Thanks for that. Not a fan of producers deciding who nominates in the week and who does it live (I suspect they'll alternate it) but I've always thought just opening nominations soon after the eviction until the time they'd usually take place for HMs to go in and nominate when they wanted could be fun, especially if people nominate out of anger after an argument.
They do that in some Spanish-speaking countries like the Argentinian and Chilean version, but I think it originated in Spain. Once a week, one and only one housemate was able to nominate spontaneously and (in the current versions in Argentina and Chile) vote for 3 and 2 points instead of 2 and 1 point. In addition to that, every housemate can make one killer nomination during the season.
One of the best things BBUK did when it launched was switch to weekly nominations and evictions and its no surprise most versions that launched after followed suit, though Germany stuck with the fortnightly cycle for their ever increasing seasons.
Season 4 that introduced the battle concept was an exception. That one actually had weekly nominations and evictions. Some of the later seasons had weekly evictions when it got to the end game and they needed to get rid of people or when seasons failed and they wanted to swap out some housemates.
Season 5 went back to bi-weekly evictions, but I didn't like their approach to nominations and evictions either. Usually they only nominated within one team, so once you survived an eviction, you were safe for a couple of weeks before you eligible for nominations again. In the second half of the year-long season, they suddenly got rid of housemates nominations and either put whole teams or let the viewers do the nominations (and evictions).
Season 6 (the village one) was the worst though when it came to nominations, because they had nominations and evictions every 3 weeks. In the first week, housemates nominated to basically put people into the danger zone. Viewers didn't vote to evict, but decided which of the nominees was to face the newbie that moved in during week 2's live show. In the third week, viewers decided if the newbie or the nominee is allowed to stay. It was a horrible system and didn't last very long.
The thing is now Promi BB viewers are used to a daily cycle instead so given they've enough HMs to sustain weekly evictions over 100 days it is something they could have stuck with, although perhaps going back to basics means focusing more on the housemates just living with each other over the game aspect.
I'm very much for weekly evictions. I'm just surprised that they've switched to weekly evictions despite claiming that they'll stick to the biweekly cycle. It can see two reasons for that: People initially complained that they've put too many people into the house and that it's hard to get to know-all of them. Getting rid of them quickly helps with the problem.
But I also wouldn't be surprised if they just decided to do it in order to generate extra revenue. They love their phone votings and there has always been at least one premium vote in all seasons except for the first season. Some of the votes on last year's Promi Big Brother were a bit pointless and I don't see a lot of people participating in those (e.g. who should do the shopping).
Because that's what I think will be the most difficult thing for Joyn: To generate revenue. Even if people watch Big Brother on their platform, I don't think the ads in the 30-minute daily shows will be enough to pay for the season.