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General O/T Chit Chat Thread

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How did the shop opening hours drama pan out? Did they open at 9AM? (or 'business hours' as we say in the trade;))

Extremely successful, saved hours on due deadline, they even opened early, thanks for your concern, how did weetbix go this morning no mush I hope
Extremely successful, saved hours on due deadline, they even opened early, thanks for your concern, how did weetbix go this morning no mush I hope
I totally err on the mushy side, as dry Weetbix are gag city and a definite don't in competitive culinary cuisinary.

I thought the deadline for repurposed cheap homewares was 1996? Maybe that was use-by date.
I totally err on the mushy side, as dry Weetbix are gag city and a definite don't in competitive culinary cuisinary.

I thought the deadline for repurposed cheap homewares was 1996? Maybe that was use-by date.

Its back bud, where you been, went MIA for a awhile
Jake's latest slam rap :p

"You once were accused of extortion
Which most felt was an absolute distortion
It was quite the farce
But it's now in the past
A situation blown out of proportion"

@jessy_girl - I read this yesterday and thought of you ... I'm thinking we need to be asked for approval ratings on any names now because if you're tempted to name your baby Grindr or Tumblr or any of these filter names we just might need to stage some sort of intervention ;):tongue:

The rise of the Instagram baby! Bizarre trend sees parents naming newborns after photo FILTERS, with Lux and Ludwig listed among 2015's most popular new names
  • The popular Instagram filter names include Lux, which went up 75% in popularity for boys, while Reyes, Hudson, Juno, and Willow rose too
  • Royalty-inspired names have also risen up the ranks, including Royalty, Reign, and Princess
  • The Top 10 lists have fewer surprises, though, with Sophia topping the list for girls and Jackson topping the list for boys
  • Fox hit Empire was credited with helping to boost the popularity of several of the names given to its characters, including Dre and Lyon


Haha oh don't worry I'm pretty sure my family would disown me if I took that path. Grindr isn't that bad though is it? :p
Haha oh don't worry I'm pretty sure my family would disown me if I took that path. Grindr isn't that bad though is it? :p
only if you want your baby to grow up to be a flour mill operator ... or an exotic dancer perhaps ... as employment goes I'm told these are both very good options ... but ... lol ;)
only if you want your baby to grow up to be a flour mill operator ... or an exotic dancer perhaps ... as employment goes I'm told these are both very good options ... but ... lol ;)
orrrrr winch-person on a Sydney-Hobart yacht maybe ...
Well of course she skims, half of what is said is shit, and we all judge, like it or not its part of the human experience. What else you got?

Pretty good so far, I'm sure I'll find something as the day goes on

Extremely successful, saved hours on due deadline, they even opened early, thanks for your concern, how did weetbix go this morning no mush I hope

Who you talking to? Looks like you are talking to a ghost. :)
Nope. The fixation and obsession is yours. You chose to hang the bait out below, as you often do. I simply chose to respond, on this occasion.....

BTW Witty sent another message from beyond, wants to if you still have him on block LOL
Do you really think you only occasionally respond to the current cyber toxicity?

BTW You can tell Witty that given the fact I can't see his posts, I must still have him on block. You can also tell him I will be deblocking him directly LOL
I haven't made the Clique accusation ever since you embraced your inner meep with roster blogging, candy crush rut saga and jail crafts. Am I officially un-diva-blocked, blocked but with sneaky peeks or still blocked?
Hello you!

Still taking that 10 minute edit window right to the wire I see.

I have been sharing roster blogging/candy crush progress/jail crafts in here since 2012. Just demonstrates you see what you want to see.

You were diva blocked, but now you are un diva blocked, thanks to a reminder from your indignant like-puppet stand in BFF. That particular week, in my peripausal state, I found you were fucking me off more than you were entertaining me, and I needed a break from your quote following and obsessing, but enough about that.

I couldn't help but notice you were left off Reepbots friend list, is there trouble in tard paradise? Because without Punch where does that leave you?
No trouble. I don't have boobs or swear so I least resemble a certain someone.
Who exactly?

Hey while I realise you are asexual, you do understand that men have breasts too right? They are the two pinkish button type things on your chest that get hard when you get cold or they get licked or squeezed.
Who exactly?

Hey while I realise you are asexual, you do understand that men have breasts too right? They are the two pinkish button type things on your chest that get hard when you get cold or they get licked or squeezed.
I think asexuals are more political and in your face about it. I'm more "I'm spending my money on better things than chasing that" :p. I also think guys need to follow their imperative before witnessing breast cancer turn boobs from awesome, yes I'll spend my salary chasing those, into to chest-mounted ticking time bombs of secondary brain cancer. Combined with Australia being a bogan country, I'm in the theoretically hetero but cannot be bothered basket. Bogan imposed chastity.
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