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What would reepbot say?

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Don Quixote, finally? Canterbury Tales?

No. Two books by Ken Follett. Because you see what happened was that i was reading through the 'books to buy' thread as i was looking for recommendations for books. And i came across a post by @Inigo Montoya saying that she read this book called 'The Key to Rebecca' by this author Ken Follett four times. That intruiged me because i wondered what was so good about the book that it could be read four times. So i got it out of the library, along with some other books to read, and read it. I thought it was a pretty good book.
No. Two books by Ken Follett. Because you see what happened was that i was reading through the 'books to buy' thread as i was looking for recommendations for books. And i came across a post by @Inigo Montoya saying that she read this book called 'The Key to Rebecca' by this author Ken Follett four times. That intruiged me because i wondered what was so good about the book that it could be read four times. So i got it out of the library, along with some other books to read, and read it. I thought it was a pretty good book.
I feel so tag used and icky :(
I feel so tag used and icky :(

Quickest tag ever lol. But like i said she can't have her cake and eat it too. She can't expect to passively aggressively like posts and take pot shots against you or me but also try to play the innocent act with her 'oh i'm just poor little ingy. I know not what i do.', and have diplomatic immunity against any negativity or insults towards her. It don't work like that.
Quickest tag ever lol. But like i said she can't have her cake and eat it too. She can't expect to passively aggressively like posts and take pot shots against you or me but also try to play the innocent act with her 'oh i'm just poor little ingy. I know not what i do.', and have diplomatic immunity against any negativity or insults towards her. It don't work like that.
I know she studies this spoken word book a lot, and still makes mistakes.
Quickest tag ever lol. But like i said she can't have her cake and eat it too. She can't expect to passively aggressively like posts and take pot shots against you or me but also try to play the innocent act with her 'oh i'm just poor little ingy. I know not what i do.', and have diplomatic immunity against any negativity or insults towards her. It don't work like that.

So rude.

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