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Why is Sadsacks such a misery?

Lisa gives ballayage a bad name. If housemates were selected like they used to be, she wouldn't have made it past the first round. Who the hell signed off on her application? smh!
Did that new intruder actually tell her to her face, her secret talent is resting bitch face?
Was it my imagination? Has BB driven me to hallucinate?
(I mean it somebody tell me if I heard it please?)
Lisa gives ballayage a bad name. If housemates were selected like they used to be, she wouldn't have made it past the first round. Who the hell signed off on her application? smh!

She gave Alex a blowjob*.


Just so I don't get sued I was joking ;-)
Skye is 20. If she wants to act 20, let her. On the very odd occasion Lisa gives decent advice, but 99% of the time she projects herself and her values/standards/expectations onto other people. I don't know how she is going to fare in the game , she comes across as so unlikeable. And in other news, she'll be all over this new intruder like a rash.

Exactly. Just because Lisa was banging 30y/o drug barons when she was 17 and pretending she was grown up doesn't mean Skye has to follow suit.
Skye is 20. If she wants to act 20, let her. On the very odd occasion Lisa gives decent advice, but 99% of the time she projects herself and her values/standards/expectations onto other people. I don't know how she is going to fare in the game , she comes across as so unlikeable. And in other news, she'll be all over this new intruder like a rash.

Exactly. Just because Lisa was banging 30y/o drug barons when she was 17 and pretending she was grown up doesn't mean Skye has to follow suit.
Did anyone notice when David was announced as the first nominee on 18 points, just after he saluted, Lisa said out loud "Same age of the girls he likes to date"? Totally unnecessary.