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Forum Big Brother House

And if a certain behind big brother member sees the thread I'm actually f*cked[DOUBLEPOST=1436698233][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh big brother wait
So where's the Diary Room thread? I swear to myself and my fellow Housemates that I will not look in any thread that I am not supposed to.[DOUBLEPOST=1436698312][/DOUBLEPOST]
PM is the diary room
But how do the public see our discussions?
So where's the Diary Room thread? I swear to myself and my fellow Housemates that I will not look in any thread that I am not supposed to.[DOUBLEPOST=1436698312][/DOUBLEPOST]
But how do the public see our discussions?

There is a spin off show called The Diary Room Show! where everything that the housemates aren't allowed to see happens
I still feel like the other housemates should nominate. But I'm not gonna sit here and complain I'm up and if I go then I go but it's up to the public so only I can save myself so good luck to my fellow nominees and let's all just have a fun experience ☺️
The other Housemates are at a loss. They are flying below the radar, and I believe that's what's going to be there downfall.