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Survivor Season 35

They wouldn't show so much of him searching if he didn't end up finding it
I don't understand why the others - knowing he was looking for it - didn't all go searching for it as well... unless this was an editing sleight of hand and he found it much more quickly than they would have us believe, and they knew or had a fair idea he had already found it?
I don't understand why the others - knowing he was looking for it - didn't all go searching for it as well... unless this was an editing sleight of hand and he found it much more quickly than they would have us believe, and they knew or had a fair idea he had already found it?

Yes, the editing seemed to be all over the place. One minute everyone is asleep in darkness, then in daylight Chrissy is saying don't worry, Ben won't find an idol, and then someone says Ben has been searching for 45 minutes? Did they really not even attempt to follow him?
Well Ben has been trying to get them to play the game, but they wouldn't so why shouldn't he be happy whipping out his idol? Ashley didn't realise how the game was going, and Mike also seems oblivious to things, I can understand Ben's frustration. Devon meanwhile has ditched his main ally Ashley for someone who is more likely to beat him (Chrissy). So glad Ben has stayed to cause trouble and exposed weak gameplay from some of the others. Devon's face looks like thunder when he doesn't get his way, lol.
It doesn't make sense they would have this 'who cares, he won't find it' attitude. Have they never watched Survivor? Do they want to win $1m? I don't buy it. I call [scripted/editing] shenanigans.
It's quite possible he found the idol earlier, but I don't really care it worked ok for suspense.
Others could have looked for it, or just kept with Ben. If you don't like Ben I guess you don't like it, but otherwise it made for another good tribal.
Yeah, I like Ben, so I enjoyed that!

They kept showing them laying around camp or just standing there like slugs saying he's gone idol hunting again, as if he was only doing it to annoy! In other seasons, when there is someone the core group of gronks really want out, they chase after them when they go idol hunting. Then they have Mike whining about how he's looked "all over the beach" and so on and he couldn't find it. Then they have Chrissy and whoever cooling off in the water (not chasing after Ben, not looking again for the idol themselves so that he can't get at it) saying I don't think he'll find an idol. Dicks.

I liked the way they had the sun setting and Ben trying to surreptitiously feel around beneath the bamboo for an idol with moments to go before Tribal, and then left us guessing did he or did he not find it in time. I also enjoy his joy at these moments of foiling their plan to boot him. Again. Joe on the jury seems to be enjoying it, too! I guess if you don't like Ben it isn't so much fun, but, eh!
My dislike of Ben doesn't stem from him outwitting or outplaying my favourite, because I don't have one amongst this bunch, and I don't know how far back you'd have to go with the evictees to find one I'd be happy to see win. Ben seems to be playing better than the others at the moment in the outwitting part of the game, but like Russell Hantz, he's forgotten or disregarded the social aspect. Unlike Russell Hantz, who at least made the game interesting, Ben isn't (for me), interesting to watch.
I don't hate Ben, have always found it strange when people cry "hater" because you don't gush about their fav. Anyway, it's the production team that I dislike because it looks so fake.
Devon wasn't so stupid going with the flow (and the obvious conversation that they decided not to show us) because Ashley would probably be the only person he can't beat. NONE of the others are liked enough or are likely to "sway" a jury for their vote. From what I've watched, he's the only likely one. And I will say, he's not my favourite, I rarely have favs, but I have liked his verbal responses recently when he's been thrown a curveball, compared to the rest of them at this point, I'd rather he wins. Won't lose any sleep if he doesn't though.
I also enjoy his joy at these moments of foiling their plan to boot him. Again. Joe on the jury seems to be enjoying it, too! I guess if you don't like Ben it isn't so much fun, but, eh!

The best parts were (paraphrasing)
Devon saying - you're still going anyway, but Ben replying - no I'm not I've an idol here, look
Devon - you might not play the idol, Ben replying - I'll play it right now

Joe's reactions were great too, he likes gameplay, like me. Two great tribals in a row, it can't last but I'll enjoy it while it does.
Hopefully I can avoid spoilers until tonight, which means avoiding facebook at all costs.
I'd better avoid here too, in case anyone watched it live today.

I don't want any of them to win, but ANYONE BUT BEN, please.
I really did want Devon to win lmao

And also, the reunion was absolute garbage.

Ghost Island looks fun though
Terrible conclusion to a fairly awful season.
Could they possibly have rigged it any more in Ben's favour?
The new 'twist" so that the hated person doesn't get voted out, and great, it's going to be permanent now.
Probst's love of big burly man competitors was on full display so I'm sure he was thrilled at least.
"Ben needs to put the smaller sticks on now, now he needs to put the larger sticks on!"

The reunion show was rubbish too.
Terrible conclusion to a fairly awful season.
Could they possibly have rigged it any more in Ben's favour?
Yep. This season did have its moments, mostly in the form of waiting for Ben to get his comeuppance (but ultimately cheated out of that by a string of HIIs and that shitty "twist"). Very disappointing.
I was happy with the twists as I thought it was a decent final 3. Both Ben and Ryan deserved to be in the final more than Devon I felt. Though I was surprised they voted out Mike instead of Devon, however it turned out the final immunity was another puzzle anyway. I'm glad they mixed up the immunity challenges more than the Australian one did.

The only downside was the example/model stuff which tends to be typical of US shows, so Chrissy going on about being a mother and Ben a marine/father. They play for themselves and that should always be the angle taken.

Ben was definitely one of the great underdog winners of reality tv as he was up against it for several episodes, I was expecting Chrissy to win even at the end, but I'm happy with the result.