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The crying this year..

I really wish people would stop comparing it to last year.
A lot of last year's housemates were horrible people, so no they didn't cry.

I think this bunch despite the fights are very close, yes it's over the top but they are all close.

So crying makes you a good person? I suppose these housemates are crying for people like you then. If i recall the 'horrible' people also cried, they just didn't blubber and drop to their knees doing it. Plus it's not entertaining, it's cringey, it does make me wanna tune out which I've done from time to time.
Crying is one thing but these HMs are like their at a funeral and throwing themselves hysterically on the casket as it's lowered into the grave! It really is over the top and Tully was by far the worst
I'm fairly sure that there was more excitement than sadness during last year's evictions.

Crying has now become so engrained into this year's evictions that it now seems to be obligatory. Like not crying would be offensive to the evictee.
This issue once again highlights to me the characters of the hms. They are all aussies so I don't forgive the extreme wailers. Tahan sheds a bit of a geniune tear, is shocked herself and doesn't carry on. She gets on with the job. Ben goes on and on sobbing like a child "I only did it for parochial reasons...blah blah blah". Show some dignity man and if you are beyond speaking farewelling someone that you have known for a week then stfu already. And Mikkayla bellows and blubbers like a fucking banshee. For God's sake, she is even worse and more attention seeking than Tully. I know who gets my respect.
I know right. I swear they picked housemates who are mentally unstable/overly sensitive this year on purpose. Do they even realise the concept of this game and the fact that they will see each other on the other side when it's all over? Jeeze.
I know right. I swear they picked housemates who are mentally unstable/overly sensitive this year on purpose. Do they even realise the concept of this game and the fact that they will see each other on the other side when it's all over? Jeeze.

I have noticed on all the TV Reality shows, contestants are crying a lot
I'm fairly sure that there was more excitement than sadness during last year's evictions.

Crying has now become so engrained into this year's evictions that it now seems to be obligatory. Like not crying would be offensive to the evictee.

Exactly. And it just makes things awkward. I've noticed with Jade and Tahan, they do this weird happy cry. Their 'crying' facial expressions seem forced and you can see it in their eyes they are relieved and happy. And that's FINE. I don't understand why they aren't allowed to feel releaved for themselves. It's so silly this year. I do blame it on Tully, Mikkayla and Ben. They are just big criers but not necessarily the most sensitive.
It's a bit unfair to judge those who cry in the house, we're not there to experience it. It's generally known that emotions are heightened.

I don't mind ppl crying, everyone gets upset when someone is evicted. But it's the wailing and bawling that's gotta stop. Imagine going to a sad movie with them. Fark that. Lol
Confident, capable and fierce people?? Tom boog tahan yes but the rest of them are insecure incapable whinging timid oxygen theives.
*gets on high horse
Alrighty so obviously I love bringing up the fact that I was in the top 100 last year because it's the closest I will ever get to feeling truly special (jokes), but I just wanted to give a crumb of insight into the emotional bubble that they're all in right now.

Basically the next day after public auditions is an 8 hour session with a group of about 20 people including yourself. Sounds like nothing, but for every minute of those 8 hours you're constantly aware that you're being watched (cameras), constantly aware that you're competing against everyone else in the room, people already start bitching about other people - it's a room full of the most confident and capable and fierce sorts of people (well for the most part any way). It was only 8 hours but I remember walking out of that room mentally exhausted, my brain was wired the whole day with strategic thinking that I walked out feeling like I'd just exited a bubble and left 20 kilos of mental weight behind.

You really have to give kudos to all these people for being in THAT environment for 2 months now. Of course it's going to have repurcussions, and obviously the crying exclusive this group is a result of social learning - you can probably blame Tully for heightening the emotional impact on everyone and now setting a trend that will be followed every eviction until the end.

Confident, capable and fierce people?? Tom boog tahan yes but the rest of them are insecure incapable whinging timid oxygen theives.
I don't mind ppl crying, everyone gets upset when someone is evicted. But it's the wailing and bawling that's gotta stop. Imagine going to a sad movie with them. Fark that. Lol

I know people who cry, I cry but I don't make any noise, tears just run down my face. When I lost my mum, that was different though.
I don't understand the way they cry so loudly
Someone should do a montage pic of all their cry faces as they have all done it so much this year (only Tahan still looks amazing when she cries, is she human!?? haha).

Does everyone remember the days when Tully would freak the hell out at each eviction and the contortions her face would go into? And I guess I cant talk though Im an ugly cryer too.
What I meant was that because Tully was so emotional about evictions, that precedent of emotion transfused into everyone else. It's a pretty normal social thing, the earlier tears has just heightened the intensity with which everyone views evictions. They all expect tears, which in turn brings on their tears...a bit silly but it's a confined environment yada yada yada...
Bah the crying by the housemates pales to insignificance compared to the crying in the Slade household after last nights result.