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Priya Appreciation Society

What is this "represent Australia" nonsense? Have you confused BB with Eurovision??? LOL

It's a dying reality show. Whomever wins isn't representing anything other than the voting choices of the very people who spend money on this show. Hell there's hardly anyone watching let alone voting.
Anyone who wins Australia's big brother represents australia to some small degree. She was our countries winner of big brother for 2014 (god forbid).

Not saying she's the new pm or anything
What is this "represent Australia" nonsense? Have you confused BB with Eurovision??? LOL

It's a dying reality show. Whomever wins isn't representing anything other than the voting choices of the very people who spend money on this show. Hell there's hardly anyone watching let alone voting.
It's a national show. They'll get national recognition. I don't want that person to be priya.
It's a national show. They'll get national recognition. I don't want that person to be priya.
The "national recognition" will be relegated to the 2% of the Australian population - FACT - that watches BB. And many of those people stop paying attention as soon as the finale airs. You're vastly overestimating the importance of this show and the winner of it. I suspect you already know that though. ;)
A good reason for winning, sure. I don't buy it though. I feel like she's getting thought because people actually think her tired, hackneyed speeches are really bold and original.

Plus I think the backstabbing nature is more a repugnant part of her actually personality than a strategy. Australia hates tattletales

Everyone of them has back stabbed another. It's not her speeches that won me over. And mine won't win you over. It is obvious that you and since you by extension claim to represent Australia, do not like strong , confident, intelligent women to come out on top in any competition. I personally don't like making fun and hurting someone and then calling it all a joke. But Ryan and David sure got a free pass. But since that's what you say australia wants. Who am I, an American, to argue? So I will say simply Namaste
What is this "represent Australia" nonsense? Have you confused BB with Eurovision??? LOL

It's a dying reality show. Whomever wins isn't representing anything other than the voting choices of the very people who spend money on this show. Hell there's hardly anyone watching let alone voting.

Yet you and your cronies sound like you want to fuck her till she can't walk with your continued bullshit worshipping shit.... mehh[DOUBLEPOST=1416563038][/DOUBLEPOST]
Everyone of them has back stabbed another. It's not her speeches that won me over. And mine won't win you over. It is obvious that you and since you by extension claim to represent Australia, do not like strong , confident, intelligent women to come out on top in any competition. I personally don't like making fun and hurting someone and then calling it all a joke. But Ryan and David sure got a free pass. But since that's what you say australia wants. Who am I, an American, to argue? So I will say simply Namaste

Bringing the gender into it..... what a Fucking surprise from you. Get over it...
Yet you and your cronies sound like you want to fuck her till she can't walk with your continued bullshit worshipping shit.... mehh[DOUBLEPOST=1416563038][/DOUBLEPOST]

Bringing the gender into it..... what a Fucking surprise from you. Get over it...
Why should I? You won't. But that's not a surprise. You never seem to muster a coherent non expletive laden argument.
Instead of this endless round of compost you seem to want to spread, I will simply wish you to get what you deserve.
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QUOTE="Ellie Mae, post: 2110338, member: 39034"]Why should I? You won't.[/QUOTE]

I'm talking about you bringing the gender into it.... stop hating on men it's getting old cobber. Beating a dead horse[DOUBLEPOST=1416563700][/DOUBLEPOST]
You're the one posting ENDLESSLY in here about someone you seem to DETEST.

No I'm not. I'm calling you out on your continued Fucking shit mate.
QUOTE="Ellie Mae, post: 2110338, member: 39034"]Why should I? You won't.

I'm talking about you bringing the gender into it.... stop hating on men it's getting old cobber. Beating a dead horse[DOUBLEPOST=1416563700][/DOUBLEPOST]

I don't hate men. I simply think that men like you are afraid of intelligent, eloquent, insightful women. And that gets old.
I'm talking about you bringing the gender into it.... stop hating on men it's getting old cobber. Beating a dead horse[DOUBLEPOST=1416563700][/DOUBLEPOST]

I don't hate men. I simply think that men like you are afraid of intelligent, eloquent, insightful women. And that gets old.

No men like me hate Fucking women bringing up this whole issue every time a man doesn't agree with such bullshit from a woman. It wouldn't be portrayed that way if roles were reversed....[DOUBLEPOST=1416564304][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh is that what this DULL EPISODE is. As you were.

Drugs are bad....