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…AI ART… a fun game using words to create pictures… no artistic talent required…

…on bing I wrote ‘aliens as jesus and the apostles in the last supper’… here are the results… cheers.

…I tried to make this as ridiculous as possible by writing ‘a hippopotamus sitting on top of a giraffe on a jet ski riding a big wave realistic image’ just to see how far I could push it and got these results…

…then I added ‘and a lion’… and this was the result… incredible… cheers.

…nite all… the programme beat me lol!… I’m going to try to think of more insane ideas lol!… cheers.
My first attempt...

"Mr Stickyfingers playing with a new toy" came up with this, which isn't that great...
OIG (1).jpg

"Mr Stickyfingers the human playing with a new toy" is more like it.
Sadly it has limitations.
Both of these suggestions were refused as inappropriate content violations, though I was only wanting something PG and funny.
I'm a bit hesitant to try anything else now as it threatened to block access if I do it again!

Anyway, I tried :
Gretel Killeen gags Sonia Kruger's mouth with gaffa tape
Gretel Killeen holds Sonia Kruger hostage

Actually I think it may not like real people's names at all, as neither work as just the names either.
Sadly it has limitations.
Both of these suggestions were refused as inappropriate content violations, though I was only wanting something PG and funny.
I'm a bit hesitant to try anything else now as it threatened to block access if I do it again!

Anyway, I tried :
Gretel Killeen gags Sonia Kruger's mouth with gaffa tape
Gretel Killeen holds Sonia Kruger hostage

Actually I think it may not like real people's names at all, as neither work as just the names either.
…don’t give up Meglos… an alteration in the wording quite often works my friend… Meglos… do you realise just how many of mine got rejected lol!… just leave the site and then go straight back into it and it has forgotten who you are… there are some cases where I made a request… it refused me twice… I did it a third time by just reguesting the same thing without even retyping it and voila!… it came up… just persevere with it or try rewording it… a little alteration here and there works wonders… after all… its all in the wording on this site lol!… cheers.
…on the stablediffusion website I typed in ‘Alien holding human skull with dark background‘ (as I also did on the Bing website earlier)…and I used various filters that they provide and these images are the result… all are the same request with different various results from different filters... I’m pretty impressed believe me… cheers.

…wow!… just wow!… I typed in ‘shadowskeedeboomboom and the loch ness monster and the starship enterprise and spiderman and superman and darth vader on a river bank realistic digital image’ which was based on a stupid oil painting that I did ages ago… in fact… it was this… it’s a really shit photo because I was taking a photo of family and this just happened to be on the wall behind them lol!… but its the only existing photo of it so it will have to do lol!… it’s a shit painting I did when I came home from the club one night after arguing with my good mate lol! (I’ll have to tell you the whole story one day lol!)…


…so I ran ‘ ‘shadowskeedeboomboom and the loch ness monster and the starship enterprise and spiderman and superman and darth vader on a river bank realistic digital image’ in the Bing program over and over and over again using the same title and as I did the images got more bizarre… it kept adding things as if to please me more lol!… it’s incredible… the more times I requested it… the weirder it got lol!… because there are so many images of it I’ll post them in batches of 9 in order to get through them in posts after this one just so you can see how strange they get… so here goes… cheers.