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My BBAU Housemate Ranking


New Member
So I'm sure that most (if not all) of you don't know who I am since I'm relatively new to the forum. So let me introduce myself - I'm rdhaley, I'm 18 years old, and I live in America. I've been keeping up with this series from the beginning on youtube and have been hooked since the first episode. Even though I kind of miss the strategy elements of the US version of BB, I think I actually prefer this one overall because of the tasks, the interactions with Big Brother, and just the housemate dynamics in general - you learn a lot more about them when they're not plotting to get one another eliminated.

Ultimately, it's because I've learned so much about all these housemates over the past few months that I've decided to rank them all from worst to best. However, I did not merely rank them based on how much I like them - sure, that was a part of it, but I also ranked them based on how much of an impact they made during their stay. I then averaged these two rankings together - preference and impact - to formulate my ranking.

So, without further ado, here's #22:

"That Guy" aka Tom Mackay
10th Place


Preference: 22/22
Impact: 22/22

So yeah, I don't have much at all to say about Tom. He was only there for two weeks, so we as viewers didn't get to see that much of him. However, what was shown of him came off a bit negative as he was quite loud and obnoxious but not in an endearing way like some others. Overall, he was a pretty big waste of space as he accomplished little during his time in the house and just wasn't that likable.

Hint for #21 - Borat​
Hi there @rdhaley :) Glad you enjoyed it! I think my #22 would have been:

Although that may be based more on what we have seen outside of the's hard to say.

I haven't seen any BBUS yet myself (only a few from BBUK), but may give it a go once withdrawals from BBAU set in. Welcome - it's always nice to have some overseas viewers join us here. :)
22. Travis
21. Tom
20. Jake
19. Sam
18. Lisa
17. Katie
16. Cat
15. Sandra
14. Marina
13. Dion
12. Lawson
11. Lina
10. Aisha
9. Ryan
8. Gemma
7. Leo
6. Richard
5. David
4. Penny
3. Skye
2. Jason
1. Priya
Preference only -

22. Marina
20. Tom
18. Sam
17. Katie
16. Lisa
15. Gemma
14. Dion
13. Sandra
12. Jake
Here is my listing, taking into account both likeability and entertainment value offered. My number 1 is biased (but actually not really). Note: being a horrible person automatically pushes you pretty low on my list, regardless of entertainment value.

22. Lina
20. Richard
19. Lisa
18. Jake
17. Dion
16. Sandra
15. Sam
14. Tom
13. Cat
12. Lawson
Glad to see people join in with the ranking! Here's my #21:

Marina Rakovskaia
14th Place


Preference: 21/22
Impact: 21/22

Like Tom, I don't have a whole lot to say about Marina. She seemed nice enough from what was shown, but she really didn't accomplish anything in the two weeks she was there. And it's a shame, too, because she seemed pretty intelligent and claimed that she would bring try bringing out the best and worst in people, but her edit was pretty flat/nonexistent throughout. I felt sorry for her when she found out her dog died, but that's really the most emotion I felt towards her this season. Wasted potential, unfortunately.

Hint for #20 - Candy bar covering​
1. Skye
2. Richard


3. Trav
4. Penny
5. Aisha

Besides supporting Dave to get Priya out I did not give a shit about the rest, they were feral the lot of them.
22. Tom
21. Marina
20. Lisa
19. Katie
18. Gemma
17. Leo
16. Sandra
15. Sam
14. Richard
13. Jason
12. Dion
11. Jake
10. Lina
9. Cat
8. Lawson
7. Aisha
6. Penny
5. David
4. Ryan
3. Priya
2. Skye
1. Travis
22. Tom
21. Jake
20. Lina
19. Richard
18. Katie
17. Lisa
16. Cat
15. Lawson
14. Sam
13. Marina
12. Dion
11. Sandra
10. Jason
9. Gemma
8. Aisha
7. Leo
6. Skye
5. Ryan
4. Penny
3. Travis
2. Priya
1. David

Top 2 were always locked for me.

Jake Richardson
19th Place


Preference: 20/22
Impact: 18/22

Jake was an interesting one for me. He seemed very excitable during the launch, and because of this, I thought he would become one of the biggest characters and last for quite a long time. However, he got ousted rather quickly, which I wasn't too upset about. Even though he did have a somewhat sad backstory, and while I'm glad Aisha and Lawson gave him $5,000, his personality seemed very one-dimensional from what was shown. Very full-on all the time, which can be entertaining at times, but to really be an interesting character, you need to have layers, and he wasn't able to really show those while he was there. Plus his constant rapping got annoying very quickly.

Hint for #19 - Speedo​
I stopped reading this particular ratings because he put certain HMs ahead of Tim from 05 and he put Tim from last year as last.

I thought him putting @Timdormer last was a genius move.

I'll be happy as long as he has Daniel from Big Brother 3 in the top twenty Big Brother Australian housemates of all time.