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Celebrity Big Brother UK - January 2017

Disliking a lot: Calum, Jamie
Disliking: Nicola, Stacy, Kim,
Meh: Coleen, Cosmo, Bianca
Liking: Jessica,
Liking a lot: Jedward, Speidi

Maybe if Calum keeps being such a know it all prick, he will send Jessica over to the other side of the house with the two pairs. Speidi's tactics with Nicola look pathetic, but are clearly working, as Nicola alienates herself from Jamie - who is trying to distance himself from Bianca now that he's had a kiss and a cuddle and it looks like she might like him. Immature adulterous twat. Jedward continue to delight. Still my winner pick, although boring arse Cosmo is a threat.
I doubted your statement so much that it took all of two minutes to find this... Their claim to "fame" outside of BB ended 7 years ago... Since then they've unsuccessfully made every desperate attempt at staying relevant and are completely broke... These two are made for each other and there's no way they'd have stayed together for as long as they have if they weren't...
They came out a few years ago saying that they blew all their money on things like Heidi's 'singing' career and all her plastic surgery, clothes, image, etc. They said they thought they were being like Kim Kardashian and investing in her career, but it didn't pay off.

They are also crazy right-wing, gun-loving, conspiracy theorists, or at least they were for a while, I think they pulled back a bit. I wouldn't be surprised if they voted for Trump, lol. Spencer's actually quite interested in politics, he has a degree in political science.

But I can't help myself, I still like them.
Disliking a lot: Calum, Jamie
Disliking: Nicola, Stacy, Kim,
Meh: Coleen, Cosmo, Bianca
Liking: Jessica,
Liking a lot: Jedward, Speidi

Maybe if Calum keeps being such a know it all prick, he will send Jessica over to the other side of the house with the two pairs. Speidi's tactics with Nicola look pathetic, but are clearly working, as Nicola alienates herself from Jamie - who is trying to distance himself from Bianca now that he's had a kiss and a cuddle and it looks like she might like him. Immature adulterous twat. Jedward continue to delight. Still my winner pick, although boring arse Cosmo is a threat.
That's exactly what I think. Except I find Kim funny and like Cosmo more than 'meh'. Otherwise, I couldn't agree more.

Jedward FTW.
...hahaha!... I must have babbled on more than normal today... it has to be a two-parter lol!...

...episode 21:... (Part 1)... in the promo blurb Stacey is arguing with Kim... (what?... no... seriously... Stacey is arguing with someone... I know that it's unusual but she is!)... it looks like she's losing not only the plot but also the argument against Kim lol!... and it looks like they get to see who nominated who and get to hear what they say also... (oh goodie!... that's gonna be fun!)... and also.... (wait!... there's more!)... Nicola confronts Kim... (she's going to lose that one I bet lol!)... and all of that is in the promo blurb!... now for the show itself...

...Stacey decides to 'give advice' to everyone... ("no offence Jessica" she says two times)... haha!... way to 'give advice' Stacey... is that what they teach you in Scientology Stacey?.... how to give 'good advice'?... they all look at her like she's trash lol!... Coleen and Nicola go out to Cosmo in the smoking area and start talking about her... Stacey follows them out there and then Nicola starts up... she blah blahs on about her talk with Spencer and Heidi yesterday and declares "and what I felt yesterday no one should feel!... and I would never allow my own actions make someone feel like that!"... oh golly gosh Nicola... that's a bold statement to declare with the way that you treat Jedwood isn't it?... you need to practice what you preach sweetness!... she then storms off and Coleen and Stacey follow her leaving Cosmo sitting there on his own with a cup of tea in his hand with yet another one of his now famous WTF? looks yet again lol!...


...Kim is in the storeroom/laundry... Stacey walks in... Kim is really cordial and offers to allow Stacey to go first with the washing and Stacey is still preaching about "everyone needs to get along"... they both leave the storeroom and Jessica says something... moving on... now Stacey bails up Kim and starts talking about the washing machine again... yet again Kim is cordial and tries to clear up something about how the washing machine works... and... it starts!... Stacey starts getting louder and louder and doesn't allow Kim to reply... (FFS!... chill the fuck out Stacey!)... seriously... I 've always liked Stacey but stuffit!... she's lost me now... I just can't stand her voice anymore... she's on my shit list too now... anyhow... back to the 'argument'...

...again Kim keeps her cool and tries to speak nicely to Stacey... she tries to reason with her but Stacey just gets even louder... everyone in the house is just glaring at Stacey and her big stupid blaring mouth... she's making a complete and utter fool of herself... "you could put a ball of wool into your mouth and wind it with both hands and STILL have room left!" Kim retaliates when she finally gets time to speak when Stacey takes a breath... bwahahahahaha!... brilliant Kim... just brilliant!... lol!... Stacey stomps off like a Diva into the bedroom and Kim follows... she's still keeping her composure as she again speaks to Stacey... Stacey is blabbing on about something only she knows what the fuck she's talking about and Kim says "what's that got to do with the washing?"... Stacey then goes ballistic and Kim says "I will not argue with someone that is so out of control... there is no point in talking about it!" and then says "will you kindly just talk to me and not blab your big gob all over the house?"... bwahahaha!... "you walked in and I could hear you... oh!... who CAN'T hear you?... you'd make a wonderful Town Crier!"... :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:... Stacey is STILL ranting and raving about god knows what again and all of the housemates are now talking about her behaviour...

...meanwhile... while Stacey is still ranting in the background Heidi walks past Nicola and whispers to her "can I speak to you for a moment?"... Nicola follows her... Heidi then says "I'm so sad that you didn't sleep next to us last night"... (Heidi has obviously realised that she has to undo all of the damage that Spencer has caused and has to endear herself to the British voting public again)... Heidi wants to just "move on forward from all of this"... Nicola quickly agrees... meanwhile Stacey is STILL screaming and ranting on!... (wow!... she's really milking the airtime out of this isn't she?)... back to Heidi and Nicola... Nicola starts to tear up and her and Heidi cuddle and make up... (haha!... I wonder if Spencer is aware of what Heidi is doing?)... meanwhile... Stacey's still going folks!...

...Kim... still holding her composure... says to Stacey... "you're two-faced!... as the Americans say... you're two tomatoes short of a salad girl!"... hahahahahahahahahaha!... stop it Kim!... you're slaying me here!... whoa!... Stacey has finally stopped ranting and raving!... (she must be out of breath methinks!)... out of the 14 minutes and the 11 seconds of the shows length so far Stacey has spent 7 minutes and 50 seconds having her 'chat' with Kim... as I said... way to milk the airtime Stacey... lol!... I loved the way that Big Brother even lost interest in Stacey's mega rant and side-lined to Heidi and Nicola's conversation while she was blarbing on lol!... it's a bad situation for Stacey when even big Brother can't be bothered to listen to her shit anymore lol!... moving on... crap!... now it goes to Bianca and Jamie laying on the sofa... blurgh!... moving on... Coleen and Cosmo are out in the smoking area having a fag... (how unusual you say?)... Coleen says that she thought that Cosmo would intervene between what happened between Spencer and Nicola yesterday... why should he?... he's old and wise enough not to do something stupid like that... why should he put his neck on the chopping block just because Coleen thought that he should?... silly woman...

...Jessica is giving Calum a 'massage'... but just before Big Brother panned over to them they showed this shot...


...hahaha!... what a clever little segue that was lol!... she gives him a quick 'peck on the cheek' and he goes into 'Superstud' mode... **yawn!**... moving on... now Stacey is out in the smoking area and is speaking to Cosmo and is telling him " I see you... I feel that you are a man of character and morality with integrity... all of these elements that I admire... blah blah friggin' blah!"... (grovel city or what?)... Cosmo tells her that until he met his wife that he "was not a good man... I was not in a good place... I was not a good man... I've been violent in the past... when I met my wife that changed... and when my son came along... that changed almost everything because then I knew what I was here for..."... the humbleness of the man is so great to see... this is the most of what we've seen of Cosmo's outlook in the house so far... it's good to see for me at least... (end of Part 1)... cheers.
...(Part 2 of my verbal diarrhea)...

...episode 21:...nominations time... if anyone receives even one nomination point they are up for the public vote regardless of how many voted for them... their nominations are being screened to all of them...

Heidi and Spencer vote for Coleen (she's two-faced) and then Nicola (she betrayed them)...
Coleen votes for Kim (she doesn't 'fit in') and then Jedwood (they are 'bizarre)...
Cosmo votes for Kim (she's condescending) and Jedwood (they eat too much and are always 'performing')...
Jedwood vote for Stacey (she screams too much) what they said about Stacey was epic!... lol!... and Nicola (she's mean to them)...
Nicola votes for Kim (she's 'changed' into Snow White and she's fake)... and Jedwood (they cause her stress)...
Jamie votes for Kim (who cares what he says) and Jessica (again... who gives a shit what this twat says)...
Jessica votes for Stacey (she's always 'watching her') and Jamie (he makes her feel stupid)... that wouldn't be too hard to do...
Calum votes for Kim (he's confused because she's 'nice' now) and Jedwood (they're 'super defensive')... I wonder why?...
Bianca votes for Kim (it's because she's 'nice' now) and Jedwood (they're super defensive' too)... hmm!... collusion with Calum?...
Stacey votes for Jessica (she's 'too combative' **snigger**) and Kim (she's 'insensitive' **snigger snigger**)...
Kim votes for Stacey (she talks 'baby talk' and wears her down) and Nicola (she lies about her )... the look on Nicola's face...

2017-01-24_13-57-16.jpg about a look of pure hatred or what?... Nicola instantly starts on Kim... "what have I lied about?"... Kim gives her a serve back and Nicola makes a complete idiot of herself yet again... some of the shit that Nicola spouts is quite vile... she's such a disgusting wretch when she get spiteful... why does Kim have to explain herself?... she's deemed that Nicola has lied to her and that's it... Kim didn't question Nicola about what she said about her did she?... Kim just says to her "take it on the chin Nicola" (no... I'm saying nothing to that statement)... but Nicola's over inflated 'mean girls' ego won't let her shut the hell up of course...

...Nicola's calling Kim a "mother fucking little bitch" behind her back while she's talking to Heidi and Spencer (oooooh!... truth hurts does it Nicola?)... now she confronts Kim in front of everyone in the kitchen... she keeps goading and bullying Kim... (why doesn't Big Brother step in and stop her I ask?)... now gutless Calum is trying to explain himself to Jedwood his reason for voting for them... (gutless twonk!)... meanwhile... Kim's staying cool calm and collected while mean girl Nicola is still verbally going for her jugular vein like a snapping dog at someone's heels... "you're a mum... grow up!" Kim tells her... and then Nicola replies "and you're not... that's the problem... if you want to go low... I'll go lower!"... yes... well... well done Nicola... you've certainly managed to do just that you nasty woman... and you no doubt sealed your fate as probably being the next one out if the British voting public see that too you stupid girl... and um... whatever happened to that statement that you declared at the beginning of the show... you know... the one that goes "and what I felt yesterday no one should feel!... and I would never allow my own actions make someone feel like that!"... haha!... so much for that statement eh?... what a horrid woman...

...Spencer attempts to 'stir up' Coleen and others... nobody bites because he's so irrelevant in this house now... moving on... Cosmo is now in the Diary Room talking about Heidi and Spencer... haha!... he has them sussed out really well lol!... now Coleen is sucking up to Spencer... he's talking about Cosmo being stabbed to death by his own men in 'Game of Thrones' and is saying that they should be doing it for real in the house... (what sort of demented warped mind thinks like that?)... sheesh!... "they all stabbed him in the face because he deserves it"... what a sick individual Spencer is... this is the look on his stinking putrid face as he says it...


...what a sick puppy he is!... I wouldn't be surprised if they go if Nicola doesn't... now Heidi and Spencer are talking to Nicola about what's going on between them... **YAWN!!!!!!**... moving on big time... I really don't give two shits about so many of these people in this house anymore except for Jedwood/Cosmo/Coleen and even Kim!... (the final 4 hopefully for me) lol!...

..."Coleen's had enough!" says the blurb... she saying about someone as talentless as Spencer should not be saying such nasty stuff about him (Cosmo)... now Spencer and Heidi are in the Diary Room talking about Coleen... (she's so far up Cosmo's arse blah blah blah!)... what a bitter twisted talentless spoilt little soft cock Spencer is!... (I hope that they go before Nicola now)... the show ends before we hear the rest of their drivel lol!... (Big Brother telling you something Spencer?)...

...I think that it's definitely going to be either Heidi and Spencer or Nicola that get booted out by the British public this week for sure somehow... end of show... cheers.
Disliking a lot: Calum, Jamie
Disliking: Nicola, Stacy, Kim,
Meh: Coleen, Cosmo, Bianca
Liking: Jessica,
Liking a lot: Jedward, Speidi

Maybe if Calum keeps being such a know it all prick, he will send Jessica over to the other side of the house with the two pairs. Speidi's tactics with Nicola look pathetic, but are clearly working, as Nicola alienates herself from Jamie - who is trying to distance himself from Bianca now that he's had a kiss and a cuddle and it looks like she might like him. Immature adulterous twat. Jedward continue to delight. Still my winner pick, although boring arse Cosmo is a threat.
Disliking Kim, more for her own mental health. Being so bipolar bear on national tv is awkward to watch.
Meh: Cosmo. Great man but as boring as batshit to watch
Liking: Nicola, Stacey, Jess
Loving: Spedward and Jeidi!!!
They came out a few years ago saying that they blew all their money on things like Heidi's 'singing' career and all her plastic surgery, clothes, image, etc. They said they thought they were being like Kim Kardashian and investing in her career, but it didn't pay off.

They are also crazy right-wing, gun-loving, conspiracy theorists, or at least they were for a while, I think they pulled back a bit. I wouldn't be surprised if they voted for Trump, lol. Spencer's actually quite interested in politics, he has a degree in political science.

But I can't help myself, I still like them.
I do too!

I find Spencer particularly likable. Good looking and a quick wit too boot!
...episode 22:... whoa!... a Live Eviction!... (please let it be Heidi/Spencer or Nicola!... I'd even settle for Jamie!)... the British public spoiled me by evicting James Jordan before now... it would be great for them to do it for me again this time... the public are 'voting to stay'... the crowd of morons are chanting "get Jedwood out!" over and over even though the public vote to keep them in... so much for that lynch mob crowd's feeble mentality eh?...

...they recap yesterday's show... Coleen goes out to Cosmo in the smoking area where they both live 90% of the time and says that Spencer woke her up and was doing a maniacal type of laugh in her face... (I would've punched the snot out of his head if he did that to me... that's an invasion of your personal space and a form of bullying as far as I'm concerned)... and Big Brother allows it to happen?... pffffft!... watch him bitch and complain if someone does it to that fuckwit!... Coleen says that she couldn't believe that nobody said anything to him about what he was doing... (hello?... you have a voice too Coleen!)... Cosmo says nothing... 'Mr Charisma' Calum walks out as Coleen goes back into the house and Cosmo tells Calum... he states "that's not nice!"... no?... then say something to Spencer to impress the ladies in the house to show Spencer who is the 'Alpha Male' then big man!... (all talk and no action as per usual methinks!)...

...Jedwood Edward dresses in a green jacket and calls himself a 'Leprechaun' and does a small dancing jig lol!... funny as!... (nobody is laughing because they are all still hating on Jedwood of course... the morons!... now Calum and Jamie are talking about what Spencer did to Coleen... they remain cowarding in the smoke shed as would be expected... Stacey now starts explaining to Jessica as to why she had been stowing away some food supplies... and as is expected... a big barney starts up... it gets louder and louder... and LOUDER!... Kim is now embroiled in the argument with Stacey and Kim tells her "to behave!"... it goes out to Calum talking to Spencer and Heidi...

...well stuff me!... Calum is actually saying something to Spencer about what he did to Coleen! (aw nuts!... he's making a liar out of me and is doing something decent!... bastard!)... apparently Spencer has been having a shit stir on Coleen 'to get to Cosmo'... WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT!... Spencer is just too gutless to take on someone that will get the better of him... you always pick out the weak ones you gutless wonder!... speaking of gutless wonders... Jamie's telling Coleen and Cosmo that he thought that it was all a big joke between Spencer and Coleen... (he damn well knew what was going on)... oh god no!... now they show Jamie and Bianca doing loud slurping kisses which echo through the microphone!... why not turn them off?... they are the most cringey sickening sounds that you can possibly hear on that friggin' show FFS!... (fast forward)... (what the hell does she see in that dickflop?... seriously!)...

...Cosmo is in the Diary Room talking about his 'disappointments' with many of them in the house... their 'alliances and hatreds'... because it degrades into feral cat fights which are 'distasteful' to him... (I sometimes believe that Cosmo has never ever even watched an episode of Big Brother at times to be honest)... mean girl Nicola is talking to Coleen and Stacey about the situation between Spencer/Heidi and Cosmo and is 'struggling to understand it all... (no she's not... she's just trying to turn them against Cosmo to undermine him because now she's grovelled up Spencer and Heidi's arses and has been 'forgiven by them that's all)... Stacey mentions that Cosmo mentioned to her (in confidence mind you) that violence was part of his life at one time... Nicola kind of hints that perhaps it could resurface again?... (that's how it struck me at least)... Coleen says straight back at her "because I don't think that it can"... end of conversation... (well done Stacey in telling the others what you asked Cosmo in confidence after having sucked right up his arse... blabbermouth!)... (what a scheming bitch Nicola is!)...

...Jedwood are messing around again lol!... (I could watch those two living on 'Planet Jedwood' any day lol!)... Stacey is talking to some of the others about her argument with Jessica and then it starts again!... I can't handle anymore of her argumentative shit... **yawn**... moving on... now Jessica walks out and starts blarbing on to Jedwood about Stacey (leave the poor buggers alone... they get given so much shit already)... Calum listens on... Jessica then goes back into the bedroom and continues to argue with Stacey... Stacey says nothing for once...

...back to Emma outside with the moronic simpletons in the crowd... this time they're chanting 'get Stacey out!" and are booing everyone's name that is spoken out by Emma... those idiots in the crowd are so friggin' pathetic... a collective IQ of 6... twats!...

...Kim talks to Heidi/Spencer and Jedwood with Cosmo and Coleen about "that other lot"... hahaha!.... go Kim!... Nicola is now asking Bianca about Jamie's 'kissing technique'... WTF?... why would she be wondering that?... Jamie says something in the Diary Room... moving on... what a slimey little turd he is!... Jedwood are dancing again lol!... Bianca drags Jamie into the toilet... URGH!!!!!... moving on!!!!!... Jedwood are 'making their own fun'... meanwhile... mean girl Nicola is watching on and ranting to Stacey "do you think that's cute?"... Stacey replies "I think it's cute" and then Nichol rips out "fuck off!... if my 10 and 6 year old's did that I'd think that was cute... fuck off!... they're 25!... don't tell me they're cute!"... Stacey replies "they didn't grow up though" and Nicole says "shut up!... shut the fuck up!"... what a disgusting hateful cow she is!... they weren't doing any harm towards anyone else... they were just exercising their care-free spirits to relieve the boredom you hateful spiteful obnoxious bitch!... she must just hate anyone that finds ways to make themselves happy!... she is so wretched!... I so hope the nasty mean girl bitch goes tonight more so than Spencer and Heidi now... bitch!... (oh!... by the way Nicola... just after you made your vile 'you don't have a baby... that's the problem' statement to Kim during your massive row yesterday and then said "my kids will NEVER fucking watch this show!"... um... what about when they eventually get old enough to get Internet access on their computers and they decide to look up mummies past 'showbiz achievements' **snort! snigger snigger!**... have you never heard of 'YouTube' Nicola?... stupid woman...

...Jamie is now talking to Bianca in the kitchen... moving on... it looks like Bianca whispers "I love you" to Jamie while in the blacked out bedroom... (what?... you LOVE HIM after just 22 DAYS in the house?... bwahahahahahaha!... yeah... WOTEVA!... lol!... (he does too apparently)... bwahahahahahahaha!... oh puhleeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzze!... are we on our first day in Kindergarten School or something?... erm... exactly how old are you two?... what a pair of twinkies!... MOVING ON!...

..."earlier in the day" says the blurb...(just get on with Nicola or Heidi/Spencer's eviction ffs!)... they all apparently had takeaway Pizza's and Jedwood have made one of them a 'robot' out of the Pizza boxes lol!... they walk out and this is what we see lol!

2017-01-25_19-33-10.jpg 2017-01-25_19-34-20.jpg 2017-01-25_19-35-16.jpg

...Nicola hears them messing around in the kitchen and springs out of her bed like a demented Cobra while waking them all up with a loud "here they are... the 10 year olds! blah blah friggin' blah!"... (she made sure that she turned the light on too for the full effect )... Jedwood then says something to Nicola that has made me dislike them for the very first time about "oooh!... it must be that time of the month... I'll go and find some tampons!"... (or something similar)...seriously boys... that's just wrong guys... you don't need to lower yourselves to their standards guys... you're better than that...

...back to Emma... now the stupid dipshit audience are chanting "get Jedwood out!"... seriously... that crowd sure do stuff up the Live Eviction don't they?... the next housemate out is... is... IS... aw crap!... it's Stacey!... aw shit!... why her??????... oh!... the inhumanity of it!... what is wrong with the British voting public?... bugger!... (although it will be a lot quieter now I guess?)... she graciously leaves... no screaming or hollering at all!... she does her exit interview... it's loud of course lol!... she says so much that it's impossible for me to say anything about what she said lol!... they show her 'highlights' reel... (were there any in the end?)... moving on... AND STAY OUT!... Emma tells us that it'll be a double eviction on Friday... (I'm still hoping for both Heidi /Spencer and Nicola to go of course)... end of show... cheers.
Goodbye Stacey. I wish she had been as good-natured in the house as she was in her interviews.

Sometimes I found her annoying, but sometimes she was really funny. My favourite Staceyism was 'louder and louder and LOUDER'. Hilarious.
I must admit I didn't see that coming. Stacey was annoying at times but was pretty funny and entertaining when she blew up.

Who in the hell would vote to save that vile creature Kim. I am not entertained by her horrific personality disorder at all. I literally think she is sick in the head. Oh well.

Colleen annoys me, I done with her, time to go Colleen.

It looks like it will be Callum, James C ,Jedward, Speidi to the end.
... Jedwood then says something to Nicola that has made me dislike them for the very first time about "oooh!... it must be that time of the month... I'll go and find some tampons!"... (or something similar)...seriously boys... that's just wrong guys... you don't need to lower yourselves to their standards guys... you're better than that...
That was not fun to watch, and not like Jedward at all. They used to be able to maintain their goofy dignity no matter what nastiness was thrown at them. Sure, they were always passive aggressive to self-righteous arseholes, in their own Jedward way, but it seems to have morphed into reactive frustration. Years of bullying seems to have gotten to them, hence their defensiveness, gossiping after leaving hell, and the tampon comment. All of which makes me a bit sad and kinda angry, these unique free spirits have been damaged. I guess it happens to everyone as they get older, but Jedward are like a rare endangered species who should have been protected, if not for their sakes, for those of us who are heart-warmed by them.

For some reason it is ok with a lot of people to talk about Jedward like they are subhuman, even to their faces. I'll never understand that arrogance, rudeness and absolute hypocrisy, but in the past the boys were always Teflon and managed to deflect, which made people hate them even more ... they weren't suitably repentant for being Jedward, even when it was pointed out to them that they were, indeed, Jedward.

But I still love them, they'll get their act together, they're a work in progress, lol.
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...episode 23:... "is der looove affair ova?" is the promo blurb... oh shit no!... the show is going to be all about Bianca's and Dickflop's 'breakup'... there won't be much in this post today folks... there will be a lot of 'moving ons' and 'fast forwards' to come on my behalf methinks... I just can't be arsed to listen to the drivel between these two children in the Schoolyard that have 'fallen in love' within the last 22 days in the house...I just can't... haha!... "is der looove affair ova?"...what friggin' 'love affair?' ... and of course mean girl Nicola is bullying Jedwood again... (they're such easy targets aren't they Nicola you gutless wretch)... and Spencer and Kim are 'at it again' according to the promo blurb... oh well... here I go anyway...

...they recap Stacey's eviction day yesterday... they show Nicola giving it to Jedwood last night... Stacey discovers all of Jedwood's mess in the storeroom and then Nicola asks them to explain why they made the mess but she does it in her usual condescending aggressive tone towards them of course (bitch!)... the look on her face as she speaks to them...


...the venom and pure hatred in her look towards them really reveals herself in so many ways... how she ever expects to further her 'career in showbiz' after she leaves the house is way way way beyond me... doesn't she realise that her **AHEM**... 'fans'... are watching this?... (the whole 3 of them)... ha!... she says to them "the 'big deal' is that when you came into the bedroom and turn on the lights blah blah blah!"... um... hold it right there Nicola... YOU turned on the lights to draw attention to Jedwood to make them look bad to all of the others remember dear?... "but you turned them on!" replies Jedwood and she says "yeah... because that's what YOU were going to do!"... um... but it still doesn't detract from the fact that it was YOU that did it does it Nicola?... stupid woman... she's calling them 'bizarre' again... now she's talking to Stacey about Jedwood being all 'an act'... so what if it is?... that might be their strategy if they are 'acting' for the cameras... you're not saying that about your newly rediscovered friends Heidi and Spencer though are you?... no... that's too close to the bone for you now isn't it?... no... you just stick to singling out the easy targets as you always do eh?... that's so much easier... she's so stupid that she fails to recognise that they are so highly intelligent... she'll never win against them... silly woman...

..."we can still hear you!... we're not deaf... these walls are paper thin!" shouts out one of the Jedwood's with a big grin on his face as he does hand gestures behind her camera shot!... bwahahahaha!... well the Jedwood's got the reactions that they wanted... hahaha!... who says that they're not intelligent?... there is a 'talk show' task... Coleen/Nicola and Kim are on 'the panel'... they start interviewing Heidi and Spencer... they ask them whether they'll ever forgive Cosmo for 'playing the game'... Heidi does all of the talking with a lot of tact and diplomacy and sort of says "we know what he did but it's not what he meant to do so they're not having any 'negativity' against him anymore"... (or words to that effect)... (ha!... it's obvious that Heidi has instructed Spencer to keep his big mouth shut while she's trying to 'rebuild her career' isn't it?... lol!)... Kim then asks Spencer a few questions directly towards him and he just keeps saying "no comment" over and over until he finally says "you're the bully... your last name is 'Bully... Kim Bully!" (wow Spencer... is that all that you've got?... bwahahaha!... you were obviously not at the front of the line when intelligence was being handed out was you?... what a pathetic witless retort that was!)... he just makes more and more of a complete dick of himself until the panel thank them and more or less tells them to piss off...

...Cosmo and Calum are up now and are being asked about 'self censorship' within the house... Calum gives his best 'Mr Charisma' reply to endear himself to the ladies of course :yawn::spitoutdummy:... then they go to Cosmo and show a clip between Cosmo and Coleen and then Spencer makes a bigger dick of himself and butts in and says that Coleen is a "two-faced bitch... I'm so glad that I voted for you blah blah blah!"... (so much for Heidi rebuilding her 'career' with tact and diplomcy eh?)... Cosmo humbly apologises to Heidi and Spencer if he had 'upset them' (that's the true calibre of the man) and they decide to accept his apology and 'move on'...

...ew!... here we go... Jamie and Bianca are up next... this is where the 'moving on' and 'fast forward' bits starts... (I'll wait until I see the bit where it's revealed what causes their 'breakup' though ;):thumbsup::biggrin:... lol!)... they're asked about their 'romance' in the house **YAWN!**... all that I got out of that was Jamie saying... "you did say that you were single though!"... have I missed something?... the task is finished...

...Spencer is on his own in the Diary Room babbling on about repeated breaking of the rules blah blah blah!... Big Brother is allowing it blah blah blah!... I want to speak to my Lawyers blah blah blah!... Kim's performing libel against me and I intend to sue her blah blah blah!... the female Big Brother tells him that as he is well aware... he's not allowed to speak to people on the outside world... he meekly accepts what she told him and says "fine!... just note that!"... (take a good hard look at the fine print in your contract dickwad... there will be something saying that you are unable to sue any housemate for whatever is said to you otherwise there would be hundreds of ex housemates suing each other all over the world you demented dipshit!)... what a twonk!...

...Bianca is revealing that she has a boyfriend on the outside to Cosmo and Stacey but she 'hasn't had that talk' with him yet... **yawn yawn yawn!**... (oh god!... her and Jamie are going to milk this crap for airtime until all of the blood is drained from a stone now aren't they?)... moving on... Jamie and Nicola are in the bedroom... fast forward... they show Stacey getting evicted... when she's gone Big Brother tells the housemates that the next nominations consist of 10 playing cards that have either 'save' on them... some have 'nominate'... and some have 'jokers'... whoever picks a joker can't nominate...

Heidi/Spencer pick a 'nominate card and pick Kim (of course) because she's a liar...

Nicola gets a 'nominate' and picks Jedwood of course... (evil bitch!)... everything that dribbles out of her mouth is vile...

Jedwood get to 'nominate' and pick Bianca?... why would they do that and not pick Nicola?... WTF?... (they're not vindictive that's why)... it's because she didn't tell Jamie her 'dating status' on the outside... (you should've picked Nicola boys... big error guys)...

Jessica picks a 'joker' and cannot vote... as does Jamie...

Calum gets a 'save' and chooses Coleen... wow!... what a decent thing to do... colour me impressed!... (never saw that coming)...

Bianca gets a 'save' and saves... oooh lets see!... oh!... Jamie!...she does it to 'make it up to him'... blurgh!...

Kim gets a 'joker' and Spencer does a stupid demented laugh and makes a complete fuckwit of himself yet again...

Coleen gets a 'nomination' card and picks Jessica because her energy 'saps' her energy... WTF?... yeah... woteva Coleen...

Cosmo gets a 'joker' card...!... Heidi/Spencer and Bianca/Jedwood/Jessica and Kim are up for eviction on Friday night... being a double eviction I'm picking Hedi/Spencer and Bianca to go hopefully... it'll probably be Jessica and Bianca though I imagine...

...Calum is in the Diary Room... apparently he is "pretty fucking gobsmacked that he hasn't been put up for eviction"... (way for you to go to feather your nest with the British female voters sunshine ;):thumbsup: lol!)... aw!... ain't that nice... he's being so 'humble' about it too! :biggrin:...

...Heidi/Spencer and Bianca/Jamie (Janca?...Biamie?... pfffft!) are talking to each other... moving on... fast forward... moving on... fast forward... movi...

...Kim issues Spencer a 'warning' about how he treats her and he says something... woteva Spencer woteva... he walks away going "lahlahlahlahlah!" out loud like a spoilt little child... Heidi says something... moving on... 'doorgate' starts and Kim calls Spencer a 'mental midget' as she enters the Diary Room lol!... she tells Big Brother off about trying to make her look silly in front of Spencer lol!... go Kim you good thing you!... Bianca and Jamie say something... moving on... he goes to the Diary Room to milk even more airtime about his 'betrayal'?... :yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang:...MOVING ON!... end of show (thank god!)...cheers.
...I've just seen Stacey's interview by Rylan on 'Bit on the Side'... she was fantastically funny... if only she had been like that in the house... what a great side to finally see of her... she's really quite nice... cheers.
That was not fun to watch, and not like Jedward at all. They used to be able to maintain their goofy dignity no matter what nastiness was thrown at them. Sure, they were always passive aggressive to self-righteous arseholes, in their own Jedward way, but it seems to have morphed into reactive frustration. Years of bullying seems to have gotten to them, hence their defensiveness, gossiping after leaving hell, and the tampon comment. All of which makes me a bit sad and kinda angry, these unique free spirits have been damaged. I guess it happens to everyone as they get older, but Jedward are like a rare endangered species who should have been protected, if not for their sakes, for those of us who are heart-warmed by them.

For some reason it is ok with a lot of people to talk about Jedward like they are subhuman, even to their faces. I'll never understand that arrogance, rudeness and absolute hypocrisy, but in the past the boys were always Teflon and managed to deflect, which made people hate them even more ... they weren't suitably repentant for being Jedward, even when it was pointed out to them that they were, indeed, Jedward.

But I still love them, they'll get their act together, they're a work in progress, lol.

...what a bloody brilliant post nutmeg my friend... you've really nailed it with everything that you said about them and you're descriptions of them as 'unique free spirits' sums them up perfectly... I so agree with everything that you've said in this post... so much so that I wish that I had written it!... as I said... a bloody brilliant post!... cheers.