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Cat & Lawson - What really happened

Third hand hearsay is what got us the info last year that Justynn went apeshit in the Presidential Suite. Strongly denied by BB and Ch 9 at the time although now Nathan has confirmed he in fact did. It's also what got us the info that Nathan had quit the show. The two people involved are in the house so they obviously can't comment and since they've had no qualms about flatout lying to their supposed friends' faces about what happened in there, I wouldn't even believe what they said now anyway. So other than that we have only Ch 9/BB - who kept referencing the bath in their ads and articles on Jump-In - and people who have seen the footage. Noxious' friend claims to know what happened so unless they're proven wrong somehow, I'm not sure why it'd be surprising people are taking their account at face value.

Also Lawson admitted last night that they kissed. There is zero doubt about that now for those who kept trying to insist nothing happened.
Now c'mon nobody said anything about a "third" hand - did they??