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Nathan: The new Jasmine/Sharon?


The pen is mightier than the sword.
He's either boring or his good bits are edited out. I think it's both. But from what I see he really does add nothing to the house.

Which makes me think that they really should've kept Justynn in - yeah, he may have been a 'try hard', but the guy caused a lot of stirs in the house.
He's either boring or his good bits are edited out. I think it's both. But from what I see he really does add nothing to the house.

Which makes me think that they really should've kept Justynn in - yeah, he may have been a 'try hard', but the guy caused a lot of stirs in the house.

Jasmin was a much better HM than Nathan. She didn't get much air time but I think she could have become quite interesting, whereas according to the HMs, Nathan spends a lot of time alone and doesn't contribute to anything. And I definitely would have preferred Justynn over him. I think Justynn would have calmed down and become pretty cool if he'd been given more time. He has been my favourite intruder so far.

Jasmin really wasn't that bad, she just didn't get shown.

You were fools to vote our hairy saviour Jhustynne out!

Jasmin really wasn't that bad, she just didn't get shown.

You were fools to vote our hairy saviour Jhustynne out!

^ This. Nathan is ACTUALLY like a female version of Shazza but the only difference is that lots of housemates actually LIKED her. She was very close to Tim & Ben.
^ This. Nathan is ACTUALLY like a female version of Shazza but the only difference is that lots of housemates actually LIKED her. She was very close to Tim & Ben.

Yep! Nathan will probably go next week. Assuming he's up, which I think he will be because it seems he put off a few HMs already but it just depends on how many we're having up for eviction next week.
I quite liked Jasmine as she wasn't afraid to get stuck in to people, she's actually one of the wee few and i mean few who actually spoke her mind to Tim and Tully, in their face too. I do agree with the Sharon comparison though, she was well deserved to be the first as Nathan to be the next although Ed is a sterling candidate to be next out too.
From the little we've seen of Nathan I like him but they seem to be focusing mainly on the girl intruders. Does sound like Tim is not a fan of Nathan's though.

Jasmin really wasn't that bad, she just didn't get shown.

You were fools to vote our hairy saviour Jhustynne out!

I agree with all points.

Jasmine should've stayed.

Justynn should've stayed.
Vote to evict was essentially in play when choosing between the Justynn and Nathan. Of course, Justynn was the most dislikable so the result was obvious. I thought Justynn was entertaining. The prawn cracker dinner was a great watch. Nathan on the other hand ... all I remember of him is that he was afraid to go to the toilet.
I don't think either of the new guys were entertaining. Nathan was less psycho though.

Jasmine was okay, but she had blank doll eyes and a blank expression a lot so she always reminded me of a creepy living doll walking around and talking rather than a person. It was mostly her eyes I think. Doll eyes.
I don't think either of the new guys were entertaining. Nathan was less psycho though.

Jasmine was okay, but she had blank doll eyes and a blank expression a lot so she always reminded me of a creepy living doll walking around and talking rather than a person. It was mostly her eyes I think. Doll eyes.

Like this?

I think Justynn would have calmed down and become pretty cool if he'd been given more time. He has been my favourite intruder so far.

Wow, we actually agree on something - have you been loitering amongst my little grey cells? :)
Yep! Nathan will probably go next week. Assuming he's up, which I think he will be because it seems he put off a few HMs already but it just depends on how many we're having up for eviction next week.

What if he wins showdown?!?!?!?!? I hope not.

Justynn was the best. :)
Too bad Australia would prefer to watch boring nice people.

Have I ever told you how much I love you?
It's starting to get a bit creepy now.
Hahaha yes I believe you have. You're like a shy version of myself - you have similar opinions to me but I 'voice' them for you.

I think so! Where have you been all my life??

Haha, in all seriousness though, even if I disagree with you, I am always impressed with the mature and respectful way you respond to people slinging crap at you! Bravo!