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Episode BBAU 2020 - Episode 18 Discussion (15 July)

Who do you WANT to win?

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I'm more and more concerned and anxious that Kieran is leaving tonight. He's the only good one in there left, he deserves that win more than anyone.
Agreed, Kieran is the least deceitful and rotten out of the remaining housemates. He would deserve it more over the rest of them. Unfortunately the likelihood will be that Kieran pushes the red button, but I do hope he gets rewarded well for it. If he plays his cards right, it may have been the right choice to take the white room reward home, rather than make it to top 2-5 with a potential lower tier prize.
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By no means a fan of Dan or Mat, but I don’t see why Sophie is so worked up about them evicting her, she would have done the exact same had the situation been reversed. It’s part of the game.
I don't understand why he is so uncomfortable in the white room. He can still talk to BB, he has enough to eat, nobody in the room snoring,
Not to mention he probably gets food delivered and dirty dishes taken away... just like at home.
This season is a really good case study on how groups of people will be submissive to the wills of alphas (and bullies) in a group, even when given direct power to change the situation.
I agree with this, but I think the motivation to defer to the perceived alphas is more strategic than instinctive. That's why they all pile on Kieran, because there's no retribution since he stands alone. If they turn on any of the HMs with any social prestige, they know there will be consequences that could threaten their position in the house.

I've always been interested in the people who enter the house with a clear game plan in their head, but are then sucked into the mechanisms of the house social structure and lose sight of themselves and their game. This happens 99% of the time; people just buckle under peer pressure. As much as I've found Kieran really, really irritating (both because of his personal foibles, but also the way he has been persistently pushed forth by production and given contrived narratives and too much airtime), I have to give him credit for having the chutzpah to be himself and play his game (however treacherous!), despite being consistently used as a scapegoat. In that respect, he deserves to win.
By no means a fan of Dan or Mat, but I don’t see why Sophie is so worked up about them evicting her, she would have done the exact same had the situation been reversed. It’s part of the game.

Sophie and Chad had many opportunities to put Dan and Matt up, and didn't go down that path because they (naively) believed they had some kind of alliance. Chad was especially invested in the boys club, and didn't see the warning signs (like voting out Xavier).
It doesn't matter whether Chad and Sophie would have, it was Dan and Matt who did, and they have to wear that it exposes the way they really think.
I feel like time after time this season, the HMs' decisions to nom and evict have been counter-intuitive to their chances of winning, but ideal from the producers' perspective (but really misguided because the remaining HMs are probably not the public's choice of the most entertaining or worthy). In the past, a big part of the BB pressure cooker was keeping the HMs isolated, but I get the distinct feeling this time around that there are producers quietly coaching the HMs from the sidelines, to manipulate ratings (like they clearly do on shows like The Bachelor). There isn't a skerrick of the old BB social experiment left, it's completely contrived.
I feel like time after time this season, the HMs' decisions to nom and evict have been counter-intuitive to their chances of winning, but ideal from the producers' perspective (but really misguided because the remaining HMs are probably not the public's choice of the most entertaining or worthy). In the past, a big part of the BB pressure cooker was keeping the HMs isolated, but I get the distinct feeling this time around that there are producers quietly coaching the HMs from the sidelines, to manipulate ratings (like they clearly do on shows like The Bachelor). There isn't a skerrick of the old BB social experiment left, it's completely contrived.
Completely accurate and astute observation.
I feel that the fact that there is like no time at all from when you win nomination to you actually nominate has probably helped the Alpha alliance avoid being targeted because obviously if chad and Sophie had a little more time to think they would have put them both up.
Sophie and Chad had many opportunities to put Dan and Matt up, and didn't go down that path because they (naively) believed they had some kind of alliance. Chad was especially invested in the boys club, and didn't see the warning signs (like voting out Xavier).
It doesn't matter whether Chad and Sophie would have, it was Dan and Matt who did, and they have to wear that it exposes the way they really think.
It’s called PLAYING THE GAME!!! Oh my god, they saw the opportunity to get Sophie out and took it cause she is the biggest competitor in the game!!

Dan and Mat had the balls to get rid of them where Sophie and Chad kept chickening out and saving them, which wasn’t good to their game!!! And it shows now
By no means a fan of Dan or Mat, but I don’t see why Sophie is so worked up about them evicting her, she would have done the exact same had the situation been reversed. It’s part of the game.
She had a lot of opportunities but got scared at the last minute, from what I can gather without any other suitable evidence.

Hence her eviction was quite satisfying in that regard.
Damnit! I clicked on Sarah in the poll instead of Sophie. Is there a way to change my vote? 🤔 🤬
Sorry about that. I don't like the ability to change votes because I feel some people might vote, then see the results and consequently change their vote (for some strange reason). Herd mentality? I dunno.
ahh it’s all good, that will teach me to slow down next time. Too eager, that’s my problem! 😄
Not to mention he probably gets food delivered and dirty dishes taken away... just like at home.
Precisely. Put yourselves in Kieran's shoes though. He is 21, which means he was probably born with a smartphone in his hand. (The first ones were widely used in 1995). Imagine the withdrawals he must suffer considering that all of his thinking life he has been bombarded by bits of information, news - fake or real, soundbites and pretty much everything that the illusionary paradise of SM has to offer.
This SM addiction is responsible for his seeming inability to drive a car and his dependance on others to look after him and clean up his mess.

Tonights challenge:

My guess is they have to keep the balls balanced with more balls added to the tunnel periodically
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