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Episode Day 67 (Thurs 3/10/13): Nominations #9 (90m)

I think that the super power should not be revealed until after all the hm's nominate. The only great thing about the super power is that no one seems to nominate the person with it. Would be much more interesting if the hm's didn't know who had it

I think the superpower should be revealed to the viewers before phone lines open, so they can't 'change' it before BB crew know who the evicted HM is.
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Has no one mentioned Ben's bs nomination reasons. It's so obvious that every move he makes is calculated to maintain his innocent crystalline Bambi image. His noms were totally strategic; he just desperately wants to appear like he isn't playing the game (which is why he freaked out at being placed most likely to win) and thus invented those eyeroll inducing reasons.

Yep, it's disgusting. He knew he was the favourite to win (the fake eviction would have told him that if anything else), I think Big Brother shouldn't have accepted his noms. He has managed to nominate Ed almost every one of the past few weeks for different stupid reasons like that. I hope he slips up his act at some point.
I think the problem with Drew is that he's suffering from two things: 1. Both of his story lines have involved females - one forced one who didn't want him and the other who is now gone - and that's all he's had and 2. That whole Drim thing people were hoping to see again if Tully got booted has been proven to be a bust. He's not the funny guy. He's not even the nice guy. He's the guy who sits back and doesn't contribute for the most part. And when he does it involves running between different groups and totally distorting what was said. It's almost like he has Tully disease: He forgets the public see what was actually said before he twists it to suit his needs.

His only qualities right now are either bitching or listening to someone bitch and then repeating it. Nothing else. And it's been like that for awhile so I think that's why he's copping it now.

Absolutely. Drew is hoping to ride on the pig's back all the way to the end. Tim has identified that (nomination points) and will shake that kid off for sure. In lots of ways, Drew is flying under the rader, or in the shadow of the others.
Karl Pilkington is an English personality, most notably known for being Ricky Gervais' 'dimwitted' friend, due to his incredibly strong, and yet utterly ridiculous stances on certain topics.

Ignorance is bliss...........and hilarious!

And isn't he 'AN Idiot Abroard' ?! I see the similarities and also think Ben looks ALOT like Heston Blooming...something, the chef!
And isn't he 'AN Idiot Abroard' ?! I see the similarities and also think Ben looks ALOT like Heston Blooming...something, the chef!

Yes. i recognize him from that show. ignorant guy but funny.
Just didn't know his name..
Yes. i recognize him from that show. ignorant guy but funny.
Just didn't know his name..

Excellent comparison... Karl is the ever cautious sucker who gets stitched up constantly. I think he's hilarious but, like Ben, it's hard to tell where the real Karl ends and the acting begins. NO ONE is THAT naive.
Is Ben a vegetarian or a vegan. Just about every meal cooked in the kitchen would contaminate his meal. His excuses to nominate were pathetic. Nathan cooked the barbeque and got into trouble with it Ed went to the rescue to try and quickly remove the charred food. If Ben was so worried about his food, why was it put on the barbecue with the meat in the first place? Why didn't he get a plate for his food to be put on it.
Is Ben a vegetarian or a vegan. Just about every meal cooked in the kitchen would contaminate his meal. His excuses to nominate were pathetic. Nathan cooked the barbeque and got into trouble with it Ed went to the rescue to try and quickly remove the charred food. If Ben was so worried about his food, why was it put on the barbecue with the meat in the first place? Why didn't he get a plate for his food to be put on it.

The whole vegan/vegetarian choice is such a croc... It always creates fuss and IMO is a grab at attention. Who was the vegan last year (Stacey throwing the tofu over the fence... Then covering it with a cushion...Bahahahahaaahahaaaa)? Bloody vegetarians, they make the choice but then it's always such a pain in the arse...oh no, we're having steak, egg and chips for dinner; what will the freaken vegetarian eat?????? Who the chips and shut up. OR, make/bring your own falafeltofuhummussalad. Meh. Vegetarians are annoying.
Is Ben a vegetarian or a vegan. Just about every meal cooked in the kitchen would contaminate his meal. His excuses to nominate were pathetic. Nathan cooked the barbeque and got into trouble with it Ed went to the rescue to try and quickly remove the charred food. If Ben was so worried about his food, why was it put on the barbecue with the meat in the first place? Why didn't he get a plate for his food to be put on it.
i thought this was a croc of shit too. he probably nominated Ed cause he thinks he's a threat but had to disguise it with some lame excuse because he's made such a big deal about not being a game player.
if Nathan cooked the BBQ then why was Ben upset with Ed for simply not putting it on a separate plate, wasn't the "damage" already done, as stated above, cooking it on the same hot plate as the meat? Did he know Nathan was the cook? or is it a case of (and I say this not meaning to be harsh) the gay guys sticking together? I am unaware of how Ben and Nathan get on cos Nathan is no in too many updates!
I wonder why the producers don't show much of the intruders

I know! Never before have we seen so little of intruders in Big Brother as we have of Maddie and Boog. All we know about their time in the house so far, is that they accidentally shared a toothbrush.
The whole vegan/vegetarian choice is such a croc... It always creates fuss and IMO is a grab at attention. Who was the vegan last year (Stacey throwing the tofu over the fence... Then covering it with a cushion...Bahahahahaaahahaaaa)? Bloody vegetarians, they make the choice but then it's always such a pain in the arse...oh no, we're having steak, egg and chips for dinner; what will the freaken vegetarian eat?????? Who the chips and shut up. OR, make/bring your own falafeltofuhummussalad. Meh. Vegetarians are annoying.

Please take your medications.
dude!! If It was nothing I wouldn't have mentioned it!! Just look !

Well, we were talking about 2 different times, but I still believe you overreacted - Mikkayla was just comforting Jade because Jade was clearly VERY uncomfortable with the whole superpower thing (shaking etc) - also that was the reason for her facial expressions which had nothing to do with Mikkayla. Plus, Jade was the one holding onto Mikkayla's hand for dear life. So...I stand by my comment.
According to my count prior to this episode and according to the graphic BB showed during this episode, no one other than Ed has nominated Drew. So if you can, please refresh my memory?

I thought my post made it clear that I'm not a fan of Ed. If there's any confusion, I am not. The dullard needs to go so he can stop repeating the same diatribes, obsessing over Tim and so Jade can finally be vindicated. But! Drew is the least nominated housemate and the opportunity to evict him is rare. I would cope with two/three more weeks of mumbles to see someone like Drew who has ridden the coattails of Tim and Tully and in the first week Jade absent from the final. I wholeheartedly believe if not for those three, Drew would just be the pretty boy with all the magnetism of a box of hair.

I know Drew has gotten off easy but i think its obviously because he is doing something right in the house. As an outsider you have to stay under the radar somewhat .....