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BBUS 24 - Now airing on CBS

So, uh, what the fuck was with Julie reading the card she always holds in her hand four times at the very start of the show? "*looks at card* Good evening, and welcome to *looks at card* Big Brother. I'm Julie Chen *looks at card* Moonves, welcome to double *looks at card* eviction night on our show." Surely she didn't have to read a card to remember to say "Good evening", the name of the show or half of her last name...

I'm guessing the autocue was having issues since the "on our show" was weird.
the chenbot is not always infalllible...
So Taylor is the first person to guarantee a place on finale night by winning the F4 HoH. That is the best revenge.

You would think of the final 4 that taking Brittany to the final 2 guarantees you victory, probably 9-0. I think the other three combinations are actually quite tight contests and I wouldn't like to call them either way.

All about the Veto this week really and the question has to be if Monte or Turner win it will they take out the other. I think Turner would evict Monte, but for Monte he probably sees both Taylor and Turner taking him to final 2, so might vote out Brittany instead as he would likely have to win the F3 HoH in that scenario to make the final 2.
So Taylor is the first person to guarantee a place on finale night by winning the F4 HoH. That is the best revenge.
Is she? They’ve had 3 people in the finale since 2009. By default the F4 HoH has always been a guaranteed a place in the finale. That said winning this week may have given her a place in the finale but she’s not guaranteed safety in the F3 unless she wins the final HoH.

That said after all she’s been through this season it is sweet seeing her make it this far.
Is she? They’ve had 3 people in the finale since 2009. By default the F4 HoH has always been a guaranteed a place in the finale. That said winning this week may have given her a place in the finale but she’s not guaranteed safety in the F3 unless she wins the final HoH.

That said after all she’s been through this season it is sweet seeing her make it this far.
I think Brekkie meant "the first person for the season to guarantee their place on finale night"
This is probably the end for Taylor. I would think either of the men would have a better chance at winning against each other. It would be a massive disappointment but seems fitting for a woman who I can only describe as the “Janelle” of the modern era of the show.
I think she'd struggle if she made the final 2 considering her resume is getting Brittany out, who she didn't even want out. Yes, she's had a journey but not sure playing the game from the block appeals to the jury, especially as most of it is now in the forgotten early days. If you're going back that far to justify winning it suggests you did little at the business end of the show.

I think Taylor really needed the F3 HoH win to get over the line.

P.S. Fair play to CBS for not doing a BB Can and actually letting the live feed continue long enough we get these spoilers.
I think she'd struggle if she made the final 2 considering her resume is getting Brittany out, who she didn't even want out. Yes, she's had a journey but not sure playing the game from the block appeals to the jury, especially as most of it is now in the forgotten early days. If you're going back that far to justify winning it suggests you did little at the business end of the show.

I think Taylor really needed the F3 HoH win to get over the line.

P.S. Fair play to CBS for not doing a BB Can and actually letting the live feed continue long enough we get these spoilers.
If she’s a lame duck then that’s all the more reason either F3 HoH would take her. Unless you have some sort of F2 with someone you ever take a potential equal to the end… It’s always the weaker player.

That said I think her resume is stronger than just getting out Britney. The woman has won three HoH’s, survived more evictions that any other HG this season, had Monte take out Michael in the double. I think there’s potentially 5 jurors that could vote for her if given the chance.
I do think whatever combination of the final 3 make the final 2 it isn't a foregone conclusion this year, which makes a nice change. If Turner or Monte take the other one they'll get the qudos for doing so, as well as winning the final HoH.

What will be interesting is whether Turner taking action as HoH on behalf of the house rather than to advance his personal game may now work against him. Also think with Michael being so dominant in the comps it is part of the reason it feels like the F3 have won less than they actually have. I can only remember two Taylor HoH's for example - the last one and the one where she wouldn't nominate Jasmine.
So the penultimate episode is always painful filler but this seemed to be a "Best of Jasmine" episode rather than "Best of Big Brother", with an unnecessary sidedose of Daniel.
The final weeks of the game are painful. You’ve suggested the series should follow an accelerated format… I think the early weeks of the game are alright but definitely once they get to the final 6/7 they need to pick up the pacing a bit.
And they cut a couple of weeks off in the last couple of years too.

What doesn't help now is they've completely given up on finding a replacement comp for the Sunday shows, so generally just roll the HoH over, meaning even less format points in the week. I don't know why they persist with Have Nots considering after the initial reveal it is largely forgotten on the main show, makes for miserable HGs on the feed and seems to be dropped completely earlier and earlier every year.

Casting now open for next year so a given it will be back - indeed the live feed on Paramount+ was reported earlier in the season to have had more minutes viewed than Stranger Things for Netflix, so just shows how it can help drive viewers to a streaming service.
The winner of BB24 is:

By a vote of 8 to 1. The first black woman to win BB.


Americas Favourite Player is:

We’ve made history again. AFP is also the winner of BB24

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Most invested I've been in a finale for a long time. So pleased with the result. The final speech from the winner was amazing.

Also, wtf was with Kyle getting in the top 3 for AFP? I hope it was just his large social media following achieving that result and not people feeling like he wasn't in the wrong for trying to form the all-white alliance.
What a fantastic outcome! Taylor gave one of (if not the) best final 2 speeches I’ve ever seen, it was incredible. A jury voting the winner usually ends North American Big Brother series as an anti-climax for me but Taylor’s win is one of the only times in recent memory that I am ecstatic about. Truley delivered THE underdog storyline.

I also want to mention that I don’t know if others feel the same but whilst American Big Brother has its problems (a lot of them too), I can’t help but get completely engrossed and passionate whilst watching, something I’m missing from the Australian format. It’s probably due to being pre-recorded and no live feed to obsess over but watching BB24 and actively yelling at the tv for Taylor’s success all season has really shined a light on the lack of engagement Australia’s seasons are delivering us.

Anyways overall a fantastic season and hope that Grodner can see what needs to be done to make Big Brother better than ever next year, calm down on the stupid costumes and themes and make it more of a serious tone like the game deserves.
Also, wtf was with Kyle getting in the top 3 for AFP? I hope it was just his large social media following achieving that result and not people feeling like he wasn't in the wrong for trying to form the all-white alliance.
I’m gonna guess it was the Facebook oldies rallying support for Kyle.

Michael was expected though! I would’ve thought maybe Turner or Jasmine over Kyle in general public’s view
Most invested I've been in a finale for a long time. So pleased with the result. The final speech from the winner was amazing.

Also, wtf was with Kyle getting in the top 3 for AFP? I hope it was just his large social media following achieving that result and not people feeling like he wasn't in the wrong for trying to form the all-white alliance.
Kyle getting Top 3 had nothing to do with his following on TikTok. It was the anti-woke mob voting block. The day after the vote opened KyleforAFP was trending on Twitter.
The best finale in a long time - all three had a genuine shot of winning rather than one just being dragged to be beaten. One of the best speeches from a finalist ever, so happy with the result. So much grace too in the reunions with the early evictees on her part.

Yes, Kyle getting top 3 was a bit WTF but not a surprise there was a movement to support him for all the wrong reasons though in a way glad he got a little bit of reassurance that he wasn't universally hated, even if the votes were misguided.

Nice set in the backyard for the finale - far better than the actual studio. Was surprised they weren't up front though given the audience is back and although they did the backyard finale for All Stars I thought they'd returned to the front of the house last year. Not seen any post-finale pics yet but I'd be surprised if Julie didn't go to meet the HGs, especially the finalists, afterwards.