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I just want them to all go away


Well-Known Member
and never be heard of again. Ungracious losers AND winners.

Its like choosing between gonorrhea & syphilis, they fucked all their viewers & now we all have the clap. What a group of horrid horrid people.
Give it a week, I'm enjoying the social media backlash. I hope it bites them.
Yes the show was quite ugly.
The papers here in Vic are saying it was a flop of a come back
Seems strange to me that there's been a big social media backlash over Ben winning. I mean, I'm happy - he was a horrible winner and I'm a little ashamed of the Australian public for validating his nastiness - but then ...who voted for him?
Seems strange to me that there's been a big social media backlash over Ben winning. I mean, I'm happy - he was a horrible winner and I'm a little ashamed of the Australian public for validating his nastiness - but then ...who voted for him?

I reckon if it was Ben and anyone else instead of the three choices, the other would have won no matter who it was from the house (even charne if she came back after only knowing her for a week) just because people wouldn't have wanted to reward bad behaviour.
and never be heard of again. Ungracious losers AND winners.

Its like choosing between gonorrhea & syphilis, they fucked all their viewers & now we all have the clap. What a group of horrid horrid people.

For a moment, I thought you were talking about us the posters.
Its like choosing between gonorrhea & syphilis, they fucked all their viewers & now we all have the clap. What a group of horrid horrid people.

Ha! I just read your second paragraph. :)
Seems strange to me that there's been a big social media backlash over Ben winning. I mean, I'm happy - he was a horrible winner and I'm a little ashamed of the Australian public for validating his nastiness - but then ...who voted for him?

Seems strange to me that there's been a big social media backlash over Ben winning. I mean, I'm happy - he was a horrible winner and I'm a little ashamed of the Australian public for validating his nastiness - but then ...who voted for him?

What makes you think all the audience vote? Ultimately it's those who waste a huge amount of money voting loads of times that decide the result, not the average viewer.
I just want Stella and Ben likers and haters to go aways sick of it. its all over.
this being a big brother forum, they'll be mentioned quite a bit
and never be heard of again. Ungracious losers AND winners.

Its like choosing between gonorrhea & syphilis, they fucked all their viewers & now we all have the clap. What a group of horrid horrid people.

Seems strange to me that there's been a big social media backlash over Ben winning. I mean, I'm happy - he was a horrible winner and I'm a little ashamed of the Australian public for validating his nastiness - but then ...who voted for him?

Care to point to some of it out?
I just want Stella and Ben likers and haters to go aways sick of it. its all over.

rflmao, I actually like both of them, Stella because of her saintly style and Ben because of vicious behind the back comments which lured many a housemate to their doom. I hope there's more of these polarizing styles next season.
rflmao, I actually like both of them, Stella because of her saintly style and Ben because of vicious behind the back comments which lured many a housemate to their doom. I hope there's more of these polarizing styles next season.

I didnt mind them, its their mad passionate posters,