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If you could swap an evictee with a current HM...

Ed for Tully.

I otherwise pretty much agree with the evictions. Maybe Mikka for the SS, but I'd like to see what happened to Mik and Jade without the vile Ed around.

Oh, maybe Maddie for Justynn too.
Mikkayla OUT Justynn or Sharron in (Sharron simply because I feel she was barely shown in those two weeks)
Swap madeline for justynn
Swap boog for tully
Sawp Tahan for ben
Swap Ed for rohan
Swap out Ed and Jade for Xavier and justynn. I think i find Jade more cringe-inducing than Ed atm...folding his underwear and putting her knickers in his luggage when he clearly is not into her. Give the girl and the viewers mercy.
Mikkayla for Tully
Ed for Sugar Sisters
Why swap one dullard for two?

Tully's time was up - she was dominating the show so much she was ruining it to an extent and since she's gone other issues have been allowed to surface, plus it's bought Drew back into the game. He's a decent housemate - was in the early days, is now - but was boring as fuck to watch during the Tully situation.