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BBUK 13 - Fifth eviction (SPOILERS)

I was surprised: I thought this person was the least likely of the nominees to be evicted. Not entirely unhappy but like you guys I'd rather it was Conor.
Conor was odds on to go. I'm so pleased Deana got saved first and Becky saved second. I expected Becky and Conor sitting waiting and a close match with probably Becky going. Deana fans were throwing votes Becky's way to ensure it was one of the boys going.

Gawd Arron and Conors faces were a picture when it dawned on them it would be one of them going. In one respect I'm glad it was Arron, I think he's a bit of a chameleon and with Conor gone might change enough to get to the final. Conor has next to no chance of being able to redeem himself with either housemates nor the public because he is an out and out plank.