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Episode Day 43 (20/10/14) - Daily Show

So what did Travis actually what strategy did he get...
besides putting a massive target on his back now that everyone knows he's most liked...
Sigh, so the whole show will be about 2 adults talking about stayin away from each other? This show has sunk lower than I thought it could go. I can't believe how silly it is.
Have a look at the photo 2 pics later in Rebecca's nye album. You're making it sound like Cat was huge when in fact the pic you're choosing to post mutiple times (and in multiple places) on this forum is more about a bad camera angle. Why haven't you bothered showing the other pic of Cat, clearly taken on the same night, where she looks to clearly be in a healthy weight range. Oh wait, is that because it doesn't suit your agenda? Geezus, I don't even like/support the woman, but even I can see that this is a bit harsh. Are you male? I'm thinking you must be. :rolleyes:

That is not a healthy weight range. But my point in posting the picture was because I was surprised at how different she was and I felt obliged to share it with the other forum users. I don't care how big she was back then, it's the fact that she looks so different is why I posted her picture.

Deep throat.