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Who's changed your opinion of them the most?


Looking back to week 1, which housemate have you changed your opinion on the most.

For me, I hated Tim in week 1 but like him now
I loved Jade in the beginning but cant stand her now.
I liked Mikkayla, now I can't stand her.

Hated Tim and Tahan, now I want either to win.

Still hate Ben, never wanted him to win and I can't believe he has made it so far.
Liked Tim. Thought he was a dick but entertaining. Now I just hate him. Annoys the shit out of me.

Jade. She seemed nice enough early. But her pathetic desperation around Ed, and her behavior when with mikkayla has put me off her.
I thought Tim was an idiot but entertaining. Now I want to be his friend!

Ed seemed harmless, now he is a conniving b!+$#!
I use to adore Jade.

Then she just gets more blinded and blinded by her interest in Ed.

The betting agencies have had her as the most likely female to win, and she's got to capitalise on that and get a good gameplay going. Stop being lovey dovey boring with stupid Ed and play the game!
Liked Tim and Mikkayla the first 2 or 3 weeks, but no more after that. Tim's ego is just insufferable and I always thought it would be hard for him to sustain his game over the whole program, and Mikkayla was just shown up as fake, the bubbly surface just hid the bossy hateful person.
I use to adore Jade.

Then she just gets more blinded and blinded by her interest in Ed.

The betting agencies have had her as the most likely female to win, and she's got to capitalise on that and get a good gameplay going. Stop being lovey dovey boring with stupid Ed and play the game!

I agree I liked jade. Now I can't stand her. She's love sick she doesn't do anything else except follow ed around like a puppy
I loved Drew, Jade and Mikkayla, I can't stand any of them now
I felt sorry for Mikkayla - now I reckon she deserves everything she gets
wanted tim evicted - now i can't imagine BB without him
didn't like tahan - now i still dislike her but she has re-deeming qualities

loved drew - still like him but i feel he needs to be around better people to flourish

still see jade as self-absorbed but i like her
ed i haven't changed much on - i still like him and expected him to be the way he is
Tim is more bitchy than Tahan (and Drew is more bitchy than shown as well), it's pure double standards saying she is worse based on that.
I've gone the other way on Tim. I liked him at first but now I want the rug pulled out from under him. Hard.

I also thought Tahan was an idiot. I don't find that to be the worst trait in the house any more, so by default I like her more than others now.
As with a lot of people it seems, I really liked mikayla at first.. Now I think she is a nasty, underhanded little bitch! I hated tahan I thought she had nothing going for her but her looks .. Now I like her.. She is feisty, strait up and fun.. I personally think the others bully her more than her bullying them and that is usually led by mikayla..

Only one person who I loved then and now and that's Tim ... TIMMY TO WIN!!
Ed seemed harmless, now he is a conniving b!+$#!

Yes I so agree! He goes on and on and FUCKING ON about Tim's game-playing, yet he plays just as hard eg avoiding conflict & hiding his personality at all costs, using his newspaper diary to influence the public against Tim, all the ridiculous (and quite frankly embarrassing) gimmicks by his family that smack of a pre-arranged game-plan before entering the house...