tardis interior is my favourite yet 💙
I wonder how much it will change for Ncuti.

…it’s mine too… it’s up there with Hartnell’s and Tenant‘s too… I absolutely love it!… and Donna being Donna and what she did to the console with her coffee was priceless lol!…

…I’m so not anti female or racist by any means…. but when The Doctor was becoming a female with Jodie I carried on like a pork chop about it… I was so totally against it because my introduction to The Doctor was as a grandfatherly figure in Hartnell… so when The Doctor eventually became a female… well that was a big jump for me… but eventually Jodie won me over god bless her portrayal of The Doctor… (although some of those scripts they gave her were pure shit for her to act with… the poor woman… but she still pulled it off well regardless)…

…as for Ncuti?… well… I’m totally undecided about that at the moment… I mean… when I heard that The Doctor will now be black I have to admit it… I thought… “what will he regenerate to next?… will he be Chinese?… perhaps a Russian?… (they’re soooo popular at the moment)… (not!)… but I’m willing to give him a go… he deserves that at least… when I was 10 I thought that The Doctor would always be an ‘old’ fatherly or grandfatherly gruff sort of character but he’s been quite the opposite lol!… so I guess this incarnation will be quite an eye opener too… so let’s see eh?… you never know… I might actually end up liking him… his companion might as well be a clone of Rose Tyler from what I’ve seen… here’s to the future of Doctor Who… I sure hope it works… (sorry to be such a Debbie Downer lol!)… cheers.
I preferred the first ep so far. Wild Blue Yonder has some great Doctor & Donna moments, but I can’t help feeling like it was mostly filler..?
I wonder how many repercussions Mavity will cause 🤣
…I absolutely loved loved loved Wild Blue Yonder!… it was a classic full on Doctor/Donna interaction episode… it was magnificent!… I love them together… the way they bounce off each other is so friggin’ good… it was an almost perfect episode… BUT

…I did pick up one niggling minor flaw… when The Doctor was using that saltshaker to create a barrier against those creatures… there was waaaaaaaaay too much salt on on the floor that could be there from merely sprinkling it from that small shaker… and… it was so neat in the line that could have formed while David was shaking the salt shaker so wildly… it would’ve dispersed over a much wider area and would never had left such a neat edge… apart from that little thing annoying me… it was sooooooooo friggin’ great!…

…I was just wondering?… why can’t they have a spin-off series called… say… ‘The Doctor / Donna Chronicles’…( or something similar) whereby they have their own series of adventures separate from the ‘Doctor Who’ shows themselves… I for one would watch it… (did you hear that Russel T Davis?)… they had the ‘Sarah Jane’ shows for instance… they could have crossover episodes with Ncuti every now and then too… throw in Captain Jack and they would be perfect episodes!… just an idea…

…anyway… I loved that episode moreso than the first Meep episode for sure… I can’t wait to see the next episode (thanks again bleachy my friend)… cheers.
I was just wondering?… why can’t they have a spin-off series called… say… ‘The Doctor / Donna Chronicles’…( or something similar) whereby they have their own series of adventures separate from the ‘Doctor Who’ shows themselves… I for one would watch it… (did you hear that Russel T Davis?)… they had the ‘Sarah Jane’ shows for instance… they could have crossover episodes with Ncuti every now and then too… throw in Captain Jack and they would be perfect episodes!… just an idea…
Great idea, but I don't see it happening (outside of Big Finish audios), for two main reasons...

1. I don't think they'd ever want to overshadow the current Doctor by running a series at the same time featuring a Doctor who may be more popular
2. David Tennant has said that after these three specials he's not keen to reprise the role again