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Episode Day 16 (23/09/2014) Live EVICTION #1

Did everyone also just get the Nair leg wax advert just then?

Funny how in advertisements they show women ripping hair out of their legs with big smiles on their faces without even flinching
PLEASE let TRASHA be split up tonight.

The UK evicted their showmance before it had barely started this year... if we steal another idea from the UK, make it THAT ONE.
Yes but we still got stuck with that obnoxious 2-second steve and kimbot.Would have preferred the other showmance
Aisha and travis should be together forever!!! that way it would save a lot of other people from being with them
Right after Jemma, Aisha and travis are my MOST HATED.

GTFO bitches... I saw tully and drew and then ed and jade.. they were at least nice to look at, you two on the other hand...