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Big Brother Canada 12 - starts March 5


Staff member
So BBCAN12 starts in just over 3 weeks. Absolute silence so far - no buzz, no info and no significant promotion. And of course no interest from the shows fans after axing the live feeds last year.
A 24/7 channel has launched on Pluto TV currently showing looped episodes. No official announcement about this, or indeed anything, but inevitable speculation - perhaps more in hope than expectation - this will evolve into a live stream.

Live feed at this point is just a pipe dream. The near radio silence from anyone involved proves it. If they actually intended to revive it I guarantee they’d be shouting it from the rooftops. As far as I can see we haven’t even gotten an official announcement about Pluto TV yet and given that literally everything released is bombarded with negative replies it would seem the near silence is completely intentional. Arisa hasn’t even Tweeted since auditions closed in November.
12 days to go - still zero hype. An unpromoted series is usually one a network wants to kill off.
I said it last year but it does seem like Chorus were trying to tank the ratings so they had a valid excuse to pull the plug for good this time.

Bell Media produce the French language version of BB, I do have to wonder if they could possibly pick up BBCAN at some point. No doubt there’s some chance for cost savings having both versions under the same umbrella.
Has there been a French version this year - isn't it usually January?
Yes and yes. Bell Media bringing BBCAN onboard would likely mean they'd have to shift either series if they really wanted to maximize save costs by reusing the same set, crews, competitions, ect. That said with BBUS likely to stay on Global they could probably get away with launching BBCAN with a slight overlap; premiering along side the rest of the fall schedule in early to mid September.
12 HMs revealed today, along with confirmation they'll be joined by two "mystery All Stars". Most the responses to their posts are about the live feed.
That’s because there’s a RECORD BREAKING 11 sponsors, including a MYSTERY SURPRISE SPONSOR to be announced in show.

BBCAN may need them to survive, but acting like these ads are something fans are going to hail their corporate overlords for is way out of touch.
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It feels like she switched from being one of us to one of them.

Was thinking earlier how non-existent the pre-season hype is when pre-live feeds axed not only did the fans chat about it but engaged directly with Arisa too.