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Ben is like mini Big Brother in a way....



Let's face it haters, you wouldnt have anything to talk about if Ben wasn't on the show so really you should be THANKING him for giving you that sense of anger you harbor toward him.

Who's the one orchestrating drama? Ben.
Who's the one telling it like it is? Ben.
Who's the one seeing right through the fakers? Ben.
Who's the one causing tension? Ben.
Who's the one providing entertainment to the viewers? Ben.

People love someone to rage against. That's why you get those nasty types in soap operas who never quite seem to receive their comeuppance, or if they do, they're back in the picture before long.

Ben's the HM a lot of people just love to hate. BB 2012 has turned into a melodrama.

The story unfolding appears to have Ray tethered to a railway track as a locomotive comprising Zoe, Michael, Stacey and Josh steams along to offer his doom. Ben stands off to one side wringing his hands with delight on seeing his plan come together. Meanwhile, Ray's sidekick Bradley is trapped in a cellar rapidly filling with poisonous iguana.

Only George can save Ray now, but can he be bothered?

Oh, the humanity!
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People love someone to rage against. That's why you get those nasty types in soap operas who never quite seem to receive their comeuppance, or if they do, they're back in the picture before long.

Ben's the HM a lot of people just love to hate. BB 2012 has turned into a melodrama.

The story unfolding appears to have Ray tethered to a railway track as a locomotive comprising Zoe, Michael, Stacey and Josh steams along to offer his doom. Ben stands off to one side wringing his hands with delight on seeing his plan come together. Meanwhile, his sidekick Bradley is trapped in a cellar rapidly filling with poisonous iguana.

Only George can save Ray now, but can he be bothered?

Oh, the humanity!

I lol'd.


Benjamin is making me want to turn the show off. I would seriously rather all the housemates become lovey dovey with each other than having to watch another another second of Benjamin. He makes the house so bitchy and it's not pleasant to watch at all. You just want to roll your eyes all the time after every word he speaks.

People love someone to rage against. That's why you get those nasty types in soap operas who never quite seem to receive their comeuppance, or if they do, they're back in the picture before long.

Ben's the HM a lot of people just love to hate. BB 2012 has turned into a melodrama.

I don't know about anyone else here but I certainly don't love someone to rage against. I hate hating someone. What's the point of watching something you hate? It only makes you pissed off. Benjamin is constantly Manipulating and bitching about people in the house and I think he is one of the fakest people in thehouse as well. He is one thing to peoples faces. He is doing anything to try and win the game and certainly not in a nice way.
Aw po' wil Lucas havin his feewings hurt by big bad Ben in da big bro house. How ever will big bro cope with the loss of 1 viewer?

Benjamin is making me want to turn the show off. I would seriously rather all the housemates become lovey dovey with each other than having to watch another another second of Benjamin. He makes the house so bitchy and it's not pleasant to watch at all. You just want to roll your eyes all the time after every word he speaks.

Totally agree, I don't find it pleasant to watch in life or on TV. Has nothing to do with hating or having feelings hurt and everything to do with tolerance of unpleasant behaviours.
Yeah, I agree with Lucas. Also this isn't pretend. It is real. So it isn't fun that someone is doing this.

Looking at the live updates the latest has ben commenting on Ava and Estelle hanging out together. They have Blue towels on and a comment is made about how Ava looks like a smurf. Then the oh so great Ben says 'how long do you think Til she works out she's friends with gargamel?' wtf? If anyone is representing gargamel in that house it's Ben.
I think he is one of the fakest people in thehouse as well. He is one thing to peoples faces. He is doing anything to try and win the game and certainly not in a nice way.

This sounds like you've only seen fragments of the show. Of all the people in the house, he's the one who's taken his views directly to people most. He has a lot of opinions though, so it's possible you've only seen bits where he's talking about someone. But who never vents their feeling about people to others? The standards BB HMs are held to is absurd.

And what does it even mean to say he's one of the fakest. Possibly in all of BB history no one has gone into the house and behaved exactly as they said they would before going in. These criticisms of Ben don't appear to be based on observation.

Has nothing to do with hating or having feelings hurt and everything to do with tolerance of unpleasant behaviours.

If the show was nothing but pleasant behaviours, I wouldn't be watching. You really want the no conflict Kumbaya House?

Yeah, I agree with Lucas. Also this isn't pretend. It is real. So it isn't fun that someone is doing this.

Looking at the live updates the latest has ben commenting on Ava and Estelle hanging out together. They have Blue towels on and a comment is made about how Ava looks like a smurf. Then the oh so great Ben says 'how long do you think Til she works out she's friends with gargamel?' wtf? If anyone is representing gargamel in that house it's Ben.

I laughed at that. Look, fair enough if that upsets you. I guess I can't relate easily to that degree of sensitivity. I mean, if they were kids in primary school I might think it unpleasant, but...
If the show was nothing but pleasant behaviours, I wouldn't be watching. You really want the no conflict Kumbaya House?

If the housemates were confronting each other and actually participating in conflict that would be one thing, but they're not. It's one group deciding who is the patsy this week and going full bore on ostracizing them. It's not pleasant to watch and I often find myself feeling very uncomfortable. I'd rather not be a voyeur to someones character assassination.

Besides, I think BB could create much more interesting conflict than what we're currently seeing through tasks and rewards.
I think he is one of the fakest people in the house as well. He is one thing to peoples faces. He is doing anything to try and win the game and certainly not in a nice way.

This sounds like you've only seen fragments of the show. Of all the people in the house, he's the one who's taken his views directly to people most. He has a lot of opinions though, so it's possible you've only seen bits where he's talking about someone. But who never vents their feeling about people to others? The standards BB HMs are held to is absurd.

And what does it even mean to say he's one of the fakest. Possibly in all of BB history no one has gone into the house and behaved exactly as they said they would before going in. These criticisms of Ben don't appear to be based on observation.

I have watched every Big Brother 2012 episode that has aired so far. I am a die hard fan. I never miss a episode.

Maybe "fake" was the wrong word to use... or we just have a different defintion of it.

I just mean the way he was on Monday night when talking to Sonia about the super nominations power. He was saying things to Sonia like "I feel bad for having this power" and "I have no strategy at all". When we have actually seen his behaviour in the past week prove the opposite of what he was saying. The past week had him manipulating people's opinions about "Ray" and "Estelle". And suprise suprise who did he use his power towards? those two. And he has admitted that he wants to do anything to win Big Brother and has also said in the past that he is stragetic. So with his interview with Sonia it seemed like he thought the viewers at home were idiots and thinks his bad behaviour is not being shown.

He has been a bit two faced in the house especially with Estelle when he was pretending to be her friend and egging her on to hook up with Josh but then hours later he bitches to the other HMs that she is after Josh to make her look like a tart. But it is true that he has confronted some people about things that are bothering him like with Ray and Bradley.

Another reason why I call him fake is that he acts differently when he knows the public is watching him live on the eviction and nominations shows. I guess you can say all the housemates do that but his behaviour is a bit try hard and not natural which reeks of fake to me. Like when Big Brother was announcing the super power on Monday he dances around like an idiot on the couch. And another day he was sitting in the diary room on his back. It seems like he is doing these things just for the cameras to fool everyone that he is a likable funny housemate when he clearly isn't.
As if enough smoke hasn't been blown up ben's arse already. *sigh*
Maybe "fake" was the wrong word to use... or we just have a different defintion of it.

That he's deceptive?

I just mean the way he was on Monday night when talking to Sonia about the super nominations power. He was saying things to Sonia like "I feel bad for having this power" and "I have no strategy at all". When we have actually seen his behaviour in the past week prove the opposite of what he was saying. The past week had him manipulating people's opinions about "Ray" and "Estelle". And suprise suprise who did he use his power towards? those two. And he has admitted that he wants to do anything to win Big Brother and has also said in the past that he is stragetic. So with his interview with Sonia it seemed like he thought the viewers at home were idiots and thinks his bad behaviour is not being shown.

To me, that just sounds like a paranoid slant on Ben. Oh well, each to his own. That he states his opinions forthrightly is a good thing in a HM, imo. Apparently it's possible to believe the HMs are mostly weak minded simpletons who can't form their own ideas based on their own experiences and that Ben, by saying what he thinks, changes minds. He nominates the people he's been blatantly unhappy with. No. No surprise there.

He does seem quite strategic. He talks strategy with HMs quite regularly. I've just watched a clip where he discusses plans for Ava with Stacey. I don't see him as strategic in some sly, secretive sense. He doesn't come across as a person who contains his opinions.

He likely doesn't believe "viewers at home were idiots and thinks his bad behaviour is not being shown" because he's getting along fine with his fellow HMs and that if he wasn't he'd be up for eviction. All this "shock, horror, Ben is evil" talk doesn't seem to take any account of how HMs are responding to him. That's why I wondered if you were actually watching all of the show.

I guess you can say all the housemates do that but his behaviour is a bit try hard and not natural which reeks of fake to me. Like when Big Brother was announcing the super power on Monday he dances around like an idiot on the couch. And another day he was sitting in the diary room on his back. It seems like he is doing these things just for the cameras to fool everyone that he is a likable funny housemate when he clearly isn't.

Heh, heh. Oh well, I guess I've been fooled.
Yes Ben is interesting to watch, but I think finding him 'entertaining' to watch is another thing. The people that can't see the difference are those that enjoy negativity and putting down others to make themselves feel like a better person.
That he's deceptive?

To me, that just sounds like a paranoid slant on Ben. Oh well, each to his own. That he states his opinions forthrightly is a good thing in a HM, imo. Apparently it's possible to believe the HMs are mostly weak minded simpletons who can't form their own ideas based on their own experiences and that Ben, by saying what he thinks, changes minds. He nominates the people he's been blatantly unhappy with. No. No surprise there.

He does seem quite strategic. He talks strategy with HMs quite regularly. I've just watched a clip where he discusses plans for Ava with Stacey. I don't see him as strategic in some sly, secretive sense. He doesn't come across as a person who contains his opinions.

He likely doesn't believe "viewers at home were idiots and thinks his bad behaviour is not being shown" because he's getting along fine with his fellow HMs and that if he wasn't he'd be up for eviction. All this "shock, horror, Ben is evil" talk doesn't seem to take any account of how HMs are responding to him. That's why I wondered if you were actually watching all of the show.

Heh, heh. Oh well, I guess I've been fooled.

That's not entirely correct. Ben is getting along with his clique of 6 or 7 housemates, no arguments there. And as their unofficial 'leader' he's deftly able to maneuver the groupthink of this clique and successfully align it to his own way of thinking. That is what great influential leaders do in the real world after all. Ben has just lucked in that he's found himself in an articial situation where he is surrounded by weak-minded morons that require little effort to manipulate.

I have no issue with people labeling the members of this clique as idiots because that's exactly what they are. It comes as no surprise to me how easily Ben has manipulated this mob given what we've seen of them.