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Tahan shows good character where it counts.

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As recently as a couple of hours ago I would never have thought I would be saying this......I have spent the last few weeks disgusted in Tahans, bullying ,bitchy, witchy, cocky behaviour.....But you have to give the girl credit for I not compromising herself and her boyfriend and their relationship . In that regard she has been a champ..... On the other hand I suppose she has thrown the other girls under the bus to make herself look good......There's nothing like self praise and pointing out anything that might make another female look stupid to come off as top dog.
I don't think she's a great person, but I think too often people are tarred as either good or bad when no one is definitively that way (although Tully gets mighty close). She has flaws but I find her entertaining, and that's why I like her.
As recently as a couple of hours ago I would never have thought I would be saying this......I have spent the last few weeks disgusted in Tahans, bullying ,bitchy, witchy, cocky behaviour.....But you have to give the girl credit for I not compromising herself and her boyfriend and their relationship . In that regard she has been a champ..... On the other hand I suppose she has thrown the other girls under the bus to make herself look good......There's nothing like self praise and pointing out anything that might make another female look stupid to come off as top dog.

I'm confused. What are you trying to say? Yes it's true she hasn't cheated on her boyfriend. ?? Is that the only point you make. Or are you actually saying that not cheating on her bf overrides her other behaviour?

Thanks Tahan's mum

LOL !!!

Despite her disappointing behaviour, I have a soft spot for Tahan. So I was really hoping to read in this post about her 'good character when it counts'. Gotta say, you really didn't sell that.

Where I do think she showed good character was telling Mikkayla that making jokes about her cultural background gives permission for other people to make racist jokes. I'm not down on Mikkayla for wanting to look less Asian - the girl is adopted and likely looks nothing like the rest of her family - that's got to mess with your sense of belonging growing up. But Tahan was intelligent, articulate and impassioned on the subject. Credit to her.
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