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Episode Day 101 (6/11/13): Grand Final (155m) discussion

I knew she would come third! Weeks ago I said she would come third, my fave gals always do. Good for Tim and Jade, they're both deserving.
Shut the front gate Tahan has finally left the building!

Congrats Tim & Jade!!!

It's time to go....



First to go is Tahan

holy fuck

Tahan gone!


FUCK! I knew it! I knew it! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

yes best ever outcome

WTF Tahan!

Holy shit balls, shit just got real!

Lol! Almost as amusing as Ben's eviction.
I reckon having no enemies left hurt her a bit. I really do. I love her but my passion for her dropped after that as she was just *there* after.

Oh that makes me sad.
Love the final two, either to win! Stomach doing backflips omg yehhh
Crap.. I wanted anyone but Jade! But I predicted that if she didn't win, Jade would.... Tim for the upset, then.