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Bradley as a woman. Believe it or not.

Here's the pic

interesting comment from Angie.

“I didn’t think it was possibly to have Bradley be any creepier” Angie jibes, as Stacey applies lipstick to the youngster, who also has her showercap on.
Haha go B-rad

I tell you what this is going to make the weirdo poster on here that is obsessed with B-rad implode.
Good sign for Brad..obviously feeling more comfortable with himself..
Interesting that Stacey was involved, and pleased with her work. Maybe she has some experience with dolling up drag queens.
“I didn’t think it was possibly to have Bradley be any creepier” Angie jibes, as Stacey applies lipstick to the youngster, who also has her showercap on.

Brilliant. I hope he doesn't follow poor Estelle around when he's dressed like that.
Brilliant. I hope he doesn't follow poor Estelle around when he's dressed like that.
He'll probably go and pash his own reflection in a mirror and kid himself it counts for another kiss.