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BB15 US - Discussion

They'd have saved themselves a whole lot of aggro if they'd shown it on Wednesday. They still didn't address the cheating in the HoH Comp, which apparently was dealt with at the time by producers with a three minute time penalty, but not included in the broadcast as it didn't affect the outcome. Just being more honest about those sort of things goes a long way though.

So as live feed viewers will know player nominated by the MVP then won the Veto. It looks like the MVP gets to choose the replacement - personally I'd have left that to the HoH (even if it is Aaryn) but as it is the MVP I hope they hold back the announcement until eviction night - although it is no secret in the house at the moment who that will be.
Really interesting piece from Julie Chen on The Talk (which includes what CBS aired):
Lets hope now that they've addressed the controversy this will signal a change in the types of people they are casting in seasons moving forward... One of the main reasons I'm not watching this year is the casting and this was before all this started...
Really interesting piece from Julie Chen on The Talk (which includes what CBS aired):

I wonder if the comments Julie received in her younger years, had anything to do with her decision to undergo plastic surgery... She specifically mentions the comments about Asian's having "squinty eyes" and her eyes were one of the more drastic procedures she had done...





Another gem from the gruesome twosome:
From Jokers Updates
In HOH, Aaryn talks about white fish swimming up top + black fish swimming on the bottom. GM says "like the back of the bus."

And Kingston I suspect any work Julie may have undergone is more down to ageing than anything else. Work done or not she's definately aged well over the last 13 years.
Another gem from the gruesome twosome:
From Jokers Updates

And Kingston I suspect any work Julie may have undergone is more down to ageing than anything else. Work done or not she's definately aged well over the last 13 years.

Hmmm... But she's only 43... She had work done as early as the late 90's... She was only 30 when she started hosting BB and it's clear that she had already gone under the knife...

If the date of 1996 on the picture above is correct it means she must have went under the knife between leaving her small time reporter job in Dayton Ohio in 1997 and starting at CBS in 1999... One can only assume she did it for personal reasons and the fact that she thought it might help advance her career...

I agree with you however that she has matured (in a number of ways) gracefully over the years... And whatever surgery she's had has been kept to a minimum...

Here's a video of Julie around the time she started hosting BB... She specifically mentions she's 30... You'll notice her eyes are much more open and "western" looking... TBH I'm 29 and I honestly don't know many people that are honestly worried enough about aging at this age to undergo surgery... Botox maybe but nothing too drastic... Julie did this for a very obvious reason and it had nothing to do with aging... I think this is the perfect video because she says she's "lied up" about her age...


Here's footage of her in 1996... She's got a different nose and more natural looking eyes...

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You're going somewhat unnecessarily off topic Kingston and being somewhat prejudiced yourself to be honest.

Anyhow, the supercut from Reality Blurred of everything up until the weekend - really shocking how frequent it all occurs and with how many.

Thanks for the Chenbot face renovations Kingston.


I am just having a side moment away from my reality trawl from the day which includes BBUSE06...

How I LOATHE these people. Its amazing....

But I have always been a fan of it so it sucks me back in again.


Back to your regular forum pleasure...
Anyhow, the supercut from Reality Blurred of everything up until the weekend - really shocking how frequent it all occurs and with how many.

Yay Brekkie!
I am a long fan of Andy at RB and I hadnt been there before seeing this....

It will be interesting for these tools to be seen/portrayed as the most fascist/sexist etc season "On record" and realise that their marketability isn't worth crap.... Oh good times.
CBS aired some more shocking language from these folk yesterday - don't any of them know how to pronounce "mobile"!
Loved Julie's put down for Aaryn at the end of the Q&As after she asked them about forgetting they're filmed 24/7. Aaryn though showed she is a true racist by her complete dismissal of the accusation relayed to her by Amanda.
Loved Julie's put down for Aaryn at the end of the Q&As after she asked them about forgetting they're filmed 24/7. Aaryn though showed she is a true racist by her complete dismissal of the accusation relayed to her by Amanda.

I actually watched last nights episode for the first time since the cringe-worthy premier... I may pick it up again just so I have something to talk about at BB Canada Auditions in the fall...

BTW I enjoyed the way they are handling this... I was initially disappointed that CBS and the producers refused to get involved and basically chose to ignore them... However they've handled airing the "shocking" footage gingerly in fact it is a nice change from BBUK getting involved in every little argument... It's also nice that the US has a regulator that doesn't get involved in every time a viewer is displeased with the show... That being said BBUS gets one get out of jail free card... Now that they've come clean about it, if this happens again next year the viewers won't be so forgiving...

Aaryn is in for a big surprise when she leaves that house... I get the impression she knows she's going to be hated, however the extent of which is far greater than any other HG in BB history... At least in the past hated HG's have left to find while they're hated by the majority they have a small pool of people that respect them... Aaryn will be leaving the house with absolutely nothing...

Gina Marie's meltdown was hilarious... She's known the guy for less than 3 weeks and from what I've read he's basically ignored her obvious advances the entire time... They better have some good therapists for her when she finds out not only did her attempt at a showmance fail and that he probably wants nothing to do with her again, but that she's also lost her job in the process...
It'll be interesting to see how last night's events in the house is shown on Sunday.

You know, I went into the season hopeful. Then I was disappointed with how they initially handled the controversy. Now I'm really hopeful again and liking this season. It's a shame the controversy is there (well, actually a shame there are racists/bigots in the house) because this cast is actually turning out to be pretty good (minus those racists/bigots - obviously).
It'll be interesting to see how last night's events in the house is shown on Sunday.

You know, I went into the season hopeful. Then I was disappointed with how they initially handled the controversy. Now I'm really hopeful again and liking this season. It's a shame the controversy is there (well, actually a shame there are racists/bigots in the house) because this cast is actually turning out to be pretty good (minus those racists/bigots - obviously).

I'm torn on the issue really... It's actually taken the show to another level where the storyline is actually being driven by real life action within the house, rather than the same tired game driven emphasis... Something that has been missing from the show over the years... However the shame is that it's a result of such a negative situation...
I agree Kingston - it has kind of taken the show back to basics and is making you watch it quite differently. As much as I hate Aaryn although I doubt it would go anywhere it would be kind of cool for her and Helen to maintain a secret alliance and for that to progress - and it might do Aaryn some good. It'll be interesting after Helen's offer whether she will nominated Aaryn - I suspect not and instead ask Elissa to do it for her.

BTW good to see have finally made the feeds officially available in Canada now, though I suspect most Canadians who want them have already resorted to alternative methods and will probably stick with those.

It's great too to see how Julie is handling it - pretty superbly was the response to last nights episode. She just seemed more connected to the whole thing last night rather than turning up and doing the Chenbot routine, and it was great she went off-script and revealed who had voted against Nick. I've never seen them do that before, even though there is no reason why they can't when evictees are definately going home.
Well, I actually love BB controversy because it brings this hateful racist shit out in the open. Loving the fact that CBS has the balls to continue the live feeds despite the bullshit the housemates are up to. Aryan Aaryn and KKKaitlin team up with GinaDeepFriedChicken to pick on gays, Asians and Blacks.... for entertainment? Nope, Endemol maintains BB is an "experiment"... so lets watch what happens in US society when racists say the n word and bully and taunt racial minorities in a confined space.

Sit back and see what happens... loving the YouTube backlash! It restores my hope for humanity! (...after it was initially lost when Aaryn opened her ugly mouth)
Thank god America is no longer a country where a white man can shoot a black man and get away with it.

oh, hang on...
It's great too to see how Julie is handling it - pretty superbly was the response to last nights episode. She just seemed more connected to the whole thing last night rather than turning up and doing the Chenbot routine, and it was great she went off-script and revealed who had voted against Nick. I've never seen them do that before, even though there is no reason why they can't when evictees are definately going home.

I'm always amazed at how much Julie has improved over the last few years... I think in the early years BB was just a paycheck but in the latter seasons she seems to have taken more of a personal interest in the game...

Nicks interview was by far one of the best I've seen in BBUS history... As for the revealing of votes even in the end-game it's really not as if the jury knowing flat out who voted for them would have that much of an impact... Because a BBUS eviction is a numbers game and votes are often discussed openly before they are cast, if you were evicted by a 4 to 3 vote it should be obvious who cast those votes... That is unless it is an America's Player situation...
Well, I actually love BB controversy because it brings this hateful racist shit out in the open. Loving the fact that CBS has the balls to continue the live feeds despite the bullshit the housemates are up to. Aryan Aaryn and KKKaitlin team up with GinaDeepFriedChicken to pick on gays, Asians and Blacks.... for entertainment? Nope, Endemol maintains BB is an "experiment"... so lets watch what happens in US society when racists say the n word and bully and taunt racial minorities in a confined space.

Sit back and see what happens... loving the YouTube backlash! It restores my hope for humanity! (...after it was initially lost when Aaryn opened her ugly mouth)

In the US I don't believe the FCC has jurisdiction over web content, so HG's can spout as much hateful and racist comments they want on the live feed without any legal ramifications for CBS... The live feed on TVGN airs from midnight on a cable network so regardless of people taking offense to comments being made there is little the FCC can do... Anyone watching at that time should be old enough to put these types of things in to context and form their own educated opinions...

I think the big difference in this case is that CBS isn't being seen as trying to glamorize something like this in the pursuit of ratings...