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What music or songs are you listening to? finish this 'hooleydooley channeling' upon me I'll finish it with something in a totally different direction... it is 'Star Trekkin'... hmmmm!... perhaps we do not have similar tastes in songs after all after looking back at my songs Hooleydooley lolol!... cheers.


So glad that you are here, and sharing - I am a bit of a thread hog, I like to play and share, I suppose it is because I can reflect the next day and all. It only takes one tune to take - whoever - back to a place ....... and well, I like the new tunes, but the old ones, take you instantly back to whenever ... xxxxxxxxx

clink clink - cheers ;)

So glad that you are here, and sharing - I am a bit of a thread hog, I like to play and share, I suppose it is because I can reflect the next day and all. It only takes one tune to take - whoever - back to a place ....... and well, I like the new tunes, but the old ones, take you instantly back to whenever ... xxxxxxxxx

clink clink - cheers ;)

...hahaha!... yes this is a fun thread... I like seeing peoples different tastes in music and also discovering new artists that I've never heard or seen before because someone puts a favourite song of theirs up... I guess that we are similar at times Hooleydooley... I like to put a string of songs up when I'm in a certain mood... it does no harm to anybody because they if they choose not to listen to the songs then no harm is done but you yourself feel great because you've got that run out of your system lol!... a perfect 'win win' situation!... keep on posting songs for us all peoples... music makes the world go round after all... here is a slow song and a faster one straight after it by Billy Joel to start my day off... cheers.

...I love songs that have a good story in them... both of these songs by Charlie Daniels have them... the first one is hilarious... make sure that you listen to it all the way through... it cracks me up the way he gets himself out of trouble... cheers.

This is one of my favourite songs. I don't care if it's a little bit cheesy. The vocal and melody are beautiful ...

...there's nothing cheesy about that as far as I'm concerned... I've always loved him/them singing this... cheers.

^ Hahaha, it was hard to be a hippy in the 60's.

If you like story songs there's this guy called Bob Dylan.... ;) Bob doesn't allow his music on Youtube. There are just a few live versions here and there. I wanted to post Clothes Line Saga, one of the greatest story songs about hanging out the washing ever written. :wacky:

Oh well, here's a live version of North Country Blues. Very haunting, told from the point of view of a woman watching her husband and family fall apart due to greed and poverty ...

Went out for a meal tonight - just next door - A new Eatery has opened ......... and somehow, my girl got out!!!!!!

So, I am still wondering if someone let her out - or if it was her letting herself out ........

Anyways ....

Vaporwave music is odd but someone else might like it for either nostalgia or it's mood altering weirdness.

I love me some vaporwave. The whole "subculture" is really fun, I think, even if it's sometimes a little depressing for whatever reason. stuffit!... I have a special little deal for you all this wonderful morning... have one 'breezy' little song first thing in the morning and get one free!... here is another 'breezy' song I like... cheers.
