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...the many things that you remember as a kid or teenager...

I remember Watford markets and having cockles with my Dad. I loved them
Winkles conjour up images I shouldn't have šŸ˜‚
I know what they are, I've never had them, but the name still makes me laugh even at my age!

ā€¦believe me Febsā€¦ you dodged a bullet there sweet lady!ā€¦ consider yourself to be a very lucky lady indeed lol!ā€¦ cheers. šŸ˜‚šŸ‘
ā€¦seeing an Ad today on TV for a charity (The Smith Family perhaps?ā€¦ I canā€™t quite remember)ā€¦ they show a schoolkid with a piece of paper for a school excursion to be signed by a parent and just putting it down because the kid knows that the parents canā€™t afford itā€¦ Iā€™ve been in that position before nowā€¦ itā€™s not a good feelingā€¦

ā€¦when my parents decided to emmigrate to Australia from the slums of East End London in the early 60ā€™s as 10 Pound immigrants I was only 14 six days after landing in Australiaā€¦ we were absolutely broke for about the first 3 years or more until mum and dad managed to get on their feetā€¦ (I admire them so much for being brave enough to do such a thingā€¦ bless them both for their sacrifice for a better life for us 3 kids)ā€¦

ā€¦anywayā€¦ from the age of 14 through to the age of 17 roughlyā€¦ at school whenever there were school excursionsā€¦ because we were so brokeā€¦ I never could afford to go on themā€¦ I never disliked my parents because I couldnā€™t go because at that ageā€¦ thankfullyā€¦ I was mature enough to understand as to why I couldnā€™t goā€¦ it wasnā€™t their faultā€¦ but in front of all my schoolmates I pretended to be the ā€˜coolā€™ guyā€¦ I didnā€™t want to go on the ā€˜stupidā€™ school excursionsā€¦ I decded that Iā€™d rather hang around in the ā€˜dropkick classā€™ that remained back at school while everyone was out for the dayā€¦

ā€¦aw man!ā€¦ I had always wished how much I was with themā€¦ it sure cut into me deeplyā€¦ but it was what it wasā€¦ butā€¦ I always pretended that I wasnā€™t fazed by itā€¦ as I saidā€¦ it was a horrible feelingā€¦ every time that Ad comes onā€¦ it gets to meā€¦ even at 71 years of ageā€¦ oh wellā€¦ memories are what they are I guess?ā€¦ you canā€™t change what has happenedā€¦ I just feel sad for the kids nowadays that have the same thing happening to themā€¦ the poor thingsā€¦ cheers.
ā€¦wow!ā€¦ I had a massive flashback to when I was about 8 or 9 years old or thereabouts todayā€¦ when my parents drove from London to Manchester to visit my dads parents I was as sick as hellā€¦ we nearly didnā€™t go because I was so sickā€¦ when we got there my mum and dad told my grandmother that I was really illā€¦ she then said to me something like ā€œoooooh you wee thingā€¦ are you feeling ā€˜poorlyā€™ ?ā€ā€¦

ā€¦I havenā€™t heard that expression since all those years agoā€¦ until todayā€¦ Iā€™m now 71 years oldā€¦ lol!ā€¦ Iā€™ve been feeling sick for about 3 days and when the 94 year old lady next door found out about it today she said to me ā€œare you feeling ā€˜poorlyā€™ you poor dearā€ā€¦ ha ha!ā€¦ itā€™s funny how a single word can wind your mind back to all those years ago in an instant flash eh?ā€¦ god bless her heart lol!ā€¦ what a great flashback!ā€¦ cheers.
Yes, that word cropped up not so long ago for me, too.
Poorly! How very English!
I had another old one recently too, but I cant remember off hand what it was. If it comes back to me, I will return .... .... 1727748464649.gif
ā€¦seeing an Ad today on TV for a charity (The Smith Family perhaps?ā€¦ I canā€™t quite remember)ā€¦ they show a schoolkid with a piece of paper for a school excursion to be signed by a parent and just putting it down because the kid knows that the parents canā€™t afford itā€¦ Iā€™ve been in that position before nowā€¦ itā€™s not a good feelingā€¦

While I'm sure the Smith Family does wonderful charity work, their ads are an absolute travesty. Government Schools just don't work like they portray...

If a family can't afford books, the school will provide them. This includes pencils, paper, books, whatever. If the kids doesn't have a proper bag (seriously Smith Family? - a plastic shopping bag???) the school will go and buy one, admittedly a cheap one from Kmart or such, but a proper bag.

As for the uniform the school will also provide these items if the kid isn't dressed suitably, on a loan basis.

Paying for an excursion is optional in all government schools. It is not compulsory and if parents can show good reason for why they can't pay, then the school will waive the fee and the kid gets to go.

Same goes for the government schools tuition fees. These can be paid in installments or waived altogether. In WA the annual government school fees are not compulsory and only about 40% of families pay them each year for any typical school.

The Smith Family TV Ads are an absolute crock, designed to tug at your heartstrings and of course make you pay them money (which like a lot of charities, the bulk goes on 'Admin fees" to maintain their own existence). It drives me wild every time I see them on TV.
While I'm sure the Smith Family does wonderful charity work, their ads are an absolute travesty. Government Schools just don't work like they portray...

If a family can't afford books, the school will provide them. This includes pencils, paper, books, whatever. If the kids doesn't have a proper bag (seriously Smith Family? - a plastic shopping bag???) the school will go and buy one, admittedly a cheap one from Kmart or such, but a proper bag.

As for the uniform the school will also provide these items if the kid isn't dressed suitably, on a loan basis.

Paying for an excursion is optional in all government schools. It is not compulsory and if parents can show good reason for why they can't pay, then the school will waive the fee and the kid gets to go.

Same goes for the government schools tuition fees. These can be paid in installments or waived altogether. In WA the annual government school fees are not compulsory and only about 40% of families pay them each year for any typical school.

The Smith Family TV Ads are an absolute crock, designed to tug at your heartstrings and of course make you pay them money (which like a lot of charities, the bulk goes on 'Admin fees" to maintain their own existence). It drives me wild every time I see them on TV.
ā€¦what a great article my friendā€¦ and I completely agree with youā€¦ the Ads are shitā€¦ unlike my day in the late 60ā€™s / early 70ā€™s there are so many things in place now to make it better for kids nowadaysā€¦ itā€™s a shame that there were not things like that back thenā€¦ I wouldnā€™t have felt like shit as much as I did thenā€¦ and youā€™re right SeanEā€¦ those people that make those Ads should be ashamedā€¦ they make the charities themselves look as if theyā€™re grifting money like Donald Trump does with the MAGA crowd all the timeā€¦ the charities themselves must cringe each time they see the Adsā€¦

ā€¦Iā€™ve donated to heaps of charities in my pastā€¦ I chose to donate to them because I thought they were worthy enough as I stumbled upon themā€¦ not because of pathetic heartstring pulling shit Adsā€¦ if anythingā€¦ if I saw Ads like these I would make up my mind there and then to avoid the charity at all costsā€¦ I think that those con Ads do a great injustice to the charity itselfā€¦ people probably donā€™t bother with the charity in droves because or the shit Adsā€¦ againā€¦ great post my friendā€¦ cheers.
Yes, that word cropped up not so long ago for me, too.
Poorly! How very English!
I had another old one recently too, but I cant remember off hand what it was. If it comes back to me, I will return .... .... View attachment 64274

ā€¦haha!ā€¦ I love that Febsā€¦ā€™How very English!ā€™ā€¦ thatā€™s so true lol!ā€¦ andā€¦ Iā€™m the sameā€¦ the old lady said something else a few days earlier too but I canā€™t remember what it was either lol!ā€¦ but it did sound very British tooā€¦ the thing isā€¦ sheā€™s an Australianā€¦ sheā€™s 94 but her mother was Scottish and her dad was an Englishman from Liverpoolā€¦ that must be where she got it from I imagineā€¦ because itā€™s not exactly what you usually hear from Aussies eh?ā€¦ lol!ā€¦ cheers.
ā€¦ha!ā€¦ talking about things we said when we were kids in the early 1960ā€™sā€¦ when we were really young and had to go for a pooā€¦ instead of saying the words ā€˜poo or shitā€™ etcā€¦ if we needed a poo we had to say ā€œmum or dadā€¦ I need to have a ā€˜trumpā€™ ā€œā€¦ who wouldā€™ve known that all these years later ā€˜Trumpā€™ would now relate to a man called it that is so full of shit and shits himself in his nappy all of the time lol!ā€¦ (if only my mum and dad lived long enough to see this Iā€™m sure that they would have laughed their guts out about it lol!)ā€¦ geez!ā€¦ I miss them bothā€¦ cheers.
ā€¦ha!ā€¦ talking about things we said when we were kids in the early 1960ā€™sā€¦ when we were really young and had to go for a pooā€¦ instead of saying the words ā€˜poo or shitā€™ etcā€¦ if we needed a poo we had to say ā€œmum or dadā€¦ I need to have a ā€˜trumpā€™ ā€œā€¦ who wouldā€™ve known that all these years later ā€˜Trumpā€™ would now relate to a man called it that is so full of shit and shits himself in his nappy all of the time lol!ā€¦ (if only my mum and dad lived long enough to see this Iā€™m sure that they would have laughed their guts out about it lol!)ā€¦ geez!ā€¦ I miss them bothā€¦ cheers.
Trump to us was a fart. Going for a poo was going to do plops! I've often wondered about plops, it must have been the sound as they hit the water.
An odd one I remember is the word "pongy". My sister and I used it for a "willy". Heaven knows where that one came from, or why at that age we were talking about willies! (round about 5 and 6 šŸ¤”) My Dad as the only male in the house unless my grandad's were visiting.
Trump to us was a fart. Going for a poo was going to do plops! I've often wondered about plops, it must have been the sound as they hit the water.
An odd one I remember is the word "pongy". My sister and I used it for a "willy". Heaven knows where that one came from, or why at that age we were talking about willies! (round about 5 and 6 šŸ¤”) My Dad as the only male in the house unless my grandad's were visiting.

ā€¦hahaha!ā€¦ ā€˜plopsā€™ā€¦ as funny asā€¦ andā€¦ it makes such logical sense on where it got itā€™s name from lol!ā€¦ andā€¦ you guys called a fart a trumpā€¦ we called a poo a trumpā€¦ either way it was to do with shit which is what Trump really isā€¦ I just heard on Youtube that heā€™s shit himself in public againā€¦

ā€¦ha!ā€¦ this is one of the strangest posts Iā€™ve ever posted Febs lol!ā€¦ cheers.
ā€¦my sweet darling wife just reminded me of some things that my mum used to say when my hair got a bit long and it was all over the place (itā€™s not long nowadays unfortunately lol!)ā€¦ she used to call me a ā€˜scruffā€™ and would sayā€¦ ā€œyou look like youā€™ve been pulled through a hedge backwardsā€¦ get youā€™re haircut you scruff!ā€ā€¦ ahhhhhh!ā€¦ those were the days lol!ā€¦ (I miss you mum)ā€¦ cheers.
ā€¦another couple of expressions from my mum and dad plus some of my relativesā€¦

1)ā€¦ ā€œyouā€™re carrying on like an old woman shitting herself at a wedding!ā€ā€¦

2)ā€¦ ā€œyouā€™re so stupid that you followed a shit cart and thought it was a wedding!ā€ā€¦

ā€¦I meanā€¦ seriouslyā€¦ who the hell first uttered those words?ā€¦ lol!ā€¦ some strange wordings have come out of England before now thatā€™s for sure lol!ā€¦ cheers.
While I'm sure the Smith Family does wonderful charity work, their ads are an absolute travesty. Government Schools just don't work like they portray...

If a family can't afford books, the school will provide them. This includes pencils, paper, books, whatever. If the kids doesn't have a proper bag (seriously Smith Family? - a plastic shopping bag???) the school will go and buy one, admittedly a cheap one from Kmart or such, but a proper bag.

As for the uniform the school will also provide these items if the kid isn't dressed suitably, on a loan basis.

Paying for an excursion is optional in all government schools. It is not compulsory and if parents can show good reason for why they can't pay, then the school will waive the fee and the kid gets to go.

Same goes for the government schools tuition fees. These can be paid in installments or waived altogether. In WA the annual government school fees are not compulsory and only about 40% of families pay them each year for any typical school.

The Smith Family TV Ads are an absolute crock, designed to tug at your heartstrings and of course make you pay them money (which like a lot of charities, the bulk goes on 'Admin fees" to maintain their own existence). It drives me wild every time I see them on TV.
Even Officeworks seems to be trying to get customers to donate to support the smith family, it was rather amusing watching a teenage customer service girl stumbling to explain exactly what the smith family do when a boomer couple questioned after being told to donate to them by her.
ā€¦does anyone remember cod liver oil?ā€¦ has anyone had to drink it when caught swearing by mum or dad as punishment?ā€¦ itā€™s the most vile and disgusting taste that you can imagineā€¦ because I was such a brat of a kid I swore all the time and had to drink that vile stuff all the timeā€¦ a lump is coming to my throat now just thinking about it lol!ā€¦ chuck chunder spew vomit technicolour yawn spit chunks or what?ā€¦ cheers.šŸ¤®šŸ„“
ā€¦I remember when at the age of 14 and we had just emigrated to Australia and I saw a guy wearing a pair of thongs for the first time ever in an emigration Hostel in Elizabeth in Adelaideā€¦ I laughed my head off!ā€¦ I couldnā€™t take my eyes off themā€¦ (obviously because I lived in the east end of London in the early 60ā€™s I had never seen them before)ā€¦ I asked the man what they were and he chuckled and then said ā€œtheyā€™re me pluggers sunshine!ā€ā€¦ needless to sayā€¦ I was still totally clueless lol!ā€¦ anywayā€¦ a couple of days later I was with mum when she was shopping somewhere and I saw some in a shop and asked mum if she could buy them for meā€¦ (we were so poor at that time but because they were so ā€˜cheap as chipsā€™ at the time she bought them for me as a ā€˜welcome to Australiaā€™ present god bless her heart)ā€¦

ā€¦when we got home I couldnā€™t wait to put them onā€¦ I had great difficulty in wearing them because I couldnā€™t keep my big toe closed all the time and kept walking out of them lol!ā€¦ but eventually I got used to them and then wore them all the time whenever possibleā€¦ I canā€™t remember how many ā€˜blowoutsā€™ that I had where the strap came out of the hole but there sure were a lot lol!ā€¦ ha!ā€¦ a funny memoryā€¦ lol!ā€¦ cheers.
ā€¦does anyone remember cod liver oil?ā€¦ has anyone had to drink it when caught swearing by mum or dad as punishment?ā€¦ itā€™s the most vile and disgusting taste that you can imagineā€¦ because I was such a brat of a kid I swore all the time and had to drink that vile stuff all the timeā€¦ a lump is coming to my throat now just thinking about it lol!ā€¦ chuck chunder spew vomit technicolour yawn spit chunks or what?ā€¦ cheers.šŸ¤®šŸ„“
yes, I remember it well, and funnily enough, I liked it. I can't remember what it was for, but I wasn't made to drink it for being bad ... I got the cane for that!!!!
What I didn't like was this thick yellow medicine I used to have when I was ill - I think it was a penicillin. It was disgusting, my mum used to have to ram a piece of bread in my mouth to keep it down! 1735856006887.gif

EDIT: I'm wondering if I've got cod liver oil mixed up with something else having Googled it to see what it was for. If it's the thick brown stuff, then that was what it was?
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yes, I remember it well, and funnily enough, I liked it. I can't remember what it was for, but I wasn't made to drink it for being bad ... I got the cane for that!!!!
What I didn't like was this thick yellow medicine I used to have when I was ill - I think it was a penicillin. It was disgusting, my mum used to have to ram a piece of bread in my mouth to keep it down! View attachment 64586

EDIT: I'm wondering if I've got cod liver oil mixed up with something else having Googled it to see what it was for. If it's the thick brown stuff, then that was what it was?

ā€¦itā€™s the same consistency as the oil in a can of sardines or similar but with a much viler disgusting taste that is so bad that I always wanted to spit chunksā€¦ itā€™s terribleā€¦ urgh!ā€¦ cheers.
ā€¦itā€™s the same consistency as the oil in a can of sardines or similar but with a much viler disgusting taste that is so bad that I always wanted to spit chunksā€¦ itā€™s terribleā€¦ urgh!ā€¦ cheers.
Maybe there were two different types, because I definitely wouldn't like that. I might have to go re-googling.

Ok, I found some posts where people liked it as a child. It was mixed with malt, some with orange. I have a feeling it was the malt one as I rember it being thicker that just oil.

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Maybe there were two different types, because I definitely wouldn't like that. I might have to go re-googling.

Ok, I found some posts where people liked it as a child. It was mixed with malt, some with orange. I have a feeling it was the malt one as I rember it being thicker that just oil.

ā€¦well done in the research Febsā€¦ youā€™re like a female Sherlock Holmes lol!ā€¦ all I remember was that it tasted like a foul disgusting chunk of thick snot to meā€¦ if as a kid you have to eat snot at least it should be a good tasting one lol!ā€¦ (I just shuddered lol!)ā€¦ I just thoughtā€¦ I love the taste of bananas and passion fruit in milkshakes and ice blocks etc but canā€™t actually eat bananas and passion fruitsā€¦ maybe itā€™s the texture of it?ā€¦ they make me want to puke because of their textureā€¦ cheers.
ā€¦well done in the research Febsā€¦ youā€™re like a female Sherlock Holmes lol!ā€¦ all I remember was that it tasted like a foul disgusting chunk of thick snot to meā€¦ if as a kid you have to eat snot at least it should be a good tasting one lol!ā€¦ (I just shuddered lol!)ā€¦ I just thoughtā€¦ I love the taste of bananas and passion fruit in milkshakes and ice blocks etc but canā€™t actually eat bananas and passion fruitsā€¦ maybe itā€™s the texture of it?ā€¦ they make me want to puke because of their textureā€¦ cheers.
Certain textures can turn the hardiest of stomachs!
And, going back to the snot conversation.
I remember (not sure if I have already posted about this before), when I was at prrimary school, we all sat at tables of 4, two facing two. I faced a little boy called Rodger. In winter his nose was a complete veil of thick green snot. As he breathed out through his nose, a bubble formed, and as he breathed in again, it went back in.
Not sure if it was vile or entertaining to watch šŸ˜…