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Game Counting in Pictures

Sorry Lucas My dyslexia is in play not and excuse I really am 😂 it takes me a while sometimes especially when I am stressed or tired my interventions don't work and my mind takes over , 😁 I am a bit crazy but in a good way

Sorry Lucas My dyslexia is in play not and excuse I really am 😂 it takes me a while sometimes especially when I am stressed or tired my interventions don't work and my mind takes over , 😁 I am a bit crazy but in a good way

Hi Nonie! Nooooo, don't apologise. You did nothing wrong. You actually kept the game going with the correct numbers so it was easy for me to post pictures for the numbers accidentally skipped and kept the flow going. Only reason I noticed was because I normally like to keep an eye on the numbers excessively. 😉 I like to moderate the game closely, haha.

Anyway I have to kill about an hour so we can play fast if you want?

