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What music or songs are you listening to?

Indeed he was. They're still friends, which is wonderful. He's a great guy. I suspect my darling girl broke his heart, but he's strong enough to still want her friendship.
I was almost going to look for Mariah's heartbreaker song but I really dislike that song haha
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Now another one stuck in my brain - That 'Bills' one, you posted a few weeks ago still keeps me bopping lol

ps - I dont listen to the radio much these days, just in the car to the shops etc
That is my boys favourite song atm- and I love it too. It bears listening to taylor swifts shake it off lol
Hmmm. Does Peggy make Beyonce look overdone? (Although the single boys with the tinsel tophats are hard to beat, to be fair.)

What is with those tinsel tophats LOL

Yep - Peggy didn't make it about herself, just sang the song, Beyonce made it all about her - Just my 2 cents :)
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