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Masterchef 2018

...seriously... how is this fair to ANY of them?... how the fug are they supposed to remember all of that dribble even with it written out for them?... it's a ridiculous task... and... they've just revealed it to us... yup!... yet another really pretentious wanky dish... even Ben could be in trouble here (if Gary and George haven't given him a sneak peek of course)... cheers.
...I have to imagine that both Samira and Jess would be way far more imaginative than Ben and would probably be closest to the original... but... we haven't added the Gary and George element into Ben's recipe yet so who knows eh?... cheers.
I think Masterchef and Australian Survivor should be combined - leave Gary, George and Matt stranded on a desert island, without any food, and let's see who's the last one standing.

...bwahahahaha!... that's bloody brilliant Evan44 lol!... I can actually imagine that as a weekly cartoon Strip right now lol!... cheers. anyone or everyone watching 'Australian Survivor' this year with us?... as my good friend Timmydownawell has said...

For anyone else wanting to join:
1, 3, 5, 14, 15, 16, 24 are still available.

...those numbers are what are left in this years Tipping Competition... so please don't dilly dally and miss out!... run over there to scoop up your chosen number!... join us for a Magical Mystery Tour... step right this way!... **starts up music**... cheers.
I want 3 or 15., but guess that I’ve got to go over to the survivor thread.