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Most to Least Favourite Housemate List

Lol yes!! I think you once started the tim is a paedophile thread.....
And i was a tim supporter lol.

And haha i look back on posts I've made last year and think.... ew wtf was i thinking!
Oh yeah! That thread! :eek:

Yeah, it was the most the controversial thing I done. It got locked or removed I think. :locktopic:

I exaggerated for sure, even though I did feel a little bit creeped out to be honest. Tim is funny and likable, but I thought he was overhyped. He was excellent in top 5, but I really don't believe that she should've won, personally.

I was a Ben fan too. I think I remember being arrogantly defensive over him. And when Ben got evicted over Tim it just burnt me. Yeah, last year was intense. :roflmao: