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Game The Big Brother dictionary

Power Play: Something that the Head of House gets to do to supposedly shake things up in the house. Slightly derived from BBUK's Power Trip season (2014).
Intelligently naive: A backhanded compliment as used by kiwi sloth impersonators to describe how smart it is for their gentleman friend to have a complete lack of knowledge of the world.

Stirring the pot: 1). The act of maintaining the movement of a stovetop pot's contents allowing consistency of cooking and the non-adherance of its contents to the pot's surface.
2): Communicating real or creative information to another housemate that results in dramatic reactions ranging from paranoia, jealousy, anger, love, hate, insecurity, or sadness. A housemates classification of an action as stirring the pot may in itself be seen as an act of stirring the pot.

Hero: An inept overly-sheltered camp ex housemate brought into the following series of BB in a misguided attempt to increase ratings.

Shampoo: a substance which becomes toxic to Kiwis when placed in copious quantity on any part of the body other than the hair in which case it is seen as the height of offensive behaviour. Syn: urine, faeces.

Violation: The non-conformance to a BB rule which can result in a minor penalty if it occurs more than 37 times.

Shock: Medical condition relating to reduced blood circulation due to heart problems, low blood volume, allergic reactions, infection or overapplication of shampoo.
1. Expressing your frustrations at a person or situation to make yourself feel better.
2. Recycled air from an air-conditioned.
A made-up word combining "positive" and "optimistic" invented by Big Brother Australia 2008 contestant Travis Gilyana
eg: I'm very possimistic about winning Big Brother!
Boom Bitch: What one may exclaim after doing something that humiliates another person. Dangerous to be yelled out in spa pools prior to eviction night.
Synonyms: Nah na na na nah na
You counted out the na nas as you sang it, didn't you, lol. I do whenever I type it.
In Confidentiality: an unapologetic alternative to 'in confidence'.

Unapologetic: the personal credo of not wasting apologies on suggestible morons.

Experience: a novelty oversized cheque for $200,000. see also motivation.

Equally deserving: feigned humble acknowledgement of unstrategic play masking a feeling of birth rite entitlement.

Genuine: a placeholder euphemism for having no redeeming qualities.

Smarter than you think: ever so slightly less stupid.

Daily Show: honorary name for non daily content presented non daily.

Witty Banter: any vapid conversation not presenting Priya in an unfavourable light.
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