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What would reepbot say?

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Yeah, you're not wrong. I started to compose a reply but then quickly realized there was no point.

There really isn't.

At the end of the day, unWitty is a person who chooses to spend his life in a forum which is filled with people who can barely tolerate him. He keeps finding more and more people to take stabs at for openly disliking him, or daring to "like" a post that he personally doesn't agree with, but lacks the basic insight to reflect why this might be. Nothing infuriates him more than watching forum interaction between friends. He sees people laughing and happily interacting on here and diagnosis that as a "cool" group. He also defines friendships as "cliques" because he quite simply has no idea how to make one.

It is super sad that while most of us pop in here, then go back to our enchanted lives, unWitty is anonymously lurking through the threads 24/7, grinding that ineffective axe of his, while dreaming up his next Custom Title to really stick it to the cliquey-cools in this forum.

Best revenge is to enjoy yourself while you're here.

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