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Australian Idol 2024

I wasn't blown away by anyone tonight but they have potential.

Kyle is being creepy. Going out into the crowd to find someone good looking?

I only really respect Marcia's opinion on musical matters.
SO weird! 'Ugly' people can't sing?
Saskia's manner of singing might not have been my cup of tea, but I must say that was a pretty harsh gig for her. They pretty much plucked her out of Western Australia and flew her to Sydney to tell her she's not in, and then I assume they put her on the next plane back to WA.
I suspect she had done the online audition thing and would have come over to audition for the judges either way.
Kyle is being creepy. Going out into the crowd to find someone good looking?

SO weird! 'Ugly' people can't sing?

I wonder whether it put Conor off his game too? No wonder he was a bit nervous. Being plucked out of the crowd because of his looks, (truth is he may have been next to audition anyway) I’m sure would have added an extra layer of pressure.
Ok, I'm loving this season, but the callback thing is fucking pointless. Let them sing and give them the golden ticket if they get the 2+votes. Then bring everyone back with a golden ticket, get them to sing again cut them down to the top 30. Then continue with whatever they plan to do.

If you give out 200 Golden Tickets, then so be it. Essentially you only need to be in the top singers that day. They're letting people go through that are above average, but the next day there are singers that blow them out of the water. It's not a good system.

Also, they flew everyone to Sydney rather than travel for auditions this year? How cheap.
Marcia has this warmth that always radiates through the TV screen or the screen of your device, that might be one reason why Idol so far is rating pretty well and thrashing Survivor over on Ten.
The negative for me is Kyle Sandilands, not sure what use he is on that panel.
I wonder how the guy in the leopard print shirt will go. That shirt kind of screams "I can't sing", but hey, I could be wrong lol
Happy about Drea...not so much for Jonathan? (leopard skin shirt)
Saoirse glad she and Jake went forward. Bad luck for Hayley?
Happy about Drea...not so much for Jonathan? (leopard skin shirt)
Saoirse glad she and Jake went forward. Bad luck for Hayley?
Hayley was a bundle of nerves the poor girl, literally shaking like a leaf for much of her appearance.
I guess I'm starting to get where they're coming from in terms of Jonathan jazzing things up a bit and putting some variety into the show (for now).
Drea is pretty amazing... real talent, versatile, has the right attitude, and looks as well (the latter being a nice to have, not a need to have, in my opinion... but hey, she has it). She doesn't seem green at all, she knows what she's doing on a stage... yet she doesn't seem "over-rehearsed" either. She'll still be around once the top 30 gets narrowed down.
Drea - American Boy - not the strongest vocal but very nice voice. Not too many runs, but some nice trills. She has some good ability. Very sweet, could actually listen to an album of hers. ⭐⭐⭐

Jake - I Won’t Give Up- (side note: he’s a musical therapist for children with a disability. What a legend!) - very nice guitarist. Very soothing voice. A lot of range. I can tell that he is a bit nervous, but I think he would great in the studio! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Seanna - Landslide - yeah she was good, I reckon they don’t need these country visit things. They obviously bring the better talent to Sydney for the audition with the judges. ⭐

Hayley - Tell Them All I said Hi - always a risk singing a judges song, but she made it her own. She has some really interesting parts of her voice and tone. It felt like she didn’t need the guitar. (Haha Amy says the same thing) ⭐⭐

Jonathon - sexy back - with a musical family you would expect him to be good….. butttt he’s not really that great:-( I did not expect him to go through. I guess they need some people to get rid of immediately. If he does go through it highlights the weakness of this callback format. As if someone like him would go through and Connor from the previous show not.

Rohan - Valerie -kind of a nice tone but certainly not of a high enough quality to go through imo.

Saoirse - Billie Eilish - beautiful tone. Quite a mature voice. Agree with Marcia, quite a haunting performance. She deserves a spot ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Drea, Jonathan , Rohan - Drea was definitely the right choice. I’m a little bit flabbergasted that Jonathan made it, and I feel like Connor was robbed. I would be very surprised if he makes it to final 12. Maybe he has got more to offer that I didn’t see yet.

Seanna, Hayley, Jake, Saoirse. Definitely agree tight Soairse deserved the spot. Happy that Jake made it. Hayley and Seanna weren’t as strong.
Old mate in the leopard getting through was outrageous.
So many better singers have already been cut.