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Is Camerashy1 a 2014 Housemate?

I'm not going through 42 pages but has anyone suggested David?

He was suggested in the beginning but it was shut down pretty quick given CS' posts suggested they were attracted to men (and David seems pretty straight).

A few people were commenting though the other night that some of the things David said in his letter (the reference to MH17o for example) were things that CS would say...
I thought derspaz said it was one of his relos?

you heard Bernie sing?

Yep - well, if it was him :)


Well, perhaps the following from a covers jam I had with the lads Sunday arvo just gone might clear things up a bit. Especially from the 4 minute mark. :D

Okay, now to see if our version of "unguarded moment" is any good / youtube-able. ;-)

Anyhoo, any requests for our next jam ?

awwww thanks @derspatz was a nice piece .... you obviously think of our loved one, CS, even if you are breaking it gently that it was you, or one of you.
I miss the fact that I am away from the Shire and now living in WA and that I could be jamming with those I connect with back home ..... thanks for that! And that is my own shit ............
So ..... I so miss my home base, I miss bouncing off camerashy, it so made it fun, ..... sheesh - thanks you sparrow ........ tears from where I am ........ you will never know how much unknowing support CS gave to me, just being there for a late night chat - just for the funny words, the come back - the just being there. and making the time I needed someone to be there. when needed.

and that is that ...........
Nah hooly I merely think of what might add another dimension to a bit of entertainment. In this case, adding what I did only occurred to me a couple of bars before I did it and probably mainly because I was somewhat conscious of the cameras coz, having set thèm up, I knew what they were recording.

I doubt any of the others would have noticed the lyric change let alone thought it might relate to a so called reality show and an anon persona on an online forum.

Like, why would they ? They are all real people after all. :)

Anyhoo, that said, I did once wonder if CS might be numba1 son's lscp.

I don't wonder such a thing now though.

do they monitor his Internet activity like a child? Like someone said earlier sometimes people's online personas are completely different to real life ;)

Absolutely true. I have been here for yonks, and I doubt my family would be able to confirm that for anyone.

They'd click if queried enough about it though, as my name on here is that of my favourite ballet, and I haven't shied away from other personally identifying details on here over the years.
Anyone who knows camerashy on here do you think what Sandra did last night while singing the song would be something they would do?
Way to build intrigue... tell us more! Please?

I don't want to say too much.........

I was just thinking about this thread. Hopefully there will be an answer soon re Sandra. Or not.....