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Episode Day 16 (23/09/2014) Live EVICTION #1

I can kind of see Gemma's thinking in her game plan, get so much camera time and be "entertaining" and interesting and it doesnt matter if you have friends in there. BECAUSE THATS WHAT WORKED FOR TIM! but somehow he got away with it, probably because he didnt cry which is off putting to people and the fact she's a giant female.
the whole time it looked like jake just agreed with her and repeated what she said to him, i dont think he really had a choice because its not like hes gonna sell him partner down the toilet like sandy
Seriously Gemma could've gone completely under the radar like Ryan or Jake and had more chance of getting the public vote instead of the 'crocodile tears' christ
I can kind of see Gemma's thinking in her game plan, get so much camera time and be "entertaining" and interesting and it doesnt matter if you have friends in there. BECAUSE THATS WHAT WORKED FOR TIM! but somehow he got away with it, probably because he didnt cry which is off putting to people and the fact she's a giant female.

I think the problem with Gemma was....she told us her game plan was to get attention, honey don't reveal your game plan to anyone.
I'm glad they don't all have her strategy. Can you imagine what Big Brother would be like if every single one of them was pretending to cry all the time?
Hate to be negative but this girl is clearly stressed I cannot believe Carmel (old days) would have allowed this and I hope she has some care to readjust. I think this is quite possibly the worst road bb has gone down 9including turkey slaps Sandilands carlos ass etc etc. It is one thing for us we me to have a go at people who put themselves up for it(they expect that) but this was the last kid picked on the footie team on international TV.

Poor Form Channel 9 and Alex(Im a purist) and southern star enema