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Episode Day 101 (6/11/13): Grand Final (155m) discussion

Don't wish Xavier stayed longer because it would have come at the expense of the crazy Tully. We would have been deprived of all the drama that followed. If he stayed because they didn't make week 2 a double eviction, then that would have been fine. Double evictions so early are dumb.

Have to agree with that. Xavier was fine, but he was a better evictee than Tully.

hope the AEC isn't verifying the votes!

The music is making me depressed please.... stop.
It's like... the love the way you lie background music.
If we have learned anything. Tim is a hero to all. Especially Jade.
Yes because we should feel so ashamed to admit anything "publicly" on a forum full of randoms online. Dude, I cry at least twice a week watching BB for one reason or another. Not everyone lives in prison. ;)

What do you expect people to say when you announce you are sobbing?

Yay you?! Nice sobbing??!! or are you going for more the pity party "oh me too! :( " response?

"Dude", for this week, I wish you luck, love and great sobbing.
Dat music...

Stupid music. They do it to contrive the audience's reaction. That's not how it's supposed to be done.
Tim just can't play it straight. He wants to be right and control everything more than win the show. Oh well. Voting is closed. He never had a chance.
Omg is that a joke? are they going to ask tully how good drew was in bed?
I would feel so sorry for her ex gf if she's watching this, enough of this shit.