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Gogglebox Australia

...has anyone bought a Google Pixel phone like on that Ad just then?... are they new out?... I've never heard of it before... cheers.
...and... it suddenly finishes as per usual lol!... thanks for the fun tonight my friends... cheers.
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It is nearly every episode that she says the Greeks are better (add a country ) is mentioned.

Anastasia used to be my favourite but she's a cliche this season.

...Anastasia has always been my favourite but this season she has become repetitive and swears like a trooper at times... she was a lot better when she just called everyone a 'Malaka'... I'm thinking that now she has become a 'star' so to speak that she must feel the need to be 'better and funnier' than she was last week with each and every episode now... she doesn't need to... she's so much funnier when she is just her 'natural' self... I hope that she realises this soon or she may lose a lot more fans methinks!... cheers.
I like her mate .....Anastasia has always been pretty shallow, her mate reigns in some of her crap

My faves change, Angie/Evie & gay couple were my faves, and the boys
Now I love the family with 2 girls, they do and say more unusual stuff, not just aww crap/aww yeah,
I love Daggy Dad from Sri Lanka, and granny with the 3 women - both come out with interesting stuff

I loved the Asian girls and miss them.

I wonder if we can suggest stuff to 10 that we would like goggleboxed?
I would love them to give Doc Who a better go, give them the Christmas Special for that is self contained and less complicated for novices to pick up, it is like a movie")
It wouldn't worry me if Anastasia and Faye weren't on the show. Same with the Jackson family.

I love Mick & Di, their comments are straight to the point.

I also love The Delpechitra Family. Love the Dad.

This series, Mick has come out of his shell, so have the Dalton family.

Keith & Lee just seem so down to earth.

Symon & Adam are great.

Love Wayne & Tom. (I want their new dog)

I like Jad, but not so keen on Matty or Sarah Marie.