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General O/T Chit Chat Thead II

Just finished my two night shifts and I am about to embark on my week off. This week on/week off business is fucking awesome!

I have some exciting news. I am moving wards. I put in an eoi and have been successful! Change is good for the working soul.

Hope you are all well. Big shout out to my little monkey @el'coopo! I miss your face :)
What ward are you going to? As in specialty
What ward are you going to? As in specialty
I think Wayne Brown has forever changed the way so many share in this forum. Can you just imagine him ringing the NUM?!

"I hear you have a nurse who abused narcotics 20+ years ago, whose mother died a lonely death, who said the word genitals in a lewd context in 2013 and has a crooked tooth joining your team..."


I will Facebook you.
Good Moaning Faux T Thread!

And good moaning @Affable! Such a lovely surprise to hear from you :)

My partner is returning the back stairs :( it is a huge job which means we have had no back stairs for a week #firstworldproblems. They did run straight down the house and ended at the entrance of his man cave, but my partner wants stairs, a landing, then stairs, and he wants the stairs to finish at the laundry door, so you can turn right and walk straight to the pool. IMO it is a lot of work for not much difference, but you can't argue with a man and his grinder and mig welder... apparently.

Omg awesome show alert! Rake! It is an Aussie comedy/drama about a dodgy lawyer and it is laugh out loud funny. We are on Season 3 and it never fails to give.
I currently have Influenza A too. Been off work for over a week, as it has effected my asthma. So over coughing. hope everyone who has it, or has family members with it recover soon xx
Hope you are well over it by now.

I think Wayne Brown has forever changed the way so many share in this forum. Can you just imagine him ringing the NUM?!

"I hear you have a nurse who abused narcotics 20+ years ago, whose mother died a lonely death, who said the word genitals in a lewd context in 2013 and has a crooked tooth joining your team..."


I will Facebook you.
Which tooth is crooked? They look ok to me.
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Thank you! We really did!

He is great. He is back nursing and he and Fabio are going strong.

Well as someone from a long line of outsourcers I am legit impressed.

So great to hear that Mr Mutley is great too! Oh and Jordan is back?? So many lost OT members, and we all know why, at least partly why.
I hope everyone is feeling better with their flu, my sister had a bad bout recently and she is a mad hippie so tries to cure herself with alternative means usually but willingly went straight to conventional medicine this time, so I knew that it was bad.
I made a big mistake and tried to fly with a baby, thankfully only a short flight as it did not go well. I sincerely apologise to anyone who may have been on my flight with non-stop shrill screaming the whole time.

There was talk of a much longer flight later in the year, it's actually cheaper for me to take a different flight altogether. I didn't like this idea at first but after the first flight I think it's my preference.
I made a big mistake and tried to fly with a baby, thankfully only a short flight as it did not go well. I sincerely apologise to anyone who may have been on my flight with non-stop shrill screaming the whole time.

There was talk of a much longer flight later in the year, it's actually cheaper for me to take a different flight altogether. I didn't like this idea at first but after the first flight I think it's my preference.
Oh dear. How are you all doing regardless of the flight issues?
I don't know if I mentioned it but a local stray cat had three kittens maybe a month before I moved in to my apartment here in Phnom Penh. I would feed them just to give them a better start in life. However my landlady told me off for feeding them as it meant they would hang around and shit in their courtyard (which they use as a kitchen, which is typical for local Cambodian families).

So I cut back the feeding only to times when they came begging... but they had all become friendly and accustomed to human contact and even used the kitty litter tray I provided so they are pretty much domesticated.

Anyway I'm on a very limited budget here, so when I ran out of cat litter and food I cut them loose. They're now six months old and should be able to scavenge for themselves (there are some very juicy rats around!)

I had always intended to get the female spayed but after I stopped feeding them I didn't see her for a few days until yesterday, when she turned up with a nasty cut to her right, um, "armpit", if you know what I mean. So I bundled her up and took her to the Animal Welfare society.

I have just collected her. She has three stitches for the cut and two more for being spayed. And she stinks of piss because she just spent the night in her little cage. She was very happy to see me. She's on the balcony cleaning herself (thank god). She will have to stay inside for the next week until the stitches get taken out.

She is so adorable!

I almost cried at PPAWS though. They have a dog with two legs (front ones). Apparently someone tried to trap her for dog food (maybe in a gin trap or something) and she ended up with paralysed back legs they had to amputate. She shuffles around on her front legs and even though they made her a little wheelchair/trolley she doesn't like it and is happy to shuffle around on her own. She'll live out the rest of her days there. Poor thing!
I don't know if I mentioned it but a local stray cat had three kittens maybe a month before I moved in to my apartment here in Phnom Penh. I would feed them just to give them a better start in life. However my landlady told me off for feeding them as it meant they would hang around and shit in their courtyard (which they use as a kitchen, which is typical for local Cambodian families).

So I cut back the feeding only to times when they came begging... but they had all become friendly and accustomed to human contact and even used the kitty litter tray I provided so they are pretty much domesticated.

Anyway I'm on a very limited budget here, so when I ran out of cat litter and food I cut them loose. They're now six months old and should be able to scavenge for themselves (there are some very juicy rats around!)

I had always intended to get the female spayed but after I stopped feeding them I didn't see her for a few days until yesterday, when she turned up with a nasty cut to her right, um, "armpit", if you know what I mean. So I bundled her up and took her to the Animal Welfare society.

I have just collected her. She has three stitches for the cut and two more for being spayed. And she stinks of piss because she just spent the night in her little cage. She was very happy to see me. She's on the balcony cleaning herself (thank god). She will have to stay inside for the next week until the stitches get taken out.

She is so adorable!

I almost cried at PPAWS though. They have a dog with two legs (front ones). Apparently someone tried to trap her for dog food (maybe in a gin trap or something) and she ended up with paralysed back legs they had to amputate. She shuffles around on her front legs and even though they made her a little wheelchair/trolley she doesn't like it and is happy to shuffle around on her own. She'll live out the rest of her days there. Poor thing!
Oh. That's always sad that kind of thing. Poor dog. I guess at least someone is looking after her as best they can. I hope she has some fun in her life even sans the two legs.
Oh. That's always sad that kind of thing. Poor dog. I guess at least someone is looking after her as best they can. I hope she has some fun in her life even sans the two legs.
The woman at PPAWS said that someone had offered to take the dog, but they're going to keep her and see out her days with them. I guess they probably think it's in the dog's best interest to stay there (which is a fair call). But I seriously choked up when she was telling me the story.
I don't know if I mentioned it but a local stray cat had three kittens maybe a month before I moved in to my apartment here in Phnom Penh. I would feed them just to give them a better start in life. However my landlady told me off for feeding them as it meant they would hang around and shit in their courtyard (which they use as a kitchen, which is typical for local Cambodian families).

So I cut back the feeding only to times when they came begging... but they had all become friendly and accustomed to human contact and even used the kitty litter tray I provided so they are pretty much domesticated.

Anyway I'm on a very limited budget here, so when I ran out of cat litter and food I cut them loose. They're now six months old and should be able to scavenge for themselves (there are some very juicy rats around!)

I had always intended to get the female spayed but after I stopped feeding them I didn't see her for a few days until yesterday, when she turned up with a nasty cut to her right, um, "armpit", if you know what I mean. So I bundled her up and took her to the Animal Welfare society.

I have just collected her. She has three stitches for the cut and two more for being spayed. And she stinks of piss because she just spent the night in her little cage. She was very happy to see me. She's on the balcony cleaning herself (thank god). She will have to stay inside for the next week until the stitches get taken out.

She is so adorable!

I almost cried at PPAWS though. They have a dog with two legs (front ones). Apparently someone tried to trap her for dog food (maybe in a gin trap or something) and she ended up with paralysed back legs they had to amputate. She shuffles around on her front legs and even though they made her a little wheelchair/trolley she doesn't like it and is happy to shuffle around on her own. She'll live out the rest of her days there. Poor thing!

You're a good man, TDAW. I always felt terrible seeing the skinny stray cats and dogs when I was in Cambodia. It's a tough country for everyone, I think. I hope the next generation sees a better and more gentle life than they currently experience. So many tragic stories about Pol Pot's time. He really ruined that country.
You're a good man, TDAW. I always felt terrible seeing the skinny stray cats and dogs when I was in Cambodia. It's a tough country for everyone, I think. I hope the next generation sees a better and more gentle life than they currently experience. So many tragic stories about Pol Pot's time. He really ruined that country.

Thanks. Yes, it's a country still recovering from that era. And Pol Pot's legacy lives on... I saw the preview for a doco recently, where a young person says that there's still an underlying fear about being educated because history may repeat itself. If that's true it's really holding the country back (for those who don't know, Pol Pot brutally tortured and murdered all the best and brightest people, artists, and the religious - and then banished everyone that was left from the cities into the country, during his five year regime).

I feel conflicted: I spent $100 on a street cat, yet I only give 50c a pop to the homeless guy I see in the lane. Maybe I need to reconsider my priorities.
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I don't know if I mentioned it but a local stray cat had three kittens maybe a month before I moved in to my apartment here in Phnom Penh. I would feed them just to give them a better start in life. However my landlady told me off for feeding them as it meant they would hang around and shit in their courtyard (which they use as a kitchen, which is typical for local Cambodian families).

So I cut back the feeding only to times when they came begging... but they had all become friendly and accustomed to human contact and even used the kitty litter tray I provided so they are pretty much domesticated.

Anyway I'm on a very limited budget here, so when I ran out of cat litter and food I cut them loose. They're now six months old and should be able to scavenge for themselves (there are some very juicy rats around!)

I had always intended to get the female spayed but after I stopped feeding them I didn't see her for a few days until yesterday, when she turned up with a nasty cut to her right, um, "armpit", if you know what I mean. So I bundled her up and took her to the Animal Welfare society.

I have just collected her. She has three stitches for the cut and two more for being spayed. And she stinks of piss because she just spent the night in her little cage. She was very happy to see me. She's on the balcony cleaning herself (thank god). She will have to stay inside for the next week until the stitches get taken out.

She is so adorable!

I almost cried at PPAWS though. They have a dog with two legs (front ones). Apparently someone tried to trap her for dog food (maybe in a gin trap or something) and she ended up with paralysed back legs they had to amputate. She shuffles around on her front legs and even though they made her a little wheelchair/trolley she doesn't like it and is happy to shuffle around on her own. She'll live out the rest of her days there. Poor thing!
Reading this makes me love you even more!
