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What would reepbot say?

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OK. Unranked. Quietly, or not so quietly, noted. All in good fun.

AntiGretel: Mushy 'thank you' just over a year ago.
Bleachy: Eleventh hour post
Delcan: "I can't stand Angelina"
Khun Khun: "None of us did"
Mooseface: "Are people on drugs?"
Reepbot: "Anyone will do"
Trala:"Acid tears"
Witty: Group Think

That quote of mine might partially sum up my forum year.
A mere 20 years later and he's retired with waterfalls, sitting on this forum all day. What a tale they could tell. :)

Imagine when they find his 'files'

Why are you wasting Candy Crush time on me? Next you'll be wearing yoga pants and having pap smears you are trying so hard to cluck.
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