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General O/T Chit Chat Thread

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Well there's has to be some benefits to being gay what with the denial of fundamental rights, persecution by governments/religious groups, random hate and the exhaustion that comes from having to be continually fab-u-lous.

This thread has become depressing and weird, so lets bring back the fun, get back to our roots (don't be rude)

Mutts bringin' OT back!!!


Am I sensing some straight man genitals here?

Because since Mike went awol, the OT desperately needs man members who appriecate a neat vagina.

Is that man going to be you, Witty Banter?!?!
Appreciate, yes, but don't go asking me geography questions.
Is it general carnal knowledge? Sorry, go ahead.
I had a bad experience when I first joined this forum. I met a poster called Madonna. I fell into instant like and she soon became my BFF. We were just a couple of girls having fun. We would laugh and fight over how hot Ray was, and who wanted to ride him more, then I discovered the truth. And that truth forever ruined by trust in the interweb.
So @Witty Banter if you were going to the toilet to urinate would you

A) pull down your knickers and sit
B) stand up and shake when finished
I shake during just to be difficult.

I do, however, try to be quiet, even if alone. What does it mean?

PS Over fingernail collecting, lactating Ray?
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Okay I am still unclear.

Let's try again.

When buying clothes do you head for

A) womenswear
B) menswear
C) A, but I'm cynical. What's the catch.
Last time I started flirting outrageously with a guy on the forum it turned out he was allergic to lady gardens.

I now profile my prey beforehand to make sure the gender and sexuality tick my boxes.

I probably fall into that category too. I am more interested in the human/animal imperative from a boring algorithmic point of view and laughing at myself when I witness libidinous types.
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