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Who Will be Most Upset About The 4 New People?

why were u flirting with Travis?
What do u think of cat and Lawson?
What happened between u sam and Sandra?
Who do u want to win?

Then again.. Most of the evictees don't get much stage time this year
and bring up that her sick dog died while she was in the house
I don't really think any of the HM's are going to like these new intruders or whatever the heck we're supposed to call them. It's way too late into the season for the current HM's to warm up to new people, and given the fact that they've all been in there 24/7- they're all used to eachother and this whole 'New Era' thing will cause a divide between current HM's and the new ones.

Although it'll make some pretty entertaining TV so to hell with their opinions I say!
When the intruders enter everyone will pretend to be all like

But inside they will be feeling like "what are this?!"

Priya would be all like


Aisha desperately comparing herself to the new girls

Cat will be all like



I think Skye will be alright with them, she's a bit of a one-woman-welcoming-party.
Leo will check Penny out to make sure he's still the most toned HM this year then go show his muscles to Skye.
Ryan won't be too happy, but then he never is anyway.
Cat will keep her eyes firmly on Lawson to make sure he's not looking at either of the new girls.
Lawson will just keep his eyes on the floor coz he doesn't want to get stabbed in his sleep.
Marina will finally complete her transformation of becoming 'one' with the wallpaper.
Aisha will write 'back off, bitches' across Trav's forehead in permanent marker.
Travis meanwhile will already be picking Penny up in his arms, flirting, and pretending to throw her into the pool.
Priya will narrow her eyes and decide how best to cast the heathens out.
David will go crazy wondering what their strategies are.
Can i say the public?
This. The watching public are clearly pissed about how little we get to see of the current housemates as it is. Let's add four more and spread it even thinner. Great idea!

At this rate each housemate will get five minutes footage per week tops, taking into account replays, recaps, replays of recaps, recaps of replays etc etc etc.
I'm not sure how upset the housemates will be, but I think that any of them that are familiar with BB will realize that any intruders at this stage of the game will probably pose very little threat to their chances of winning.