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Big Brother Canada 12 - starts March 5

It feels like she switched from being one of us to one of them.

Was thinking earlier how non-existent the pre-season hype is when pre-live feeds axed not only did the fans chat about it but engaged directly with Arisa too.
Exactly and having a seat at the table as an EP doesn't help her either.
Spicy V and some bloke called Anthony are the All Stars. That's not going to bring any lapsed viewers back.
I'm not a fan of the new house or the idea behind that. Might be true that people come out famous, but why lean into that fact. Nobody watches the show to see them becoming famous and the houseguests clearly just going in because they wanna be famous, are usually among the most annoying ones.

Although it might be quite ironic that the people going in the "you're gonna be famous" house will not be famous at all if nobody is watching.
"I think we want to get to the point where if anything interesting happens, we want our audience to see it, we want them to see it in the next Digital Daily that drops. We're not here to hide things."
That's some major bullshit because if anything interesting happens, they'll suspend the Digital Dailies like they've done last year, I think when they wanted to hide that houseguests walked.

Not sure why Arisa is not trying to come up with a better justification. Big Brother fans are probably among the most TV-savvy viewers, you can't fool the core audience. They know how TV works, they know how the show works... and they are very critical of the show. It's quite ballsy to think that you can feed them bullshit without them being able to tell that you think they're too stupid to notice.
That's some major bullshit because if anything interesting happens, they'll suspend the Digital Dailies like they've done last year, I think when they wanted to hide that houseguests walked.

Not sure why Arisa is not trying to come up with a better justification. Big Brother fans are probably among the most TV-savvy viewers, you can't fool the core audience. They know how TV works, they know how the show works... and they are very critical of the show. It's quite ballsy to think that you can feed them bullshit without them being able to tell that you think they're too stupid to notice.
I'd be much happier if she was blunt and honest about what the show is willing to deliver over what reads like a very condescending "sorry you feel that way". You can't have your cake and eat it too, you either care what the fans have to say or you don't.
I'd be much happier if she was blunt and honest about what the show is willing to deliver over what reads like a very condescending "sorry you feel that way". You can't have your cake and eat it too, you either care what the fans have to say or you don't.
I’m sure most fans would even be willing to settle for a compromise like we have been like we have been with all the intrusive product placements since the show was revived. They aren’t ideal but there’s a pretty clear understanding that the show couldn’t survive without them.
Looks like they've put up some dailies from the days before the premiere. They've now put up the last couple of days - almost three hour blocks but they're hardly a digestible format. More regular shorter snippets would probably be more viewer friendly but the whole point of the live feed was you could dip in for as long as you want, whether that's 10 hours or 10 minutes.
Looks like they've put up some dailies from the days before the premiere. They've now put up the last couple of days - almost three hour blocks but they're hardly a digestible format. More regular shorter snippets would probably be more viewer friendly but the whole point of the live feed was you could dip in for as long as you want, whether that's 10 hours or 10 minutes.
Having the feeds on a larger delay would give them an equal amount of control as they have with the Digital Dallies and/or following ITV in having live feeds but in a limited capacity. Fans might have complained for years about blackouts but there was a base level understanding that while constant drops weren't ideal the feeds were being provided free of charge.
So they've bought the intro back, but with a new awful theme and title sequence. Really odd to have it set at a different house.

I assume the original theme is still features on the break stings and credits, with the original style animation?
Those short intros are still there and still looking/sounding the same. And there is a Walk of Fame in the house with the name's of previous winners, but they misspelled Jon Pardy's name.

The new BBCAN intro reminds me a bit of one of the later intros of Secret Story in France, when they've abandoned their fantasy/surreal intro and had people posing like models In front of an LED wall.. not fitting the show and a sign that the show might reach the end of its life soon... (unless they can fit in even more sponsors..)
Yes, that's exactly what I thought too. Let's see how long it lasts before it's reduced to just the title card. The sting in the old style doesn't look as good as usual, and ends in the back yard rather than main house.
Seems the Executive Veto was used this week, but from what I gather (without watching) it looks like it was purely a production decision, though it was flagged in advance last week, as the Executive Veto just went missing from it's location and then the HMs were told it would be used, with a "Chain of Rejection" beginning with the HoH used to determine who wouldn't win it, with the last person getting to save someone and the saved nominee getting to name their replacement. They then threw in a face to face eviction vote too.
First time I've been somewhat tempted back with the Movie Night Massacre twist, but I held strong and it highlighted also how badly they treat fans by withholding the "digital dailies" for an entire week then releasing them after the episode aired, giving people content they've largely already seen.

The twist itself seemed good though. Basically had a "Safety" competition where the better you did the more power you potentially had. Beginning with the winner they then had to cast one role each, including the HoH, Nominees and Veto Players. Think the rest were just extras. The Veto then played out as normal from what I gather with the HoH naming the replacement.

The show has got into the habit now of pre-recording evictions each air on Wednesdays on Tuesday, and it seems this twist took place that night after the "live" eviction then played out over the Sunday and Tuesday episodes. Getting to the point now where without live feeds they could move into Aussie territory and record each week over 2-3 days if they wanted.