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How many votes are submitted in total?

Has Sonia ever mentioned how many votes difference there were between 2 people? I have the feeling she might have when it was close one week. If we have that info, it's a simple process to extrapolate using the matching percentages, what the total number of votes were for that week.

yeah, this is all i've got. i'm not a mathematician and it may not be bulletproof but it's my best effort:

Times the whole numbers by the total whole percentage total of ten to equal 1000
divide by 6 (HMs) = 166.6.

Times the whole number and percentage by 166.6.
15.1 x 166.6 = 2516.66667
15.2 x 166.6 = 2533.33384

15.1% 15.1% 15.2% 15.2% 18.7 18.7


then add these numbers


this is the (approx.) minimum number by which one can achieve the above percentages. a greater number of voters can also achieve the above percentage by simply multiplying the (approx.)figure of 16322.
ie. 16322x 2 = 32644
x3= 48966
x4= 65288
x5= 81610
it seems like the show (network) is making a lot of money off of this voting
they should give a portion of it as a bonus to the HM's
I'm sure one week she said there were 23 votes or something between the nominees but from memory they were both on the same percentage.

Yes, in the week where Tim and Ben were on the same percentage, Sonia said that there were only 23 votes between Tim and Ben, with Ben having the most votes.
Where did you see know they spent $100K?

It was reported in Crikey by Dom Knight (Chaser writer and friend of Tim Brunero) the morning after the final. The Logans openly bragged to Tim at the after party. I suspect that's why the rules changed and they stopped block votes like that.

Fucked up isn't it.

It was interesting that the MSM never picked up the story.

The Logans come from HUGE money. Cattle station. They had much posher accents than they led the public to believe too ;)

But even if they didn't come from money they SUVs they were given were $50K each so they would have lost nothing but they gained $730K was it. Something like that.